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Bootcamp - Sept 2021


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First of all, come and say HI once you register for this bootcamp.


We want to know who else will be there, on our side to cheer everyone up.


Everyone started as a beginner, so don't ever compare yourself to others. You will learn one tool at the time, one concept at the time and you will create one project at the time. Everyone will have different photos and possibly different supplies so every project will be different.


Once the Bootcamp is started, on September 13th, 2021, you can post your projects in here.


Remember to resize your images to about 600 pixels AND saving in jpg format, before uploading it so it won't slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces. Try to follow the tutorials at least enough that we can recognize what lesson you completed.


Now, let's get ready !


If you missed the registration link or if you found this thread before I announce it (some people are very observant), HERE it is. Share it around if you want.


Although this Bootcamp is mostly meant to help beginners, we won't exclude anyone for "excess experience". Some participants are back for a second round. You are always welcome. Remember that it will be the exact same tutorials so don't be surprised. I am sure you will now do something slightly different than the previous time.


Since anyone can follow the whole Bootcamp using the trial version of PaintShop Pro, this is a perfect opportunity for anyone to give it a try and see how they like the program, so share with your friends who MIGHT consider using PaintShop Pro.


The 7 tutorials will be spaced out over almost 2 weeks. This should make it easier for participants to follow without feeling stressed (it should never be stressful!).

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Hello everyone, I have registered a few times, but have never got threw as I have focus issues. I am forever jumping from one project to another. Just to let you all know that I am going to going to complete this time. May take me longer but I will do it. DETERMINATION IS MY NAME.  Hugs to all.
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Hello everyone, I have registered a few times, but have never got threw as I have focus issues. I am forever jumping from one project to another. Just to let you all know that I am going to going to complete this time. May take me longer but I will do it. DETERMINATION IS MY NAME.  Hugs to all.
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Hi, everyone.  I'm going for my 3rd time.  Don't have a "theme" set of pictures, but I will probably use great grands as subject matter (especially the young ones) or maybe something from nature such as landscapes, flowers, etc.  This is an enjoyable time spent with our teacher, Carole.


Meant to say that I have changed my background color to white.  Found that I had changed it in a previous version to white and while using it recently, I find that I like it, so I changed my background to white in my current version: PSP 2021 Ultimate.  (still not sure of which pictures I will use).

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Hi, I'm using PSP 2021 ultimate set to complete mode; the colour of the work space is dark gray with medium gray background. I keep the materials, layers navigation and learning centre open at all times plus organiser and tool options. The tool bars that are open are the standard, scrips, status and tools. I have a collection of photos from 2000 to present so I have a lot to choose from. Photo is of spiders web.





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Hi everyone! I think this is my second bootcamp and about my zillionth year using PSP badly. I'm always keen to practise. Eventually it will all sink in. I haven't picked any photos yet, but may use some vintage ones this time around.


I am using PSP 2021. My preferences for now are dark gray background in the Complete workspace, the Tools toolbar docked on the left, the Standard and Tool Options toolbars at the top, with the Materials and Layers palettes open on the right.

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Bonnie, yes, some participants have become regulars. Maybe you will too?


Susan, as a returning participant, that will be one goal: to get more comfortable with PSP, tools and commands.


Ann, kids are always welcome in our pages!


Helen, you will make it... eventually.


Cindy, welcome back.


Colin, welcome to the Campus. The Bootcamp is meant for starters, so don't hesitate to ask if you are ever stuck.


Mary, I am glad you like to spend time with me! You will see me every night!


Rob, welcome to the Bootcamp. That is a cutie. I hope we see more of him!


PikeVaan, welcome too. It is ok to use PSP2022. Although there are a few minor differences with the workspace (mostly the home page) from the version used for the videos, you should have no problem following.


Connie, welcome back.


Wanda, the first email was sent this morning, although it is not a project, but the first lesson, about installing and configuring PSP. Did you get that one?

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I have just registered, a tad late I'm afraid.  I've uploaded  a screenshot of my preferred PSP layout.  I will also be showcasing one of this year's juvenile ruby-throated hummingbirds. ( shown in screen shot) I had 3 youngsters, with several  adult males and females, they left for warmer climes, as they do every year on the  29th August.  They were also 2 days later arriving this year. 3rd August.
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