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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2023 in all areas

  1. In my determination to keep producing a layout regularly, I made this one. I did a "curved photo" from a tutorial on a photo I used for something else (likely from Unsplash or Pixabay), and then just started "playing around". I used a punch from Carole's new batch on the strip, added some other stuff and called it a layout. Fall colours and "busy" backgrounds are things I like.
    6 points
  2. Page 5, and here she is with her Dad and the grandies. Her Dad's pet name for her was "my wee fluff".
    5 points
  3. What a horrible experience. That is one reason I rarely did commissions when i sold jewelry/glass. We used to say, nothing is unique, because somewhere in the world someone is doing the exact same thing you are.
    4 points
  4. Page 4 of Shenae's memory book. How cute is this kid.
    4 points
  5. The discussion about "thieving" can be interesting and as Susan says, we all imitate in some way, and learning is about copying what we see (until we learn by messing up). There is a big difference between copying an idea to "play with" versus copying an idea and taking the credit. Many years ago, someone saw a new product in a store and she bought it, however, it was limited to 4 particular words, and she had no use for those words. She asked me if I could code a script to allow her to use other words and other fonts. I did. However, at the time, I didn't know who had designed the product I was recreating, and it caused a HUGE uproar when designers started calling me a thief because I "stole an idea" that one designer had created and it was very unique. They said I was just going to cause her to lose all sales because "everyone" would buy the script instead of her PNG product. That turned out to be a horrible week of name-calling in a very popular forum. That is, until one designer recognized the technique from an online tutorial. It turned out that the designer who claimed to have "created that unique effect" was, in fact, just copying it. She was using the same text, the same font, the same settings, and claiming it HERS and "never done before". In the process, *I* was called a thief. All that to say we all get inspired by something else, whether it is another digital project, a TV ad, a craft tutorial, or even nature! Being inspired is one thing. Taking credit is just something else.
    3 points
  6. Does shmoasted count as S?
    3 points
  7. Me too, Bonnie. I never thought of it as being "thieving" when I borrowed for lessons, just expanding my repertoire and paying homage to the original.?
    3 points
  8. Cassel's word frame scripts are so useful and versatile. I was on a deadline tonight with no ideas and cass-wordframe5 saved the day.
    2 points
  9. I know, I know, this "game" is almost over but I won't give it up completely. A little bit frustrated because I ddin't manage to stay on it. At least Day 1, 2 and 3. Just a small correction, I added the wrong postmark a few minutes ago.
    2 points
  10. I went through this (not as bad as Carole) when I made a product for the rubber stamp community. I had a commerical order from a stamp maker and she used solvent to clean the product I made which caused cracking of the product. When she informed me i asked her to give me a couple hours as I was going to go the the raw material supplier to see why this was happening, which turned out be the solvent (they were 45 min drive away). By the time I went there, had the meeting and got back home she has smeared me and my product all over the craft forums (I never saw it as I didnt follow them but was informed by a friend who did). So I sent out a return for refund letter to every client, and only this one client took the refund. Luckily, most sent me nice emails that they were happy with the product and were keeping it. I stopped production and that very client asked me: "So, can I make an order?". It was a relief to get rid of that, as it was labour intensive and took me away from my main source or income (silversmithing and glass art). Social media wasnt as big as it is now, what Carole went through was horrible. Especially the one who took credit for someone else's work. Strong nerves and the ability to keep calm. I think if I had looked at the forums where my client was bashing me, I would have acted in a bad way. I wanted to remain as professional as possible. Not always easy as it's a very personal attack.
    2 points
  11. This is a beautiful fall layout Julie. I love the punch, I bought them but havent even loaded them yet. They make a striking element. this layout is really well balanced.
    2 points
  12. Sounds like I missed some games. I never saw those. Like you, I love learning all I can about PSP. It has so many nooks, corners and crannies. I have been at is since 2010 and am still learning things.
    2 points
  13. Isnt copying how we learn. Right from childhood, we see someone doing something so we copy it until we learn how to do it. Then once we are proficient at it, we put our own spin on it therefore creating our own style. Animals do this too. I've watched one Magpie try to get into one of the bird feeders. It kept at it until it could fly and land in it. Then several other ones started doing it too. After that, they taught the pigeons how to do it (I had stern words with them for that).
    2 points
  14. I do this too. Sometimes I see a layout I love and just have to copy the idea. I think it is the teacher in me. A friend once told me, "Teachers are licensed thieves." I copied all sorts of ideas for lesson plans and for bulletin boards for 32 years. It has now carried over into retirement.
    2 points
  15. I had a photo obscured by haze, so I used the PSP tool to remove the haze, added a PSP frame, the cass-fence freebie, a couple of picture tube trees and ended up with this, "White-Tail Doe with Triplets." (Guess what? Markus showed up!)
    1 point
  16. Yes, when it comes to dingbats, or fancy fonts, the designers might not always create something for all the keys. Sometimes, it will miss digits, or punctuation marks, etc. Even when I create fonts, I don't always have something for every possible keystroke. Good observation!
    1 point
  17. Markus discovered a strange growth in the lawn this morning. We're assuming it's a mushroom or fungus of some sort. He looks kind of "blue" about it but it's just that he's in a shady spot.
    1 point
  18. Carole, I can only imagine how upsetting it was for you until everything was clarified. ? And the person who cried the loudest was the one who took credit for somebody else's work. One needs strong nerves to deal with this situation!
    1 point
  19. I also played with it since it's in my 2022 regular version. It is fun.
    1 point
  20. Oscar the cat was chirping at something last night and Max and Jack (also cats) were watching. I didn't see what it was they saw so cannot say if it was Markus. I had so much fun with the Campus Dozen and learned some things too, which is always a plus. A big thank you for putting that together. Congratulations to all the winners.
    1 point
  21. As they say, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, right? I bet those poor birds were quaking when you used your stern voice! ?
    1 point
  22. Your Markus page is very beautiful and funny, Carole! I assisted to your course the next day and I learned many things. And congrats to all the winners!
    1 point
  23. Out of real bananas at this time; only have yellow cat toys shaped like a banana and filled with catnip! I thought about using one (we have 3) but they're all too grungy! ?
    1 point
  24. https://scrapbookcampus.com/Bonus/MarkusFaces.zip hope this works
    1 point
  25. I like how you used punches on multiple layers. Great idea!
    1 point
  26. J = Jet Fuel for the morning...
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. H = Happy, with my first cup of coffee of the day
    1 point
  29. Affogato: an espresso with vanilla ice cream as a dessert
    1 point
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