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What are you working on (in March 2021)?


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This morning when I went over to the horses to muck out. I was pleasantly greeted by the song of the Meadowlark. The first this year. I would have preferred to have had a shot of him on a fence post, but this shot is better than none. I'm still in a frame making frame of mind. Carole's corner punch brush. Canvas textures.


Val, thank you ever so much for your detailed kind comments on my pages, you must have really looked hard, and read my  comments on  what and how I  achieved each page.  I'm also pleased you found some of the files I posted to be used in projects.  Have fun using them!  Again thank you!

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Dear Sue, another delightful page. I know you would have preferred him to be on a fence but you know how I love grunge and his background is perfect for me. Love the frame, you are really doing well with those. I must pay attention and visit the facebook page more often ... I am a haphazard facebook user at best hence I miss a lot! Enjoyed perusing my friend, thank you. ;D
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Thank you ever so much Annie,  you are always so kind.  Your comments are always appreciated, and mean a great deal to me. I probably  will, when the need arises,  clone out the meadowlark,  play with the page in effects, to create a  background page for a project.  Even in digital scrapbooking  everything can be recycled.  Enjoy the rest of your day,  my dear friend.
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You are always welcome Sue ... your work deserves high praise indeed.


This is something I have been playing around with for a couple of days and finally got the bones of it completed this morning.  It is simply an alpha outline that can be filled with whatever to suit your project.  I made a festive one for this display.  It took a deal of work with the pen tool but I finally got there.  I had seen a similar one whilst google searching for something else but the original was a Christmas doodle font and was no longer available online ... so, made it myself.  Probably a bit more rustic than the original but I kinda like it that way ... yep, I'm the grunge lover of the team.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

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Annie, I am amazed with what you do!  The font is beautiful- and you created it!!! You are certainly one talented lady.


I want to comment on what the rest of you have done and are doing in these last days of March. (My, TIME FLIES!)


However, I learned the hard way that if you leave the page you are on, your note in progress goes away.  Maybe I'll learn how to get around it some day.

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Thank you Cristina yet again for your kind words.  The canvas texture I had, I  brightened it, so it would  give a more defined look to the paper.  I find doing that is better than than editing the texture  before applying it.  Which means I have several  different intensity of the same texture.
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Thanks Michele!  The original alpha was "christmas doodle alphabet" clip art from ORIGINS digital curio and I searched everywhere to purchase it but came up with nothing.  That's when I decided to play with the pen tool and create my own outline which could then be filled with whatever paper I wanted to match the project I was working on.  By clicking inside the area to be filled I expanded by 10 and then promoted to a layer.  In doing that I was able to move the papers around to capture all the nice designs.  I used 4 different papers to create a full alpha but you could use as many or as few as you want. Ann Seber advised me to post on Facebook which I have done.  Really happy you liked my friend.  ;D
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Cristina, Lynda, Mary and Sue ... you have blown me away with your comments. Thank you very much my friends. As you can see from the image above it really was a lovely christmas doodle alpha and I would have loved to purchase it. But ... that old pen tool came to the rescue. Because I created it as an outline I am able to fill with whatever ... kinda like a colouring in page, lol! I am including with this post a copy of the full alpha outline. In the top left corner is the curl which I created separately so was able to position it here and there with the pick tool. The rest was easy peasy really ... just time consuming! ;D
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Last year, I created this layout for the Lab10-M9 but having a look at it again, I didn't like the dark blue background paper anymore... I used another paper (DiHiller_PSJul2020 North Shore_paper4), added a photo overlay on top of it, and changed the blend mode... I also decided to practice the lifted shadow effect on the "N" Banner Alpha, but I am not sure about the result... After blurring the shadow a bit more, I lowered the opacity to about 80% ... Any thoughts?
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Well I think you have done a terrific job Cristina. The change ups really suit the overall theme of the photo especially the background paper ... I think blue would be out of sync. The lifted shadow effect works very well. All up ... great job my friend. ;D
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Sheila, you did a great job coloring with the mouse... I have an old Wacom tablet, and at first, I needed some time to feel comfortable with it. But, since I started working more with the laptop, I haven't used the tablet/pen anymore... I have to find a way to get used to it again because, in the end, it is easier with certain techniques.
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