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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Shenae had so much fun on her 2nd Birthday
    4 points
  2. A kit from Erika at ET Designs. I like a lot of her designs. All the elements come from that. I was thinking of losses and felt like making something. I'm not sad, just thinking of those who are gone.
    4 points
  3. I am definitely not an artist, but I wanted to try to make a Teddy Bear. Starting with vector shapes to which I applied plush using the cass plush script, I used a lot of what I have learned about shading. The paws are tubes which I modified. I used a vector to trace the ear of a teddy that I downloaded using AI and the script to merge and cut out the inner shape. The background is from the Masterclass on Pop ups that I never completely finished. The tree is from Digital Scrapbook, and I'm not sure where I got the presents. All the other shapes--head, body, legs and arms were made from vectors.
    3 points
  4. You nailed it. I'd call that pretty artistic. Good job Donna.
    2 points
  5. There is a book called Steal Like An Artist 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative Kleon, Austin On the NY Times bestsellers list! I just downloaded it from my Public Library. the first page is a quote from Picasso. “Art is Theft”
    2 points
  6. I have visited the Kite Festival today and have photographed some of the large kites. The stunt kites were not flying as the wind speed was to high for them to put on a controlled display. I am hoping for a calmer day tomorrow. This is a view of the kites flying when I arrived, requires some editing.
    2 points
  7. Beautiful child, beautiful name and beautiful layout!
    2 points
  8. My "elegant" bedroom is definitely not 'simple and spare' these days... I'd have to clean off the bed if someone were to stay overnight. But is a "spare" because it is the extra bedroom!
    2 points
  9. Here's my "freebie" challenge layout.
    2 points
  10. I've made something in Particle-shop today. A castle in a bottle. The background is made of 2X the castle, one upside down and merged. Then activated Particle-Shop and the image was in. I blended the whole layer of the background to what you see by using several disciplines. In the end, I gave it some sparkles. And added the castle to it. Than accepted. back in PSP, I placed the background behind the bottle and the castle. Selected the bottle, reversed, and Dell. The bottle was finished. In the end, I gave it some sharpness. And so was my empty bottle filled.
    2 points
  11. Mine will be about whatever topic has the most photos. ?
    1 point
  12. Cassel's word frame scripts are so useful and versatile. I was on a deadline tonight with no ideas and cass-wordframe5 saved the day.
    1 point
  13. Blimey, that's a word I haven't used in a long while. I would often say to myself or to someone I'm perplexed by what you just did or said, whilst shaking my head. Baffled, confused by not understanding why they did what they did or said. Usually pertaining to disciples within equestrian. My children had me more perplexed on copious occasions with the antics they used get up to.
    1 point
  14. Right, now you are saying you are changing your original context in which you used the so called definition of the word spare, from #3 clean, elegant to plain and not decorated (minimalist). I have better things to do with my time than to debate the meaning of the word spare. I’m going to agree to disagree with you on this.
    1 point
  15. Susan and Rene, I have to agree with you both. It appears I started quite the conversation. Changing gears slightly, but on the same subject, which is a relevant point, which I think has just been proven, when it comes to creating a good magazine cover or page, the text should be easy to read and understand. I believe it's a good idea to use simple short sentences. The same goes for the layout, it has to have balance, variety and emphasis to be an appealing and a functional design, that will make sense to anyone. Of course it doesn't only apply to magazines, but to any creative page. Should there be any typos, just read over them. Simple and minimalistic ( I wonder how many meanings these two words have!! lol) should be my middles names This is my opinion!
    1 point
  16. I find it better to open many dingbats, such as frames and vector clipart in Character map, or some other similar program. That way you can select what you are looking for, instead of selecting all the keys on the keyboard until you find the one you want. Upper case is quite often the norm for dingbats etc.
    1 point
  17. I didnt know spare could be elegant. I have an "elegant" room in my house for company. hahahha, nothing I have is "elegant". I use the word "Spare" when it describes something extra and I use the word "Sparse" when there is not much of something. Like money is "sparse" these days, does anyone have "spare" money to send to me. Basically the two words look similar but to me they are opposites.
    1 point
  18. Besides scrapbooking and scripting I get once in a while an English lesson or explanation too. WOW ?
    1 point
  19. E = Every adventure starts with Coffee
    1 point
  20. Yes, when it comes to dingbats, or fancy fonts, the designers might not always create something for all the keys. Sometimes, it will miss digits, or punctuation marks, etc. Even when I create fonts, I don't always have something for every possible keystroke. Good observation!
    1 point
  21. Page 5, and here she is with her Dad and the grandies. Her Dad's pet name for her was "my wee fluff".
    1 point
  22. In my determination to keep producing a layout regularly, I made this one. I did a "curved photo" from a tutorial on a photo I used for something else (likely from Unsplash or Pixabay), and then just started "playing around". I used a punch from Carole's new batch on the strip, added some other stuff and called it a layout. Fall colours and "busy" backgrounds are things I like.
    1 point
  23. I feel my recent attendance at the memorial for my Facebook Friend, Ray Fiore, qualifies. I got to enjoy meeting several Facebook Friends in person for the first time. They had all met each other at various conventions for the book series that brought us together almost 10 years ago, but since the cons were held in places like Dublin and Stockholm, I had never made the trips. Though the occasion was sad, we all enjoyed finally meeting in the flesh. Here's a shot I took of the crew.
    1 point
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