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Quick Page Workshop - Feb 2022


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Ann, I love your Hauspanther Adam.  And thank you for a new term.  I have one too, her name is Sumi.  She and her "sister"  Saya (pronounced Si-ah) were adopted as 1 yr olds, they will be 4 this year.  She is the second panther that has "owned" me.


Here are my pages for today.  One from Sardis pond and the extra page from another pond on a driving adventure  somewhere in British Columbia (CAN).

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QP-Extra5:  We are in the same Storm Eunice, it has crossed the Channel and it's really a heavy one. Code red for most parts of the country; all flights and trains no longer operate, schools closed earlier and we had a very rare countrywide NL-Alert urging people to stay at home.


A couple of weeks ago I got a photo of Davos in Switzerland where at that time a snowstorm was raging and so the connection to today was made. The font for the word snowstorm is Snow Bold, which a have for a while but never had the opportunity to use because this probably will be a winter without snow for us.


Carole the cookies were very tasty!

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Love to see all the photos. It makes me happy to know I am not the only person who takes photos of hummingbirds and flowers, and trees and ducks and cats and snow and sunsets!


I used a couple of photos from my garden last year. Today is a cold February day. But 2 days ago it was 60 degrees, which is pretty darn nice for February in Pennsylvania! It made me think of spring. The font is 'Beautiful Moonlight', and I prefer to work with text in points. I worked in advertising and design, and we always specified text in points. Old habits are hard to break. I could probably still find a point gauge in my desk!

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Everyone is having fun and posting such wonderful pics.  I said I was not happy with some of my earlier pages, so I have several I will be posting now.  I gues I wasn't sure about the colors in the extra quick page 2 and searched through a lot of files until I found one in my "backgrounds" folder: Grenada, Spain a picture from Microsoft.
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Pat Boone has played basketball for several National Senior Games. In 2019 we finally got a photo of him with our team. Interestingly, he plays for a Virginia team.


Pat Boone was a teen heart throb during my teen years. A very wholesome young man with an amazing voice. He also wrote Twixt Twelve and Twenty as a guide to growing up for his fans. I still have my copy...a bit worn and tattered but I still have it.

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Linda, that is a good opportunity to go back to those photos that are still bringing fun memories.


Ann, that is another creative way to modify a quick-page! With all the tweaks that participants have done to their quick-pages, I think I can gather them into a blog post. I know we will have hummingbirds too, but there are still a few months for us, here.


Pirkko, we are traveling with you and discovering new places.


Paul, where do you find nice mandalas to color?


Trish, sometimes, servers are busy and links are temporarily unavailable. Nothing I can do in those cases, and at least, it was temporary.


Susan, that is funny to associate that photo with yawning!


Corrie, that storm made the news here, tonight! Really bad. Hopefully, you are ok. that snowstorm font is quite interesting!


Anne, maybe one day you will be able to make one page with photos of that tree and print it for your neighbour!


Sharon, did you get the link for Day 5? if not, just use the link for Day 4 and change the digit in the URL.


Lynda, no rush. Those quick-pages are meant to be fast (other than choosing the photo) so it is a good example of what you can do when you have a deadline to finish pages or a full album.


Julie, cats and dogs are not always enemies,  right?


Mary, two different coloring for two different photos. Very good matches.


Bonnie, more pickleball pictures and more interesting stories.


Anita, that is such a cute font. Thanks for identifying it for us.


Out of 75 registrants to this workshop, we have seen 22 who have posted. I encourage all the lurkers to also post. If you are having any issues or problems, let us know as we want to help. If you are not a scrapbooker, how about just going with the flow and giving those a try. Com'on!

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QP 6 - I have generations of magpies visit me each day and I love that they bring their young each year to visit and feed.  These photos were taken from a phone video.  A couple of the older birds feed from my hand then feed their young.  The young often come visiting now without their parents supervision.
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