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Story Time Challenge 2020


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Hi Carole,


In answer to your questions. Yes, the photo is of my mother and myself in our backyard on 22nd Street in Allentown. I guess I was around 1 year old, maybe and yes, I am lucky to have a photo that old. I actually have a photo of my father when he was around 3 which is really weird because it was taken in Italy.


As far as my name is concerned people just can't wrap their heads around the spelling but that's OK because it is usually a pretty good conversation starter.


Lynda with a y  :-)

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Day 2 ~ My Dad retired from the Navy when I was only 12, (I think I was unexpected, LOL) and we moved to Maine permanently. It was actually put to a family vote ... my parents both voted for Florida and all four kids voted for Maine. So they came here until I graduated from high school and then THEY hit the road in an RV and eventually moved to Florida where they stayed. My brother and sisters all remained in the north even though we sort of scattered. One to Vermont, one to Rhode Island and my brother and I stayed put in Maine. Growing up, when we went to western New York to see my grandparents there, my grandfather was a train enthusiast ... and was so pleased to have grandchildren there that he didn't get to see too often, he would take us on train rides. Usually they were just for the day. My grandparents in Maine had oodles of grandchildren as my Mom was one of 11 children, but they were equally enthusiastic when we would come. Against my Grandmother's grain, she did allow us to play with stuff that she normally would have drawn the line at. Because my brother and I lived in the south, we were not allowed to play with snakes. When we would get to Maine that was the biggest deal to us ... we would collect snakes by the pailful. They also owned a beach out front and we would use those same pails to collect crabs - no rock left unturned. Great memories of both places. :)
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Thank you Carole,  I just thought it sounds easier but was afraid to loose all the scripts I bought and tubes ect.   Okay Ill try it.


I love so many People on here their work stories ect.  A couple of the men have made me laugh so hard and love it.


The One is my name One is not is so fun,   I want to redo mine to  I just wanted to post it after hours and like not under 6 to get it done.  LOL going to, but wanted to say   Everyone is so cool here.

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Well, the Day 1 assignment was fun. Mostly because I changed that way I tried to frame my story several times. I also had some trouble with a few Paintshop features that took me some time to figure out. That is what I like about these challenges. It forces me to try out things that I have not done and learn some new stuff along the was.


I am wowed by the interesting stories you all have to tell. Looking forward to more as the week progresses.

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This story describes a special moment from my first weekend with The Boys. I was apprehensive. Not having children, I was in uncharted waters. How do I entertain two rambunctious boys?


My deep knowledge of SpongeBob helped with the 5-year-old. Cooking breakfast with the 8-year-old was a plus. By the end of the weekend, Uncle Gerry was the "awesomest!"


Watching my mother putting them to bed brought back warm memories of being a sleepy boy who tried to stay awake and then couldn't wake up. It was a feeling of being safe. A feeling of love.

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This is a story about my brother and I at Christmas.  He was killed by drunk driver when he was 18.  I write about him often.


Help!? I am having a hard time with putting my font on my image with out it being really blurry to me.   I dont seem to be able to fit my whole story on a page  either.  I am having to chop my little story to bits.  When I do finally get it written  I copy and paste it from Word in my little selection box.   Would it be better to just type it myself right into my selection box?  Hope that made sense and thanks.

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Here are my day 1 and 2 together. Yesterday evening it was running so late (time difference) that I had no time to send my day 1 in. Now it is late again but not yet midnight! I love the work of all of you.


The photo in day 1 is of me and my mam in hospital the day after I was born. My dad was a keen photographer, not so usual in those days.  I like a layout best with at least 1 photo. After this challenge is over I will probably change my text to Dutch.

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Well, Day 2 was easier. I kept all things simple and concentrated on the story instead. Sometimes it is hard to be brief and keep facts focused. I particularly like the black and white templates as they give a structure idea but leaves the embellishments to us. Thanks, Cassel, or should I say, Carole now that you have shared that fact with us.


Corrie: I really enjoyed your Sinterklaas and Name stories. I can vividly remember Zwarte Piet banging on the door of our living room in Amersfoort. Then trying to decide which one of us would go and see what was left on the other side was a big challenge. Eventually one of us would do it to the delight of the scared others.



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I put a little more energy into working on this project today.  However, I was more confused than usual and had to watch Carole's Day 2 video several times before I could figure out just how to get the result I wanted.  This isn't quite what I had planned originally but it came out OK enough for me to post it.



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Starting over with this post.. I accidentally uploaded the huge version of my page and I guess it's stuck somewhere in the spam filter! :)


My page is a memory of my mother and her love of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue .. the first jazz for a full orchestra and a fabulous showcase for a pianist, which she was.


She was also a flapper, bathtub gin and all and she loved gardenias. Here's my tribute..

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Day #3


My story about me and my cousin getting into my dad's homemade wine.  I wish I would have learnt how to make home made wines by building my own still before he passed on.  I would not have drank any of the wine or moonshine from it but I would have learned what is fast becoming a lost art.


I used a kit called "Shabby Chic" by JSS and I used Cassel's butterfly script.


I am starting to get comfortable with the journaling and today was quite a bit easier than the previous two days.  I also figured out if I typed in my story first I didn't get the blurred results and that my story fit much better than my previous attempts.

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Everyone's stories are awesome. Mine seems pretty boring comparatively. I had a pretty small time, small town childhood. By the time we moved to Maine, both of my Grandmothers had passed, so it was pretty much all the Aunts and Uncles that ruled around here. I had 40 of them ... and pretty much all local. No wonder there were so many cousins around!
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This story happened in 1977-43 years ago.. seems a Long Long Time Ago... ;)


I did make the alphas for my headlines.. It wasn't easy..I went back to the video and keep stopping and starting it and flipping over to my PSP in between! lol


BTW, we were not kids.. Frank and I were in our 30s at the time..

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Story Time Challenge 2020 - Day 3    Üp to no good"


After flying for TWA, Continental Airlines, Pan American and a few others, my Dad came home and announced we would be moving to Japan. He procured a position with Japan Air Lines (JAL). He would be flying and training other pilots. We were pretty excited to go on this new adventure. The house was put into the good hands of my Grandparents, the brand new Ford Falcon was given to my Uncle Jack and we were on our way.


Japan was a whole new world. We lived in a small town by the name of Kugayama, a suburb of Tokyo. It was a small town with open air shopping, narrow streets and hand drawn carts selling bean curd ice cream....I didn't like it. We would walk everwhere and would sometimes hear kids yell from their homes "Yankee go home" We didn't know why but with age you understand. We also had a number of Japanese friends that wanted to get to know us. We went to school on an American base by the name of Green Park. We could also see movies there and go to the officers club to dine.


The Japanese didn't seem to be very fond of dogs..maybe because they looked at them as dinner, not pets. I had a German Shepard by the name of Fay. We got her from another American family that was going home and they didn't want to take the dog. Fay was a good old girl. I never had her on a leash. We would go for walks and she would go ahead, turn a corner and sit until we caught up. I didn't realize it at the time but I guess there were those that objected.


One day my sisters and I went walking with Fay and we followed the train tracks to the next town, Kichijoji. It was pretty far and we were pretty tired so we decided to take a taxi home. Needless to say, Fay was a detriment when it came to hailing a taxi. We didn't know what to do..cell phones weren't invented yet. We came up with a devious plan. I would hide with Fay and my sisters would get a cab. When they were safely in the car, I would come out of hiding and usher the dog into the car. I can only imagine what the taxi driver was saying but we knew he was not happy. We played dumb and just kept saying we didn't understand. He finally gave up and took us home, dog and all. My Mom did give him a pretty big tip so maybe it wasn't so bad for him after all.

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