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  1. After seeing Rene's comment and photo I went back to some picks I took last year and created this one
    4 points
  2. I think that would be the Lock Transparency in the layers palette. When we lock the layer, we can colour it without going through the rigmarole I always did before Carole explained that tool. It is a time-saver!
    4 points
  3. I had some time to wait yesterday and wanted to make a vector something. It turned into a duck! 😆 Totally unexpected, but hey, my layouts are often not what I thought they'd be. Just for practice and for fun.
    4 points
  4. Lesson 7: A bit finicky working with those "star nodes" but I finally got it! I think after I participate in the Vector Workshop maybe a dozen more times, I might get good at this! In case it isn't obvious (ahem), that's a lightning bolt. I traced the shape from a clipart to make the vector/path. I have a very limited number of picture tubes so the bolt got stars.
    4 points
  5. Julie Magerka, there is youtube video on using the paintsplash script. https://www.google.com/search?q=cass+paintsplash+video+youtube&oq=cass+paintsplash+video&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgCECEYChigATIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAhGAoYoAEyCQgCECEYChigAdIBCTExMDk2ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:7d7638c2,vid:MrEy7coigwE,st:0
    3 points
  6. @Daniel Hess Daniel, I am fascinated by your USA map. I have used a jpg or png of the map with the states drawn on it and then drew on it the route of where our trip took us. I would love to have a copy of your map with the state lines drawn in as a preset shape. Possible???
    2 points
  7. Corrie, it was so much fun playing with it. I should have used a smaller font on my husband's picture.
    2 points
  8. Suz, it's a Layer thing, not a Tool thing...
    2 points
  9. I spent yesterday revising my wedding card. Most of the graphics are from CF except the silhoutte which is from Canva. The side font is ruritania. The other fonts are FarewellAngelina and FancyPants(I don't remember where I got them) and starinline(purchased from Deeezy.com). The other font is DDRadford from CF. I made the letters M and J, but stupidly forgot to save the vector so I don't remember what it is, but it's from CF. I also made the gold frame on the inside. The wedding is today so I just managed to get it ready after an extremely hectic week. The card is an 8 1/2 by 11 printed borderless on card stock.
    2 points
  10. I think we would all love that, it must've taken some time and a lot of patience to make it so precise. Daniel, you did a superb job on it. There is only one question left to ask.... Where's Canada? ...we NEED that too!😁
    1 point
  11. Week-26, we are already half way through 2024. Where is the time gone, or do I sound a bit old now....... After all the rain of the last weeks this week the sun did its utmost best to let us forget that and not only we but the plants enjoyed it too. I have taken the opportunity to shoot a lot of photos from the plants on my small patio. The gardencenter we usually visit often has a rack with small free plants that are no longer good enough to sell but if you take care of them they most of the time perform later on. This petunia was looking dreary and didn't like all the rain but, look what a couple of warm, sunny days did to it.
    1 point
  12. Susan I didn't pay much attention on P52 this week, so I only see your week-24 now. I love that cup and its colors and indeed you were lucky to find that matching gradient, otherwise you had to make it yourself and that can take some time until you get what you envisaged!
    1 point
  13. Well I would like that lovely map as well because I have done a couple of short roadtrips with my family when I was visiting them. So far I always used Google maps to draw the routes we took, but your map with the states would be a great asset for which I would be very grateful.
    1 point
  14. I just looked at all the photos I took that night. This was the first one and the best of the bunch! The others aren't quite so moody and mysterious. And my camera was a Canon PowerShot S3 IS on Auto mode. Exposure Time was 1s, Aperture 3.63 and F Stop of f/3.5.
    1 point
  15. That is a nice one, I bet you did a little Happy Dance when you came out and saw that moon just begging to be photographed. I added another pic after seeing this.
    1 point
  16. Thanks Sue. I don't know why that one mask gave me trouble. Usually using masks is easy for me. But I was also rushing and that doesn't help.
    1 point
  17. We also are heading back into to rain next week. Should be sunny and in the high 20's (Celcius) by now. the sun really helped my plants sprout up.
    1 point
  18. Thanks for filling in the tough letters Sharla!
    1 point
  19. There are multiple street lights in the area I took my photo that is in town with streets and buildings with outdoor lights on at night around it.
    1 point
  20. Donna I see you have or found the VectorSpiral script! I like that script very much because it gives a unique effect if you use it with text or picture tubes even if you only use a part of it!
    1 point
  21. Julie very nice! Maybe you can ask Carole for a demonstration of the PaintSplashMask script in the next Q&A. I think if you have some problems with it, there probably will be others too that like to see it in use. Those demos help so much in understanding the way a script works.
    1 point
  22. Thank you Susan, at the moment I tend to use soft colors instead of very bright ones. By the way we had a couple of summer days but tomorrow the weather is changing to rainy and cold days again...... I used this week's good weather to take a lot of photos from the plants on my little patio for future use. The plants were so happy with the sun, as we were.
    1 point
  23. Donna this is an artwork, you really outdid yourself.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. me too. I wonder if it locks the settings in no matter if you try and change them in the F11 Variance palette. oops i just saw Ann answered it for you. I was WAAAAAY off.
    1 point
  26. Hi Daniel - Carole explained that the Lock keeps the transparency and lets the "paint" focus on the object alone. Be sure to undo the lock. It can make problems further along... hth
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Before the month ends, I wanted to get something done for the Sketch Challenge. Only the pic is mine. Background paper is from ET Designs; mask is called "watery" from Katie Pertiet. I wanted to use the CassPaintSplash mask, but I had too much trouble adjusting it for the photo. Other elements and things from my stash or online clipart. We have dubbed out get-togethers at our friends' pool as Dip 'n Sip days.
    1 point
  29. I actually like taking pictures of the moon when they are clouds or trees partially obscuring it. My absolute favorite picture I took was maybe 15 years ago. I was attending a camera club meeting at my church (we talked and learned about all things from usage of the camera to setting scenes for taking photos). When we came out it was a Harvest Moon in the sky with a cloud cover. I stood with my back against my vehicle to be as still as possible (didn't have my tripod which is highly recommended for night photos). I held my arms very close to my body and took several photos. One of them is absolutely amazing. I ended up having it printed as an 8x10 and put into a larger frame with matting. It was displayed in the church along with other photos from members of the camera club for awhile. It now hangs in my living room. I love the spooky feel of it! I also did this layout of the photo.
    1 point
  30. Still working on the workshop. Need to practice. This time I made the outline of the dinosaur, exported it as a shape, used it and changed it to a raster shape and painted it using the paintbrush with the lock tool and this is what I came up with.
    1 point
  31. I have been otherwise occupied for a few days. Most of my deadlines come toward the end of the month which leaves me not much time (or energy) to work on much else. All clear now. These shapes (with Vector Tubes) are from Lesson 6. They worked well for me, could even call them fun this time. I don't expect to be a Vector Expert in this lifetime, but it feels good to just be able to manage those #@*&# nodes better. (The green shape with the weird fringe is just for fun b/c I had a fringe tube in there.)
    1 point
  32. Day 7 I did it despite the few days of delay and I'm happy. I took notes this time, so I can do vector art again. Thank you Carole for this superb workshop! For the group, I'm going to come take a look around to see your results.
    1 point
  33. Lesson 7. I've had quite a time with this but this is what I came up with - both A and B.
    1 point
  34. Jour 5 - premier travail et plus haut le deuxième my curve was made from the ramp
    1 point
  35. Lesson 6. Text used 'Mister Earl' but it is an unusual character 'F'. The Picture Tube is 'Confetti' which I made look thicker by reapplying the Vector Tube script.
    1 point
  36. With the text on circle exercise, I got muddled up with where to double-click. To Reverse Path double click on the actual circle path (not the layer). To get the text to go under the circle, double click on the object text path Layer (not on the image) and select all.
    1 point
  37. So sorry not to contribute before now as have had unexpected family commitments and only just managed to catch up. The first lessons I found quite tricky but got into it from lesson 5. Although the text on the path with the cat got bit distorted even if I changed the size of the text.
    1 point
  38. Completed lesson 7 A little confused using vector lays duplicated each looked the same. Decided to rename the layers from the start which made things much better. Then rearranged the order in which was done first, slicing the path then applying tubes seemed to work ok for me. Anyway got the idea after a few attempts, practice, practice. Quiz, I got 8 / 10 Can I ask regarding #1 how many different icons are there to identify the different types of vector objects. What little icons and where are they? I am sure this must be simple but not sure what you are asking here, I thought about Cusp settings etc, I guess a senior moment.
    1 point
  39. I had another play with Day 7's vectors. I knew I had used jellybeans yet my image didn't have the pretty colours I had used originally. I searched through all my picture tubes and realised the one I had originally used was Easter Jellybeans. Showing the Jellybeans first. The Easter Jellybeans
    1 point
  40. Added the states to my USA pre-set shape. I'm happy with it.
    1 point
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