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  1. OK..this one was fun.... Note: the background is a combination of two papers from Merisa Lerin and the crayon border was from Janet Kemp. Got all three at digital scrapbook.com.
    6 points
  2. Finally got something together. I've had some pix I took of the hydrangea near my deck. I love observing how the colours shift from creamy white to light pink to dark pink. Mother Nature and her palette at work. I used the photo in a mask on the white layer, and then put the pic into a ripped frame. Got the idea from elsewhere and wanted to try it.
    4 points
  3. They are very good and I do manage to eat them. Sometimes I feel really bad for eating them...not!
    3 points
  4. They are very good, Corrie. I also hate to destroy the beauty and creativity, but somehow, I manage.
    2 points
  5. I remember that eruption very clearly. Even in SW Ontario we had adverse weather effects for that summer. Happy to see that Mother Nature is restoring the area. 🥰
    2 points
  6. My first oft-used tool or command has always been Ctrl+Z! And that's in any software program.
    2 points
  7. With back-to-school time of year, you might have a photo or a story related to school and you might be looking for a cursive font. Or you could use this easy-to-read font for your journaling. You can get this free font HERE. What will you write?
    1 point
  8. I revised the template from the Lab and used a mini kit from Marisa Lerin called Field Notes 9
    1 point
  9. Lovely photo and it reminds me that I have to take some photos of my hydrangeas too before they are totally brown and dried, which can also give nice photos.
    1 point
  10. They are very good, Corrie. I also hate to destroy the beauty and creativity, but somehow, I manage.
    1 point
  11. I ALWAYS think of things I should have done to a layout after I've put it away! And you're both 59? The next decade is approaching....!
    1 point
  12. Brilliant layout Susan. No wonder your BFF enjoyed it. Making personalized greetings is so much more meaningful than a Hallmark card sometimes.
    1 point
  13. I don't ever use "save as". Always the download link. Just a quirky thing I guess about which are really transparent and which are not. I think it's getting harder to find truly "free" images and clipart. Every site wants something back from me. My email, or sign up for free for a trial, or pay. Harr-rumph! I'm tired of giving my info everywhere!
    1 point
  14. Thank you Corrie. the little 6x6 puzzle is really fabulous because each puzzle piece is on it's own layer and it asks if you want to group them (I did) so you can take the whole group into the layout as is. then I could choose which pieces to pull out. I wish I had moved the smaller ones to the background so it would look like pieces on a puzzle mat, I thought of that later. I did duplicate the layers of pieces I took out (then hid the layer) so I could rotate the pieces. If in the future I wanted to put them back I would just hide the rotated one and unhide the orig. The other two puzzles you choose, with the brush tool, which ones you want to separate. They are fun scripts to use. My friend really liked the layout...she did not like that we both are now 59! How did that happen?
    1 point
  15. Week 36 I managed to grow some really tall sunflowers this year. This is one of them.
    1 point
  16. I am not sure where I will use this, but it is much more legible than most cursive fonts. Thanks
    1 point
  17. This was a quickie for one of my best friends (since we were 12 yrs old!). She recently moved to Scotland (7 hours ahead of me), and I left it until the last moment - life happens, right? She loves birds and puzzles and all the silly stuff I wrote about. I used 3 different puzzles and a HUGE THANK YOU to Carole for helping with an issue. They are really fun to play with. And good if you need to do a layout quickly (although no layout is ever quick for me). Fonts are Gravity Wanders (CF) and Alex Brush (from a freebie sight). And I re-used the tight diagonal paper from the Lab 14-9.
    1 point
  18. My friend, Maryann, is a self taught cookie decorator. I think her work is amazing. I gave her the car cookie cutter, thinking she might use it for weddings. She created a completely different design and turned it into a pickleball car! She also made this cookie when a new pickleball venue opened here. She used the company colors and changed the wording, etc. Needless to say, they loved it! Heart cookie cutter by Brooke Gazarek at Digital Scrapbooking. Turner and rolling pin by Jessica Dunn, Baking Days at Digital Scrapbooking.
    1 point
  19. With all this talk about flights in helicopters, how about a sharing some of the photos you took during those flights, if any. Here is one of mine. Our most memorable flight was over Mt Saint Helens in 2005. This was 25 years after its major eruption. I found some images online to show what it looked like before and after. Then I added my photo from the helicopter flight over the valley. It was wonderful to see how much had been restored by Mother Nature. We even saw some deer wandering near the river. Life goes on.
    1 point
  20. © All by Doska; Font: Christmas Nordic

    1 point
  21. © Photos: Doska, Doodle: DS Marisa Lerin

    1 point
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