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The BIG 10 Showoff


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I am so impressed with what I've seen posted in the project submissions. I too wish I could comment or at least "thumbs up" the work that's on here. So much creativity, so much enthusiasm. It's just so inspiring!


As I mentioned before, I generally use PSP for improving old pix or for cards for family & friends. Here's a sample of an old photo I tried to improve some time ago. Photo is from about 1900-ish. The changes at least make it printable.

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I have lost so many files there is no way I can locate my very first scrap page but this is an early one from 2007.  I do not remember when PSP X10 came out but that was the first version I bought from Corel.  Before that I used version 6 of the Jasc program, and earilier a program called Picture Publisher that came I think with a scanner I purchased.   Carole did not specify 1st page from this site so hope this is OK.  I started with Scrapbooking on My Family website many years ago.  I think the name was Simply Scrapbooking created by Lorie Starcher.  I actually won first place in a contest on the site for this one which is kind of funny now looking at how the shadows lift my photos off the page.



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Not sure if I posted this one or not.  It was the first page I made in May 2021.  I was amazed I made this.  I am still at the beginning of the beginner stage with PSP.  Not having as much time as I'd like to put into PSP in the last few months isn't ideal for the practice I'd like to do.  I'm in another online course (color related) that runs much like the bootcamp; lessons/homework every 2-3 days. Except this is 12 modules that are one month each (I am on #4).  I am working on freeing up time to dedicate to PSP as it is also important to me.  The only unimportant thing is my job...how do I get rid of that...and still get paid? hahaha.


Thank you to everybody who posted their Love Challenge pages.  I had thought I needed to do a love theme (sometimes my brain is like a dull knife) but I see it's more about the techniques that I really want to learn than about the name of the challenge.  Sandra, I love your paper flower and Sue T, of course not just your mind-blowing photography, I love your style and before I saw your flares I didn't really see the value in them.  I do now.  My big take away from the Big 10 is; do not presume I wont ever have a use for learning something I don't think I'll use, because the chance to learn many techniques and become more familiar with PSP is a big reward.

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The pink page with a photo of my grand-niece by marriage is the very first scrap that I made with a tutorial in June 2007. The Harvest page is the very first page made without any tutorial in September 2007 (I remember having spent hours extracting the 2 grape elements and the metal sheet lol)
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Mary S – I admire your Fishing Buddies.  The way you did Happy and the paper is awesome.


Wanda (Sue) – Your sting shamrock is gorgeous.


Nadine – What a fabulous job of shadowing in your B57 Shadow Challenge


Lyn Lou – What a great page on your Isle of Wight holiday


Sue T – Your Xmas Globe looks so wonderful.  And your snowman makes me smile.


Susan E – What a neat project with the table set.  Now I want a sandwich and some pickles.


Bonnie B – I thought your Queens of the Court was so much fun!  I may do that with some of my friends.


Ann S – Your speech bubble makes me laugh out loud.  I could see the BlueJay saying that.


Sheila H – What a beautiful dog.  Sweet layout.


Rene M – What a great layout of ‘She Said Yes’.


Corrie – I think your September calendar page is so unique with the way you included the spider and pinecones and berries.


Monique – The calendar cover is great with how you included each season.


Shirley – Great job on making the photo into sepia with serrated edges.


Anita W – Your Adventure Park pages look like they could be the front of book.


Cristina – 2017 July challenge is great in how you laid out the photos.  So unusual and beautiful.


Euka – It really looks like your D is folded inward


Helen – Glad everyone was ok.  You made an amazing page from the photos.

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Dittos  I think Carole that 2006 work was Awesome...     Better than I have done I can only do things when in bootcamp I try by myself and I just cant seem to do them but this week I am going to climb a wall.    I  cant do like you all Or I am going to try to do like you all  Really I know thing positive going to try so hard this week.    This week.


Love all you alls i call it Art   its so Amazing...

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I'm going to post the one I finally finished (about an hour ago).  Papers: background is a photo that was blurred; cathedral window I created with one of the Labs; the green and blue papers were from PS but I'm not sure who and I did colorize them; date stamp is from one of the Travel Challenges redone; South Dakota leather stamp was created for the last Travel Challenge, and I used Cass gold chain picture tube.
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I started digital scrapbooking to record the adventures of my senior women's basketball group. These are the 5 original/founding members. This page is for our very first tournament which was a regional tournament...very small and very low key. We later participated in the Virginia Senior Games...and we grew from there. I'm pretty sure this is my first page...at the time I was creating as 10X 8 for ease of printing.
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This is the second page I made during the bootcamp of March 2020 when I started. The very first one is in a blogpost from July this year where Carole made me new Gold Star. I used the kit provided, because I had no supplies at all and was just learning where to get some through members who told so when posting some very advanced work (in my eyes at that moment!). And of course I had the fonts that are in Windows, you should see my font list now!


Carole this old page isn't bad at all, it is very sweet and I notice your husband is now playing for your grandson!


Sue like you I too made a flairbutton as my first element in the creative scrap and it was for the Hobby theme of last month.

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I used the postmark tutorial that was posted earlier. I can't link to it, because it has moved on.


"Wake me up when it is all over" - kinda how I feel. Hubby and I both had covid the middle of August. And now just trying to catch up, or keep up, or something. That is why this is my first post in the Big 10...and it is almost over.



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Corrie, Carole has  added copious tutorials to the creative scrap over the years. Yet, for some reason the Flair button still remains my number one favourite. I have a long list of other favourites, but not necessarily in the order I was to list them.

This is another old page I created, I don't know if there is Dutch word for the word petrichor.


I don't now  if your husband or yourself are fans of  Formula 1, Grand Prix racing, but last week was the  Dutch  race.

I love the flair button you created using a doily.

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Linda, you don't have to wait a day if you want to post more! I was only suggesting that in the beginning so we would not have 300 projects posted in one day and nothing to come back to later, but since you still have today and tomorrow, bring them on!
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@Val thanks so much )))))

wow love the tuto on circular element !!!!!! I had never managed to find the ratio of the resizing to have a good effect polar coordinates and yessss love the result !!! thanks so much @Cassel .

I use it on one of my ribbon I made with a tablecloth edge.

damn ... I just saw that I had not cut in the right place to have a good continuity of the drawing, damn damn. I do not see where to cut, will have to think carefully)))

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Sue we don't have a Dutch word for petrichor, we know that smell but say something as "that smell after rain on dry ground". I'm going through a lot of tutorials from the creative scrap at the moment, already made my own paerclips, pin, arrows, some brushes and picture tubes for use in coming projects. And some of the Labs as well, but not yet ready  for showing. I'm going to make more flairbuttons with my flowers.


Yes we watched the formula 1 last weekend on the telly and "our" Verstappen won, sorry for Hamilton. My husband is a great fan, I just watch when it is a special one.

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