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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2023 in all areas

  1. Seeing all this nice photos and reading the stories I'm almost sad I didn't had pets. When I was a kid we lived in an apartmentbuilding in a big city (Rotterdam), so I only had hamsters and those are not that attractive for kids because they sleep in the daytime and get active in the evening and night. When they died : no new ones. Later, when I was married we lived in a house where we could have had a dog or a cat, but the children we allergic to those. In those years there weren't dogs around like the labradoodle nowadays. The kids left home many years ago and we never came to buy a dog or cat. My daughter has 2 dogs now, both suitable for allergic people and I enjoy them when I come to visit once a year because they live in USA.
    3 points
  2. We always taught our Doberman Zoey to stay off the couch but we came in one day and found her sitting like this. She looked at us like "well you guys sit like this".
    3 points
  3. Oh yeah, the bathroom sink!! Slippers never used that, but another cat of mine did! I have had several cats over the years so there are many locations that were favorite. One cat even loved the box of Legos. Talk about something that should not be very "comfy"!
    3 points
  4. I had 2 Havanese dogs between 2000 and 2015. Pepper and Paige loved to snuggle under any type of covering they could find. In 2017 I got Peyton (another Havanese). When she was small, she crawled under a stand to be close to the air duct. She no longer fits there. But now she loves to take her bumper bed all over the house and flipping it over to lay on the bottom of it.
    3 points
  5. I haven't made any layouts with my cat's weird places to hang out, but he does situate himself (like all cats) into some strange places. And he does love fresh laundry left in a basket!
    3 points
  6. My cat when she was a kitten, she loved boxes, including the Easter Egg box, and my clean socks basket!! She also loves wrapping paper and will sleep in or on the paper.
    3 points
  7. So yesterday I spent a couple of hours and did the dirty deed! It was laborious and challenging, but it worked! I created categories within the PSP version Brushes folder. I kept getting all kinds of warnings about duplicate files, but I just closed those and kept going. Then I shut down everything, did a restart, and OMG, the brushes were all sorted within PSP!!! I also got rid of lots of brushes I had downloaded for free but didn't use, and found some others that I had mistakenly put in the Scripts-Restricted b/c of the file extension! No wonder they didn't work for me.... Thanks for helping me out, much appreciated. I feel calmer now.
    2 points
  8. OMG, I'm dying. Can't stop laughing.
    2 points
  9. Thank you! I wanted a dog so much to keep me company but I had problems around most breeds until I found the Havanese breed. I fell in love, have no allergy issues and best of all, they are not huge. Pepper weighed 13 pounds at his heaviest, Paige (aka Porky) weighed 15 pounds. And, Peyton is just about 10 pounds. I got all three of them from the same breeder and Paige's father is Peyton's great-great-grandfather. Good bloodlines... Dante sired a Westminster Breed champion (Paige's half-brother). I had a dog, a mutt, when I was a child and after she was gone Mom found out she was allergic to dog dander! So I wanted a dog that had no dander in case I had the same issues. Havanese don't shed so no dander. Show Havanese have long hair, I just have always kept mine in puppy cuts.
    2 points
  10. That is strange. Although one issue might be duplicates since supplies included in the data folder might be the same from one version to another. When you point PSP to a different file location, it does not usually include anything in the data folder. Even if you "import from previous version", it does not consider the data folder. Although they are often the same, it is not ALWAYS the case. For example, some picture tubes in PSP9 have not been included in subsequent versions. The suggestion to have "all supplies" outside of PSP, mostly means the ones in Documents. Having all in one folder has several advantages: supplies are available in multiple versions at the same time, if you are using more than one version. as soon as you add new supplies, they are immediately available in all the versions pointing to that folder if you uninstall one version, there is no risk of losing supplies you have created/purchased/downloaded. Although you are asked if you want to remove those folders when uninstalling, it is not 100% sure. It happened to me ONCE. The only inconvenient I found is that some supplies are somewhat version-dependant. For example brushes used in older versions could only be 500 pixels. Then, in version X, it went up to 999 pixels, and in X8, it went up to 3000 pixels. This means that if you download a brush that is 1500 pixels, you cannot use it in versions older than X8, even if the File Location points to the folder where they are. In that case, you might want to make sure to identify the folder by the Brush size (I offer brushes with the suffix -999 for larger ones and -500 for the smaller ones).
    2 points
  11. I did that as well Corrie only it screwed up everything for me. So many different things to detail it all out. So I put everything back to where PSP wants it (the numbered files PSP creates in the Program Data files) and the personal files in Documents for user created files. For now I am putting anything I obtain into the user files for one version that I use the most then go into my other versions of PSP and direct them to use those files. Maybe someday I'll get brave enough to try it again but for now I've found a solution that works for me.
    2 points
  12. Back in the early days of Covid, everyone seemed to be hoarding toilet paper and I had this cute photo of Eve, guarding our supply...
    2 points
  13. It was multiple issues and I think it was because of the actual computer. I was having all kinds of issues with that one. I could only have one program open at a time and that really hurt my scrapping process. Because of that all of my programs were freezing all the time. That computer actually had problems from the beginning, I just didn't realize how deep they went. The guy that helps me with tech stuff figured it was a lost cause. So I bought a new one and haven't had issues since. Basically what I am doing is instead of the resources folder, I'm using the folders in Documents as that folder only just putting new stuff in one version and pointing all versions (oldest is X7) to those folders. So in a way, it is the same as you but located in a different place. I also have a copy of those folders on an EHD as a backup.
    1 point
  14. I have recently put all my supplies as brushes, gradients etc in a separate folder called My PSP supplies and pointed the PSP version I use to that masterfile which is outside PSP and it is backed-up. And it was a lot of work, getting all the brushtips and matching scripts there from the different PSP versions I have. When I started PSP in the beginning of 2020 I didn't quite now how to do that, but now I have managed it! However I'm not finished yet, now I have to tackle how to make subfolders and point PSP to those. I also have asked a question for the upcoming Q&A about where some supplies are hidden by PSP in the program files.
    1 point
  15. Well, kind of technically, she's not ON the sofa, just sort of......
    1 point
  16. He has some really nice work. The website has a lot of interesting artists too. thanks Ann. The next time I misplace something I'll know who to call.
    1 point
  17. Not very traditional, but the Corrs are wonderful too ?
    1 point
  18. I found the artist... Palette knife art by Howard Behrens | ART BLOG MarkovArt (wordpress.com)
    1 point
  19. I can't give credit for the illustration because I couldn't find the original on Google. Layered a couple of papers by Gina Jones from PS and played with the opacity to get the hue I wanted. I used a rounded rectangular selection to change the shape of the pic and added a couple of select selection borders on separate layers. Some clipart from DSS to add some interest. The font is Sexy Beachy from DaFont.
    1 point
  20. I I used what I learned in the shadow box master class and created this using (Fairy-Moon-Shadow-Box-47020851) from Creativefabrica and the shamrock in her hand was created from (Layer-st-Patricks-day-leaf-25320553). Now my Irish ancestors can either say well done or turn over in their graves.
    1 point
  21. My first stencil design. It was a long process but I finally figured it out.
    1 point
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