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What are you working on (in January 2022)?


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Finally finished Lab 6 - Mod 12.  Gaming!  Well, I couldn't think of anything to game; then I thought of shopping for the ingredients we'll use in Scrap Bootcamp (at least the first project).  Soooo - this is it.  I've now done my shopping.  Are you ready?? I'm looking forward to another round of Scrap Bootcamp.


The clip art is from NicePng and the condiments are copyrighted by Homemade-Preschool.com - they originally were black and white and I colored them with the paint brush tool.  The font on the spinner is Bodini MT Black and the title font is Glam Lips.


Carole - I hope it's OK that my gaming is in preparation for Scrap Bootcamp.


Woops!  Again - need to look at the project before it's saved!  I didn't have the tablecloth text on it!  Here goes again.



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Lab 7 Mod 1 - As you can see I am ready for Alphabet C.  Completed the concentric rectangles and did them in several different colors.  The photo mosaic I did as a template using masks for each of the pictures.  The filled text alpha I used was Bernhard Tango BT.  All of the papers and elements are mine.  The font for the title is Britannic Bold and for the narrative is Arial Black.  There were 2 different ribbons used in the displays and I played around with them each in several different colors.  Fun again, but it is late and I'm heading to bed.
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Hi Everyone,


Annie Tobin asked me to let all of you, who are wondering where she is, know that she didn't abandon the Campus.


She has had a lens replacement surgery and the eyes have not adjusted well to the procedure. Also, the eyes are very light-sensitive, so she is very limited now in what she can do.


She hopes that things will get to normal in a not too distant future... So do I.

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Let me chime in a little. Although the Lab module uses a board game and the tutorials show parts of it, you can get inspired by the Game of life and use the game board idea as a timeline for something. That would work well with many scenarios.
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Message from Annie Tobin:


"Monique, Ann, Michele, Marie-Claire, Bonnie, Anne, Mary Solaas, and Corrie  … you are amazing troopers and I accept your well wishes in good grace.  It sure has been a trial and all I can do is wait … obviously I need to have lessons in patience which has never been one of my virtues, lol!

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Carole, I like the idea of using the board game as a timeline... I am quite sure I haven't created any layout for this Lab6-M12, and your suggestion will help to add it in a different way... Anyway, I am so behind with the Lab lessons that I don't know which module I will start with when I finish the scripting course.
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I couldn't resist buying the watercolor script at the store.




My first project with it, is this one. I (what's the past tense ( ?) of draw? Drawed? a quick line around the couple, so the bottom line wasn't right, but I wanted to see what would happen using the script, so I left it the way it came out.

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Thanks, Lynda.  It actually was fun once I decided where to go with it.  I have saved the game board as a template in case I want to have a go at it again as Carole suggested.


I just finished Lab 7 Mod 2 (my OCD makes me take it from the beginning and work my way up (LOL)).  This one had me for a while as I couldn't think of why I would want scratched paper!  But I decided to make a wood paper that looked old and then "distress" it (scratch it).  So that's my background. The loopy frame I think needs work or maybe have a go at it again (it uses my nemisis - the pen tool).  The grungy edge was fun to make and I colored it and used it as a frame for the picture.  The ribbons on the green paper (picot edge) and the scalloped ribbons combined with the striped ribbon are all mine as well as the papers.  The text (both title and narrative) are Bahnschrift SemiBold.

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I'm working through the mastersclasses; Carole your new index is very helpful deciding which one to follow. I'm looking at some older masterclasses that deal with the more basic tools, like the brush varience palette. I used the brush varience palette but now I see that was only the beginning. So I played a bit with it and made a simple layout with the results.
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Hello to everyone! You all do beautiful work! Since it has been cold here with plenty of snow and ice, I expressed my wish on this page. The bird and frame are from the kit "A Sparkling Start" and the swirl with snowflakes from "In the Frosty Air." I selected the part of the photo that I wanted on the outside of the frame, promoted it to a layer, erased the background so only the icicles were visible, put the layer on top of the photo and frame, lined it up and added shadow. The font is Back to Valentine Love (Creative Fabrica).
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