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  1. And these are the next 2 pages. You will probably recognize Cass's pinwheel. the balance of the elements and papers are mine. The pics of Jim and Joe are blurry - although I used a flash with my point-and-shoot camera, it was pitch black that night lit only with a small fire off to the side and not too close to them. Had a job lightening them up enough so you could vaguely see them. Oh, well. It was a great night. Somehow it always is after a good thunderstorm - the air is so clear.
    8 points
  2. Finally finished! I decided to use my grandson's pictures from his stay at a river fish farm in Vietnam. I didn't have a lot of pictures, but I made some fish using Filter Forge filter "Aquaria." The water picture is AI from Adobe Express. The map is from a photo that David sent me when he sent the fish farm picture. The font is a grunge font called "sailor 1 grunge." I couldn't divide it in half because I placed the map in the middle. Papers are mine; two columns are a gradient.
    5 points
  3. Pages 3 and 4. Again, Marisa Lerrin for the rv stickers on the road and the rv button or brad. The seal for the state of Nebraska was taken from a web page of state symbols. The ribbon I made with one of Cassel's scripts. The peony I extracted from one of the pics Laurie and I took.
    5 points
  4. Changed Postcard by adding border around it.
    4 points
  5. They are so cute and adorable. Here's one for you. Pic posted on a friend's FB page.
    4 points
  6. Here's what I came up with for the numbered items. Couldn't think of anything else and wanted to do something. I grew up in a really small town, moved to the big city for many years, then came back 11 years ago to a small town. I love it. Trouble is, everywhere is growing so fast and it changes the nature of the place. I think I should live in a cabin deep in the woods away from developments. The frame at top is from Melo Vrijhof at DS, the phrase strips from Cassel, the background image from online somewhere. The font in red is Boring Showers. Made the little numbered squares.
    4 points
  7. Hello everyone, thought I would share something that I created today.. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday, he has been gone sixteen years.
    3 points
  8. Here's my Wild Cat Calendar for September. Template from Cassel. Photo from FreePix. Information from The Wildcat Sanctuary, Sandstone, Minnesota. I used the pattern Wood Tile 01 to fill the photo frame, the top strip and the calendar grid. I have this posted on Facebook in its full size, so it is printable. (I have it on my refrigerator door @11x8.5")
    3 points
  9. ȕHere is my Postcard. Bella sent it to Natasha and here is what she wrote with a little help from me: Dear Natasha, Many greetings from the beautiful city of Würzburg. See you soon. Bella
    3 points
  10. Well Susan, I'm rendered speechless, as I am totally overwhelmed by your comments, and others on here and on Facebook on my work. We have an appreciation for the art of photography, and displaying those images, giving them pride of place in layouts. We all have different styles in our presentations, yet in those photos and layouts our passions resonate through. I must give credit to Carole, because without the campus we wouldn't be able to achieve our goals, to the high standard that we do. Or the close knit international family that we have become. Next Spring and Summer you will be looking at your garden and it's occupants ( the world of insects and other creatures) in a whole new light. I loose all track of time when I'm outside crawling around on the ground. I'm going to suggest you put out a hummingbird feeder in early Spring. Hopefully, you'll have visitors passing through. Then again, in late July for the ones stopping off, en route South. The solitary bees , have pollen brushes either on their legs or abdomen, depending on their species. Bumbles have pollen baskets on their legs. You are sure to have fun observing the leaf cutters too. I will look forward to seeing photos of your visitors. You'll have 2 photographic studios, one indoors and the one Mother nature has provided.
    3 points
  11. You speechless? I can't picture that! We will miss your pithy and funny comments if you go "crickets". (since it's mostly insect photography being discussed)
    3 points
  12. Day 7: I don't know why, but I struggled a bit with this one. Half the time I make things hard for myself I think.
    3 points
  13. Here is the Postage Stamp sheet with the cut-out. These stamps can become addictive.
    3 points
  14. Your papers are gorgeous. Especially that background.
    2 points
  15. Donna, I especially like those "fish" you made in Filter Forge! Striking!! I used that same template for my final Travel Tale though I was able to cut it in half. My computer lags terribly with double pages.
    2 points
  16. Years ago I was at a friend's cottage in a popular lake area of Central Ontario. A bat got in and everyone went crazy trying to KILL it with tennis racquets. I was running around trying to stop them. I said just open the doors and windows and it will find its way out! I have never forgotten that.
    2 points
  17. I didnt know they were not rodents, and I love their name "Chiroptera", sounds like a greek mythical beast. although wouldnt a flying ground squirrel be awesome. You are so lucky to have lived among them. I bet you have some interesting tales of your life growing up in the UK. I'm surprised at the variety of bats there are in Alberta. So sad the white nose disease has reached Alberta now. It's makes me want to scoop them all up and keep them safe.
    2 points
  18. Creating a magazine cover is another way I like to showcase my photos, and I enjoy creating them. They are quick and easy to create, as they don't require shadows, textures. Whilst getting all the information that a scrapbook page will contain. Title, date, location and so on. They are flat pages. Although the toads are amphibians, I still added them to the cover. The snakes are reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. The Plains Spadefoot toad are small, this one was an inch and a quarter, as I measured it. The other one wasn't much bigger at 2 inches. I love everything about snakes. This on I picked up to take a portrait shot, looking around for a non busy background.
    2 points
  19. I also have a wonky right eye since birth. It has an astigmatism and what's called Dwayne's Syndrome (muscles are stuck so it doesn't move beyond midway looking to the right). I always assumed that corrective laser surgery would do nothing for that. The left eye has learned to compensate for the weak right eye, and I've learned to live with it. But when I was younger, I was really self-conscious about it. I don't usually sit to the left of people so they won't notice if I have to turn to the right! Amazing the things we share on here!
    2 points
  20. Wow, if anyone else reads this...STOP, DROP and ROLL...over to Facebook and have a look at Sue's images. Words escape me. I love all kinds of photography and when you see it done above average, it makes me speechless. Can you imagine how quiet around the campus is gonna be, with me being "speechless". ?. Kidding aside, GO LOOK! You'll love it. And Sue, THANK YOU. What a great treat for me. Great photography is the best motivator.
    2 points
  21. Here is the postage stamp sheet.
    2 points
  22. Played some more with postage stamps today. This is a lot of fun. I have 2 more label sheets and will post them in a few minutes.
    2 points
  23. Here is day 7. I used the extra template from Day 1. I tried the sand writing. I am not happy with my results but I have completed it several times. I'll work more on it later.
    2 points
  24. My mum died just before her 70th Birthday. 23 yrs ago. I don't know about you, but as I have got older the more I miss her. Out of the blue I would ask her a question pertaining to something I was doing at the time. Or something that I'm doing would remind me of a memory of her.
    1 point
  25. This one is 8 1/2 x11 inches , it depends on the layout I have in mind. My preference for most of the covers I do is 8 1/2 x 10.
    1 point
  26. I can never understand the logic in anyone flapping and running around hysterically at any creature. The most sensible thing to do is to stand motionless. That goes for bats too. I grew up in a 600yr old vicarage turned farmhouse. The stone walls were 3ft deep, with a spiral stone staircase. We had bats in the attic, which would occasionally fly through an open bedroom window at night. They are the Pipistrelle bats. Of course you have heard of the saying bats in the belfry. It's very true, and most churches and chapels at home are occupied with bats. Since I was a child their numbers have diminished greatly, and they are now protected in the UK If you have them in your attics, you have to live with them. Also, the UK is one of the very countries in the world that is rabies free. It doesn't stop me handling them out here without gloves. I agree they are very much misunderstood creatures. Hollywood and Disney has a lot to answer, for the way they portray many creatures in their productions. I had a wonderful up bringing on a Welsh hill farm. I would go out in the morning, and wouldn't be seen until tea time. I was allowed the freedom to be a child, and if I wasn't in by tea time, there was a row. Great times, and some many happy memories, surrounded by animals.
    1 point
  27. Me too. and we loved Hope's show. We dont get it on any of the channels anymore but I do check in on FB sometimes.
    1 point
  28. I watched some of those episodes as well. Great work she was doing, and very moving sometimes. I've never had a fear of bats or reptiles, only 8-legged arachnids, but I have overcome that for the most part. I still do the web-dance if I happen to pass through one!
    1 point
  29. That's crazy. I know they used to teach us to stay away from bats on the ground (when I live on a lake in a small town in the interior of BC). Because of rabies I think. I do remember a young man had an "encounter" with a bat in Kamloops, BC in 2019 and contracted a rarie rabies something or other and died 3 weeks later. We were told to steer clear of them if we saw them on the ground. They are misunderstood. I used to watch Hope for Wildlife (wildlife rescue show in eastern canada) and the staff handling bats had to have rabies shots.
    1 point
  30. I agree totally,, my mom passed in 2011. I must I have never felt so alone when she passed, even now some days are still hard.
    1 point
  31. Wow! the pix are beautiful. If I reached out, I could almost feel the snake's skin.
    1 point
  32. I think that Carole remained calm when the nodes did not show up. The best thing someone can do. And take the shortest route.
    1 point
  33. What a beautiful creature, look a the expression on it's face, and those eyes, melt the heart. I Love bats, I had many as pets when I was a child, as we had an old disused barn when they used to hang out. Also we had bats in the attic of the house. They are protected in the UK. They are mammals, and not even remotely related to rodents. They are in a class of their own. Chiroptera, which in Greek means hand hanging. The framing is perfect, it draws the eye to the bat.
    1 point
  34. OMG! Is there anything cuter than that? Thank you. Just what I needed after "trying" to do my scripting homework. It was a fail tonight. Beginning to wonder if I'm just not smart enough for this. Or maybe I'm not logical enough. Yup, that would be me. And only on 5 of 25 lessons. Yikes! I'm just feeling sorry for myself...I wont be quitting just yet.
    1 point
  35. I love your page, I like the uniqueness of the numbered squares. I'll have to remember to lower the opacity on a suitable page, it's a cool idea.
    1 point
  36. Even though the town I live in now is bigger than the one where I grew up, it still has only one traffic light. And that's the point we use to give directions! It's kinda reminiscent of the "old days".
    1 point
  37. For sure! I love love love bats. Isnt that like a flying rodent. that's like the bestest of the best. A rodent and it flies. I really love the fruit bats. I think they are also called flying dogs, flying foxes or something to that effect.
    1 point
  38. You all have done beautiful work in this tut. My compliments. I feel sorry I could not participate. Hopeful I am the next time way better than the last few weeks.
    1 point
  39. I applaud your macro work, especially with bugs (insects/creepy-crawlies etc). I was outside photographing flowers (I know, I actually left the sterile studio setting) and a bee would stop on the flower, so I took the shot. They are too buzzy and my settings werent set up for action (mostly for more DOF) so I have an infocus rear end and buzzy out of focus head. I'm so much more comfortable with things that dont move. My timing is horrible. The colors on this page are beautiful. Mother Nature is the best palette maker out there.
    1 point
  40. Here's my page for the Random Challenge "Numbers". Photos are mine, the blankets I made as each was born, and the little girls had fun being babies again like their new cousin. Apparently there is an unhappy baby! lol. Not a spelling mistake his last name really is Kidd! Hence the tongue in cheek! ? Oh how fast they grow! The papers I made from the Mask WS lessons, those were a lot of fun! I couldn't stop playing around with the new knowledge! The leaf /petals from the recent vector Class, the number brads I created from inspiration from @SueThomas beautiful and so neatly done Robin LO. Fonts used are Hello Honey from Fontspace and Schadow BT already on my computer ??, picture tube was a freebie from PSP with one of the versions. Cheers for now...
    1 point
  41. In case the label isn't legible in the layout , due to compression.
    1 point
  42. This is a page I started back in June, when I saw the first Ambush bug of the season. It's still a work in progress. I thought I'd post it anyway. It had recently merged. At the time of shooting the Ambush bug, little did I know that there was also a male mosquito in the frame, until I downloaded the photo onto the computer. (Macro shot) . Did you know that only the females feed on blood, requiring the protein to produce eggs. The males feed strictly on pollen, which is what this one is doing. Humans are generally a host of the females as a last resort. Most mosquitoes feed on other animals like birds, and my horses. If you want to cut down on the mosquitoes around you, dispose of all water collecting objects. I change the water in the birds baths twice a day, to prevent any larvae from developing. They are more active at night because the sun dehydrates and kills them, that is why they select shady wet areas. As for the Ambush bugs, I find them adorable prehistoric looking creatures. The top pic is a handsome male, and the bottom pic is a beautiful female. I used the original photo for the background paper. Edited. I've posted an uncompressed layout on Facebook, for those that are interested.
    1 point
  43. I have really enjoyed putting these pages together especially as the visual memories are so good of the holiday and the gorgeous scenery. The difficulty was in selecting the photos as I took so many. I may tweek some more but these are how I have left it at the moment. I've tried to be consistent across the 3 DPSs by using the same background image; that of a distressed wall snapped from the holiday and stretched across the pages. Since joining in the various projects on Scrapbook Campus I tend to see things a lot more than I did before that are worthy of photographing specifically for backgrounds.
    1 point
  44. I, too had cataract surgery last October and then the other eye this year. I asked him if he could make me either near sighted or far sighted at the same time. He said no and he could also not fix an astigmatism. That was the first time I ever heard that I had such a thing, To make a long story short I go for what is a last visit next month. I so want new glasses but had to wait for the last visit with the surgeon. Keep your finger crossed that it will be the last visit with him!
    1 point
  45. AND here is my final Travel Tale open book page. I used the template from the Day 7-Extra. There was one oddity buried in the template: the small white strips on the right-hand page turned out to be layers that ran all the way to the bottom of the page and beyond! The top had the strip and so did the bottom which was off the canvas. This was true for both white strips. I replaced them with copies of the others that I flood filled with white and deleted the original layers. I used earth tones from the photos and Crumpled and Blinds textures. The photo stamp is from Marisa Lerin. I did the cutout lettering on the large tortoise photo on the left. This started as a double page, but I cropped it which made it much more workable with my computer. The title font is Birdy.
    1 point
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