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What are you working on (in December 2020)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in December, be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!

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Trish: that's a beautiful layout. They're predicting a little snow here today so maybe it will start to look like that around here too!


Finished my Scavenger Hunt yesterday so even though it was instituted in November I think it also qualifies as a December project now!


These little plants are my newest hobby; anything to keep me busy when it's cold outside and, health-wise, a good idea to stay home as much as possible.


My layout theme is ORCHIDS and I've collected 5 of them, re-potted them all (even while blooming!) so we'll see how they settle in.


The scavenger hunt asked for 1) a paperclip, which I created from Cassel's tutorial; 2) a torn edge, which I also used the tutorial but am not that happy with the results; 3) scallops, I used Cassel's script so that was easy; 4 & 5) a metallic object and a button, covered by my 1 for 2- a metallic button from my stash. I used the Impact font for the heading and filled it with a swatch I made from the flowers in the photo and backed it up with a white duplicate shifted over a bit to add depth. The trees are tubes and the papers and frame from random kits. The journaling paper is from Cassel's burnt edges offering.

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Like Lynda I had a play around with the cross pattern tut from Lab 10 Module 10.  It really is a fun thing to do and the possibilities are endless.  I have created several patterns but I only used one to demonstrate the blend modes in the materials palette.  So the same colour was used for the pattern and a lighter shade for the background, then came the blend mode change up, merge visible and a Filters Unlimited texture was applied.  I could play like this all day long, lol!  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D
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The Grackle is one of my favourites bird.  They left quite a  while ago for warmer climes.  The  background was a little busy, for what I wanted to create. I extracted him using a  mask.  Replaced it with a paper I created  using  browns, matching the gold elements. Font snowflakes, Cassel's corner punch brush
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Advent day 4.  Come on ladies and gentlemen!   I've included a photo of a  female Snowy Owl for  you to download and use.  The beauty of  creating an advent is that it's minimalistic, doesn't  need  any embellishment, unless you want to add some, you are the creator.
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Okay Sue, you have inspired me. I will attempt today to catch up on the Advent calendar. All your projects are lovely and I especially love your subway art tree ... clever lassie! Thanks for the Snowy Owl, it is beautiful and I will do something with it for sure. You are a gem! ;D
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