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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2024 in all areas

  1. Don't mind me but I have to brag on myself... The designer of the kit I used (Forever Joy at The LilyPad), has added this layout to her Pinterest board where she highlights layouts done with her products! This is a first for me with her products! Forever Joy
    5 points
  2. I had a couple of new bird sightings according to my Merlin app so I used the photos for a layout based on a template by Marisa Larin. It seems to use the "table" concept that Carole mentioned since I rotated the entire template 90 degrees. It was a treat to see this bright yellow warbler!
    3 points
  3. I wanted to try something different (for me at any rate). Used all elements but 2 from Di Hiller kits which tend to be in vibrant colours. This is my take on the "table" layout that Carole highlighted. Just silly, whimsical, and colourful for the month of May when colour comes back.
    3 points
  4. Here is my font challege page. I was in a scallops frfame of mind when I was creating this page. Earlier this week, we had sleet, and a lot of rain, the following day Mother nature's smallest and oldest living organisms exploded into an aray of colour out in the trees. Ok, I had to down on my hands and knees to view the show, but none the less it was spectacular.
    3 points
  5. So...I got a better response from Support and PSP is back up and running. The first step Support had me do was run a cleanup tool for PSP 2022. I have a lot more room on my C drive since the "cleanup" and there are some resources that I'm missing. I'm afraid it may have cleaned up too much. I've updated all the file location preferences and added the ones I keep separately from the PSP folders, but there seems to be a lot hiding or just plain gone. I'll be searching for a while. All of the purchases I made from the Home page (templates) are missing, too, so I replied to Support's email asking how to restore them. Luckily, I keep all of the zip files for resources I've bought, most importantly Cassel's stuff so I can always reinstall those. Thanks so much to everyone for trying to help me. Eventually, I think I will have Geek Squad take a look because I'm sure I've screwed up a lot over the past six months or so by moving stuff from C to D in an effort to save room on the C drive. UPDATE: Being a pack rat paid off. I read my old support emails and was reminded of the Restore Purchases option on the Home Page Help button. So they seem to be back now. I really do not like reinstalling! 🀣
    2 points
  6. Oops Michele I hope there will be a solution to your problem. Because I am away and don’t have my laptop with me I hope it will restart when I got home in a couple of days. I like this new font and although I probably don’t will participate in this challenge I shall certainly use later on. When coming home I have so much to do, after sleeping off the jetlag I have to install all the goodies of the birthday sale. I have downloaded the zip files on my iPad and have to transfer them to my pc where I can open them finally! The next step will be making the missing layouts for the P52 project, watch the last masterclass, go through all my photos and select which of them I want to use for making a photo album! When all that is done I will resume making layouts for all the different challenges. I admit I am starting to miss you all. Hopefully I see you at the Q&A coming Sunday if I can stay awake that is.
    2 points
  7. I agree with Rene. All that I have on my C drive are the programs which I am currently using, everything else is stored on one of my two 2TB external hard drives. BY doing so, and keeping the C drive just below half full, maintains the speed of the laptop, and the programs running efficienlty. I'm hoping that by dramatically cleaning out your C drive will resolve your issues. As a full C drive is problematic. To be perfectly honest, even though Corel has told you to install PSP on your D Drive, I wouldn't, as it's not the choice of PSP to be installed there, along with all their files. I know some do, and they haven't had any issues in doing so. Unless you are confident in doing so, I would contact Geek Squad, specify what you'd like them to do, explain the problems you are having, and let them clean the laptop for you. There was a time I used to do that myself, but soon learnt that I was only scratching the surface of a deep major clean up. Now Geek Squad does it for me. I watch what they do, they delve into places that I never did. Bu first I would delete programs and files thay you no longer need. Even though you have deleted stuff, there is always something left behind, which is where the knowledge of Geek Squad comes into play. Should you decide to go down the road of a new laptop, I told Best Buy what my primary use was going to be for the laptop. They recommended a gaming laptop, which is what I went with. I haven't had any cause for regret for the choice I made. They transfered everything from the old laptop to the new one. I gave them PSP serials numbers etc. Once I took it home I could sit down and instantly start creating. They even set up a wifi connection for the camera for me, so I could transfer photos directly from the camera to the laptop.
    2 points
  8. Here is the tag, in case it isn't legible in the layout.
    2 points
  9. You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Congratulations!
    1 point
  10. That's awesome Rene. And so she should, your layouts are always superbly executed.
    1 point
  11. What a surprise this must have been. Ann you are a good steward of all things "critter". I hope this little guy can survive or be reunited with his human family.
    1 point
  12. Is it possible it's a vector shape? That would keep the effect from working. Just convert to raster and it should work.
    1 point
  13. In that case, maybe it it time to let go of some of the programs you might not use anymore.
    1 point
  14. You don't have to make a selection to use the inner bevel. As long as the frame is on its on layer, you just go to Affects/3D Affects/Inner Bevel.
    1 point
  15. Now got rid of the corner of the image sticking out of the frame. Didn't notice at first because of the excitement of the technique working!
    1 point
  16. I haven't been scrapping much lately but took time last night to do a layout for a challenge at The Lily Pad. Main requirement was to use a template by Scrapping with Liz (she gives a free template upon completion). To post the layout in their gallery you need to use a kit sold by a designer in their store (retired kits are OK to use). So all my supplies for the layout are from The Lily Pad: SWL Recyclables 79 template (deleted a photo spot) and Forever Joy's Dog Tails. Instructions for the layout: 1. An odd number of photos (1, 3, 5, etc.) 2. At least one background paper with pink on it 3. At least one other paper/paper piece with yellow on it 4. At least one blue round element (can be button, flower, word art, etc.) 5. At least one orange word (can be title, date, journaling, word art, etc.) If you posted in the thread before the challenge started, you could delete one of the instructions if desired. I deleted #5. The dog was actually a flat paper element as was the word strip. I used an inner bevel on both of them and like the result, especially on the dog. I think it looks like a magnet!
    1 point
  17. Here's what I've been distracted by recently. I was a bit astounded to find a parrot at my bird feeders! All the supplies came from Marisa Lerin, mostly from her Template 530 and Bolivia Mini-Kit. The title font is Algerian, and the text font is Agency. I'd like to introduce you to the Quaker Parrot "Sweetie Pie".
    1 point
  18. I started playing with this font and a freebee from C F that was I think a coloring book page. (https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/funny-bird-chilling-in-the-pool-coloring/) I had fun with it but it did take a while because I was just playing and kept changing things.
    1 point
  19. Week 17 We have a small patch of wild garlic in the garden. The photo is of wild garlic flowers. I really like how bright the white came out on the photo.
    1 point
  20. Ah, well, my next one is ready, also. I couldn't resist the blossoms in my front yard. My iPhone XS photo. There's a freeze predicted for Thursday. But, then again, our safe planting date is always the end of May so freezes are not unexpected. 😞
    1 point
  21. My weeks for this challenge starts on a Saturday, even though Week seventeen is early, I wanted to showcase this photo which I took yesterday, as the temps are starting to rise. Yesterday was 18c, today is 22c. The remaining ice on the Lake won't be there for much longer, even though it is' doing its best to linger for as long as possible. I went to Danielson Park yesterday for a hike, on my way back, whilst crossing the dam, I stopped to take this photo.
    1 point
  22. I couldn't resist doing a showcase for this woman's fabulous art. And here's a Gift Link to the article, no subscription needed.
    1 point
  23. What a difference in two days, yesterday I was in jeans and T shirt. I did cover up to lay on the ground taking photos of the crocus. I still came back with 2 ticks on me. Today -1c I bet the horses are cursing me for brushing out their winter coats. Crows are very inteligent, and will soon have you very well trained.
    1 point
  24. That's so beautiful. I'd love to see flocks of robins. I'm happy when I see just ONE! We had snow too, and it was quite windy and blowing...when I woke up I thought it was November again. My crow fam has finally returned. You know how the female crow does the begging behavior when they are getting nest/eggtime ready(to remind the mate to bring her food when she's on nest duty). Well, I think my crow fam does that to me. The scenario as follows: land on wire, caw till silly human slave hears (they are practically deaf!), silly human (me) runs for the peanuts and bark butter bits and heads outside to spread the joy.
    1 point
  25. They were forecasting snow for today, so yesterday I decided to take a drive to the areas where I knew I'd be guaranteed to see Native Crocus. As for today, it is snowing with 70km winds, which has also blown in a large flock of migratory Robins, up to a hundred I'd say. Large Flocks of Robins always turn up on snowy days at this time of year. Some will stay, but the majority are only passing through. Thank goodness, as I wouldn't be able to afford to feed them all throughout the summer. πŸ˜‰ Pulsatilla nuttalliana, known as prairie pasqueflower or prairie crocus. The first of the native flowers to bloom.
    1 point
  26. Week 15 - Ran across this photograph of a hunting Osprey on Bored Panda. The photographer is Chen Chengguang from Vietnam. He specializes in artistic shots of birds. The Osprey, like the Bald Eagle, hunts fish.
    1 point
  27. I'm a bit early too but the "highlight" of my week was my birthday. I have no photos of the occasion that I can use here. Just some of family and friends that I will have to blur and I don't like that at all. It are all people that matter to me but for here not very interesting. So I made myself a birthday cake with sprinkles on top (tubes made by me and Carole). The 75 is cream piping, freebie by Carole; just as the doily and greenery with extra roses. The candles are from Marissa Lerin and the rest comes from my stock. The rest of the weeks in April and the first week in May will come as I'm back from California after I have recovered from the jetlag; I don't take my laptop with me. I will leave here coming Tuesday, so bye for now and see you in May. I will check in on the Campus when I have some moments when everybody is at work/school and it is just me and the dogs. In the weekends we will take trips.
    1 point
  28. I'm two days early posting week 15. I read that Susan is waiting for the Robins to return to her area. Several arrived over this past weekened, along with several small flocks of Juncos, a Male Northern Flicker, and a handful of Song Sparrows. The long awaited songs of birds has once again begun, breaking the long silence of winter out in the trees. Shot taken on Monday afternoon. On their arrival, I promptly put out blueberry jam, and berries.
    1 point
  29. Week 14 Sorry, I’m so late. My photo shows one of the delightful chaffinches that visit my garden.
    1 point
  30. Week Fourteen - 04/07/24 - Baby great horned owls well camouflaged in a tree and trying to look fierce. πŸ˜† Photo by my buddy Michael Turek. Font is Valentina.
    1 point
  31. The last couple of weeks in every patch of grass along roadsides and in public gardens is colored by "speenkruid" ( pilewort - ranunculus ficaria - lesser celandine) and this week I finally got the time to take a photo when we had a sunny spell.
    1 point
  32. This past week we have some stunning sunsets and sunrises. The temps are rising slowly, obviously the ground is still frozen, hense the standing water. Rainbows are created by water droplets in the air. The colours are wave lengths of light. Like in a sunrise, as in the image below. Red is recalled the red shift, as the light is stretched. Stretched light causes the red colour.
    1 point
  33. Font is Myriad, most graphics Jen Maddock, some myself.
    1 point
  34. Being the Campus' resident font-a-holic, it's killing me that my PSP isn't working. With any luck, it will be resolved sooner rather than later. It's slow working with Support by email. It takes several before they even understand the problem. Fingers crossed! 🀞
    0 points
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