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What are you working on (March 2022)?


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Website Leaderboard 3 of 5:


This one uses another Cassel Creations script for the Wooden Puzzle 2.  To practice I tried to repeat the theme of the freebie but with slight variations for the low height base.  The text on the tab, by the way, is cut away to reveal the website background, then each other tab is made more transparent to highlight the image in view.

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Website Leaderboard 4 of 5:


This one uses another Cassel Creations Word Painting script over a flag for the background.  My equivalent of your scrapbook photos is my postcard collection.  These are just simply stuck on top of the background.  I tried some tape effects but not too happy with that.  The top right postcard back has a postage stamp made with a script and a date stamp script.

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Website Leaderboard 5 of 5:


This one uses more CC scripts and I have been having so much fun using them I have to stop myself adding everything in, as less is more.  Anyway, there is an embroidered patch, two more postcards under my first use of a ribbon (I'm not normally a 'ribbons & bows' person but would like to learn more about there use as tucking things under them looks cool).  The date holder on the right was cobbled together and could be better.  That's the lot with all 5 rotating on my website https://www.dowling.one-name.net/up/index.htm, and is the current 'Leaderboard' for about a week until I refresh with another creation.

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Brian, that is a really fun collection of graphics and it is so interesting to see how you use the same tools as others and ended up with non-scrapbook projects that are very good-looking. Even your shadowing is on point. Good job! (and welcome to the Campus by the way!)
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TRISH - I love yourbubble page.  Was there a Bubble Challenge? I did not see it.  Sorry to hear you have been so sick.  When I signed up for the Covid Booster, I asked the pharmacist if it was OK to get the pneumonia shot at the same time.  She said sometime it makes the reaction to either or both shot worse so I didn't.  Perhaps that is why your reaction has been so bad.  I will try to remember to thank my Pharmacist the next time I see her.
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This is Lab 7 Mod 6.  Papers are mine.  Projects this time were: Create a thread? stitch so that it could be a continued line of stitching, a shape to fill with a created pattern (straight stick), a button.  Did all three.  Had fun making the arrow, and the heart.  Was going to do a star too, but decided to flood fill it with a glitter pattern which I will use sometime later.  The fanned pictures are from a script from Carole.  I wanted something different this time to display multiple pictures, as I usually use a boxey kind of layout when there are multiple pictures.  The additional butterflies are picture tube butterflies.  Yes, the little girl was just standing there as there were a lot of butterflies that were attracted to the flowers on her skirt.  Amazing.  The only picture I got was of the one butterfly.  My brother enjoyed the Butterfly House - I had been there before with my daughter and daughter-in-law, Laurie.  The script for the title is Brush455 BT.


Didn't notice the spot until I submitted the pic.  Went back & changed PSPImage as well as the jpg and _600 jpg.

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Easter isn't to far away now. I decided to create a few Easter tags, some to be used in cards, which I will be creating, to be printed and posted home. The word art has to be rearranged. Just for fun I cut out the ears on the word Hoppy. The tags themselves are templates saved as psp files. Here's one of several I did last night. These are so much fun to make, and really simple to do.


Mary, very nice work.  The lab is such a fun place to  learn , and inspire creativity. For newbies and seasoned PSPers.  I often randomly pick a lab, to refresh my memory on  techniques, and  look for ideas for projects.

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I went through the Filter Forge 2 class on-line and I was also playing with Carole's PageMaker-Photo script, which by the way had me going in circles for a bit but I figured it out with the help of Carole, anyway, I combined the two to get this example. I had to make each opening black, promote to a layer and rename each "Photo" then pull the frame to the top of the layers, then run the PageMaker-Photo script. Filter Forge has a ton of frames and anything else you want.
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I am practicing with masks today.  Here is  Pye two with different backgrounds.  I think I like the white-ish one best.  She went over the rainbow bridge in a very sudden and unexpected way a few years ago.  She was a sweet gentle soul who always knew when you needed a lap kitty.


Pye came to us through the BCSPCA.  We had decided to adopt two cats (she'll be in later layouts) and had them picked out.  While describing them to the SPCA on the phone they had too many with the same description so I jumped in the car to go and point out the two.  When I got there I saw Pye, she looked up at me with these huge eyes and had the tiniest meow.  And that was it, she was ours.  My hubby and I had just watched the movie "Bell, Book and Candle" with Kim Novak and James Stewart and decided to call her Pyewacket ...because we "thought" she looked exactly like the cat in the movie.  A few months later we watched the movie again...and laughed so hard when we saw Pyewacket is a Siamese!  From then on we'd say she "magic'd" us that day that we adopted her.


Background papers are kaleidoscope and dots, all learned in the Mask Workshop (which I loved) and available in Diamond membership (which I love even more ?).

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How can you not smile at your G.G. niece.  So cute.


I am still working on masks and greatful I had the video to watch again, as I was missing a step (forgot to put the opacity back to 100 on that one mask from day 2).  This page is one of my sweet cat girls, QeTesh (Tesh) who has passed over the rainbow bridge.  She was adopted along with Pye (Pyewacket) from my last layout.  A sweet tiny girl who was surrendered to the SPCA at 3 months and she remained there until we adopted her at 7 months.  People didn't like her because she was "too noisy". We loved that about her.  A big personality in a little tiny package.


I used plaid background (opacity is not reduced, it's that light) and tried 4 different plaids with the browns in the fur, but it didnt look good with background in the photo.  The font for both is Sunroll from Creative fabrica, using uppercase/lowercase for different characters (no private use characters for this font).  I tweaked the mask size/shape and the placement of the small masks (before they were masks as instructions explained).  I made the brown plaids and the two small mask from memory.  A wee bit of progress.  Tomorrow I will forget I'm sure.?

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Wanted to display this one since we are going to devise templates.  Made the mask; then slipped a paper under the group; stitched the paper with the stitch created in one of the more recent labs I was working on; used cogwheels that I created in a lab some time ago; used a doily I created in one of the labs - that was fun and I've created several doilies; the poinsettas are from a picture tube and the leaves I created some time ago.  The paper was created with a pattern found in the patterns folder that came with PSP.  The Jeep was purchased recently since it follows the camper much better than some other cars.
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Here is another one with masks.  And my second post of this...a furry friend jumped up and hit the delete key I think.


This little gal, QeTesh (Tesh), was adopted at the same time as Pye (prev. layout in this forum).  She was surrendered when she was 3 months old and remained at the SPCA until we adopted her at 7 months. People said she was too talkative.  All the more reason we loved her.  We miss our tiny talking tabby, with a big beautiful personality.


I used the tutorial to make about 5 different plaids and went with this very light one (based on the background of the lower left image).  I did have a wee issue when I forgot the bigger mask had a lowered opacity.  I couldnt figure out why my image was dull.  Thankfully I had the video to refer to and I saw my error.  I was able to make the two smaller masks into a mask group without having to resort to the directions.  Same with the plaids, as I had made them over and over.  By tomorrow I will have forgotten the steps but today I'll take the win.


The font is Sunroll from Creative Fabrica and I used a combination of the upper/lower case for the different variations (no private use characters with this font).



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I made this because tomorrow 15/03 is the birthday of my dog Poncho and his brother Pacco.

My dog's brother lives with our neighbors who are also our best friends.

I used a free template from Chantahlia Design, and for the text 'happy birthday' the script 'ShapedText' from Carole



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This is my E for Easter.  Background of the picture is from a picture I took in Groom, TX of the Passion-  this is the empty tomb.  The picture of the Risen Christ is a picture I took in our Church and extracted to be placed on top of the mask layer.  The picture of the flowers around the scene is a picture of a Bradford pear tree in our Church parking lot one spring a few years ago.  I created the mask for this, added the bradford pear picture below the mask group; the frames around the scene are a layer of gold glitter from Pixel Scrapper; the Easter lillies are from Nice Png-1087268; the E is one of my stitched letters and I don't remember the font name for Easter.
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A chat friebd from another chat is in one of the Ukraine cities that has been under attack.  I created this for her and posted it there and elsewhere.  The dove was from nicepng and I changed the colors to mostly the flag colors of the Ukraine and Russia. The olive branch is from creative fabrica, the earth is form digitalscrapbook, & I think the original frame was too.  I don't remember where the background paper is from.





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