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What are you working on (in January 2022)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in January, be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!


Remember to size down your image to about 600x600 pixels and save in jpg format before posting it.


Here are a few guidelines for everyone:

when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same.

if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyways).

if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone!

if you like a photo and would like to “play with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get better quality than on a resized image anyways.

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Happy New Year to you all and what better way to welcome the new year with the first sighting of a daisy. When taking a stroll today I already noticed some daisies! It's very early but due to the extremely mild weather of the last couple of days and some evergreen plants are sprouting as well. It will get colder again, but it is nice as long as it lasts!
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Hi Carole normally we do have winter! Not so cold but most winters there will be at least a couple of days when there is thick enough ice to skate. Mostly we have a couple of days with snow and then the whole country is in disarray, trains not running on time or not at all, road trafic having problems with slippery roads. But we also can have winters that are just miserable; wet and windy. The daisies here are considered early spring plants and will appear Febuary if the weather is mild and more commonly March/April.
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My first project in 2022. Back with the birds. All my own work, there aren't any outside elements or papers. It's been a while since I created Chrome text. It looks icy cold, prefect for this page. Word frame, labels and word art. Background paper is from one of my snowy owls photos, using some effects. I used adjustments layers to create the masks. Wrapped rope around the frame and through the label, instead of using an element. I'm looking forward to learning more from the upcoming masterclass on font glyphs, and swashes.
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I make a quick birthday greeting for my brother. I have to laugh when I say quick, nothing is quick for me in PSP.  But I did get something made.  the background papers are from Digital Scrapbook.com and the fonts and graphics are from Creative Fabrica.  I have sent him the Japanese version first (BIG apologies in the translations, I used Google and not too sure it translates correctly).  I worked for my brother when I was living in British Columbia (Canada).  He was (just retired) a Japanese shoji door and furniture maker.  I worked in the finishing part and went on installs with him, his skill and creativity is outstanding.  I truly admire him.  I will send him the translated version after he gets the first version.
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This is my take on Lab 6 Mod 10 (also posted on Alphabet Challenge).  It has all of the elements taught except the parquet floor - I may do that in another LO.  All the papers and elements are mine in this LO.  I am thinking I will continue to use the stitched alpha Cassel taught us to make in one of the earliest labs for the balance of the Alphabet Challenge.
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I thought I would start off with the "Peanut Adventures" scrapbook to show her off. We adopted her in September 2020. She was rescued from a horrible situation. As you can from the picture of her in a cage, she was in bad shape, she had no hair. Thank goodness, for "A Little At A Time", they are the once who saved her and got her to her foster home. She was three years old and weighed three pounds when we got her.


I have taken so many pictures of her that I decided I would share her adventure with us.  More to come on Peanut.

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Finished the last element/paper in Lab 6 Mod 10 - the parquet floor.  Made it in several colors and reduced the opacity in this layout so it wouldn't overpower the picture.  Used all the elements created in this module: doily, parquet floor, chevron paper.  All the elements, papers, cluster are mine.  the ribbon and bow were created with one of Cassel's scripts.  Experimented with the "fun tool" - the mesh warp.  Also created several colors of the multi-colored chevron paper using different backgrounds.  Only created 1 doily, but may have to go back later on and do some more.
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Carole - I have always liked a "real" wood floor.  It's so much fun with you in PSP 2022 Ultimate.  Looking forward to tomorrow's webinar; hopefully I won't get caught up in something before 4pm my time.


I may still be in kindergarten, but I am enjoying it and will take it one Lab and Module at a time.  As to wood, I did follow the instructions for this wood floor and it really turned out swell.  When I did the wood mitered frame in an earlier lab, I took a picture of the wood high boy in my bedroom as the fill for the wood.  That wood frame went fine and I created several different wood frames, putting them in the PSP folder for picture frames since they conform to the picture being framed.

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So nice to have you back, Lynda.


This is Lab 6 Mod11.  All my own papers and elements (including the spider).  The font is AR HERMAN.  The white font in the arrows are Arial Black.   Making the spider web was with the pen tool - my nemisis; however, with the video on the second monitor (courtesy of my great grandson, David and his sister, Annabelle) I conquered it.  That pen tool has been very difficult for me to use.



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Really great stuff, everyone. Sorry I haven't been around, but my laptop had a nervous breakdown and I was just able to reinstall PSP yesterday. I have to get back into the swing of things.


Today's theme for my gaming group was Lazing Around. I used an illustration from John Gannam, an artist from the first half of the 20th century.


A background paper from Creative Fabrica made a nice frame and the side embellishment was made using one of Cassel's tatting picture tubes.  I'm still restoring my content so I used a bow from Lara's Digi World that I got from Digital Scrapbooking Studio instead of using one of Cassel's bow scripts. (DSS often offers free mini kits in their newsletter.) I recolored all of the elements to better go with the illustration using Adjustment: Hue and Saturation: Colorize. The font is Mr De Haviland, free from 1001 Fonts.


It's wonderful to have PSP back. Using BeFunky and Pizap was so limiting.

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