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What are you working on (in July 2021)?


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Page 14 - all I have on Bear Country.  Really remarkable place.  The descriptive on this page is gathered from their website: bearcountryusa.com.  New on this page: I created a new cluster made from elements in PSBT July21 DB Magnolia and the ribbon from PSBT May21 DB Magnolia; the button with a bear claw is from PS - Jessica Dunn.
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Hi Everyone! : )


There is so much beautiful work here! It's a joy to see all the creativity and lovely layouts posted, and on many, I have already commented on FB. Great job!


It's been a while since the last time I posted something on the Campus... I think it was in the Travel Tale Challenge thread.. which layout, by the way, I haven't finished yet! Just working very slowly and doing other things in between.


Anyway, hopefully, this month or the next, I will also be posting some new work.


Best wishes, : )

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Well, either my computer or PSP2021 is getting cantakerous - but I did manage to finish page 15.  Made another cluster but decided to use one I had made previously.  Ann, thank you for the inspiration on placement of the photos.  Used a different background paper for the photos, etc. - one I had created earlier.  Everything else is as usual.
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I learned something else with this page:  there is a history palette and you can delete history, but you can also save steps as a script.  Deleting the history I needed because I keep trying different things sometimes when I am creating the layout for a project (I think that is what was choking my PSP and my computer), but because I now have the steps down pat for creating a rectangle mask from a photo, I am going to try saving it as a script.  Fun times with PSP!
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For those of you that dislike mice, jump on a chair now, before you look at the page!   Like all rodents, the ground squirrels are excellent climbers, so I hung an old basket to a tree. I often use props for a photo shoot, I find goodies from charity shops. I used 2 photos, masks, word art. I was lucky enough to win the datestamp 10 script. This evening I was in a fun, whimsical frame of mind when I created this page. I hope it makes you smile.
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I think I will post the pictures I put on 2 cards I made - one is a thank you to a friend who gave us some tomatoes and the other is a kind of generic birthday card which I haven't decided which one of the great grands or grands I will give it to.


Still really enjoying your postings Sue - you are such an inspiration.  Is that a mask you are using for the photo of the Eastern King bird?



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Mary, thank you for the kind comment, I'm pleased that you enjoy  my postings, and they inspire you.  Yes, it is a mask, which I created.   If you are a Diamond member or subscribe  to the Lab,  you'll find  a tutorial showing you how to create that effect.  It's called block photo.   There is also  a block photo script in the store.
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Thanks, Sue.


Here is page 18.  I have had a day of it!  I couldn't get my magic wand, all of a sudden, to allow me to select the picture and modify it to make the frames - it kept giving me the message that there wasn't enough memory to complete the command!  Well, I spent the day - checking the memory to see if there were problems there; then, since none were found, I uninstalled 2021 and then reinstalled it.  Still wouldn't work.  I tried it on my laptop and it wouldn't work there either.  THEN, I looked at the layer palette - I had not merged the group!!!!!  Needless to say, it pays to stop and look at what is going on before going ballistic.  Anyway, page 18 is now done and the new elements are from PS.


Well, the descriptive lettering which was done in Arial narrow I guess I need to bold, although it is legible.

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Mary, a very nice page, the text is legible, may I suggest that, if you  used a texture on the  beige paper, you  smooth it out a bit, or you could as you said  use  bold on the text.  Saying that it's fine as it is.


Many of you will know I love working with fonts, whether it's word art or frames. I find vextors are more versatile to work with than rasters.  I used one of Carole's special fonts to create the outer frame, and one of her corner punch brushes on the photo and background paper.   I do enjoy the Thrushes, although they are  very shy.  I also get the Veery, and the Brown Thrasher  Thrushes.  I have showcased and posted  pages on those too.

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Sue, I commented on this card already on Facebook, but I just want to tell you that your thank-you-card for your grandkids is so nice. And it is a very bad thing that causes people not to go and see newborns for over a year now. I haven't been able to travel to America either and see my grandkids growing up. They are 9 and 11 now and becoming quite some little ladies. After the summer the eldest goes to middle school, they are growing up so fast!
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