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Quick-Page Workshop - June 2023


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Someday, I will have to remind myself that not every empty space needs to be filled. The edible arrangement photo was taken after I received it from my lovely daughter, Beth. Pineapples are from an AI program, and the balloons are from my build a kit. I changed the hue because I love purple. The font is an olf called Mrs Beasley. The glitter paper background is from one that I made some time ago.


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In general I do not like to use very small photos and therefore I placed only 1 photo in the frames. The color blue in the template invited me so to speak to use this photo of a bluebird, a beautiful bird that we don't have in the Netherlands. At first he/she was sitting on the ground between some grasses and I only spotted some blue and when I went to have a better look he flew up and settled in a tree to look what I was up to. I could come rather near and got a couple of photos of him or her. I don't know if there is a difference between the male and female birds. If someone knows, please tell me.


Edited by Corrie Kinkel
wrong word
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My first attempt failed this afternoon, So I deleted it. No suitable photos. The photos faded away after scaling.   

This afternoon after a long break I got a new idea, insects enough in my stock.  But again they needed a background. I made all the same for the balance in coloring.

The three open spaces got a double shade of me after being selected to give them depth. 

I do have time enough and can work as long as it needs till I'm satisfied, so no problem. The name of the text font is Marly Tail.

The flower edge is a 'true type'  too named Azalea Ornaments. No shades behind as they are background images.  


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6 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

Quick Page Extra Lesson 5

having hamburgers a couple weeks ago I was slicing pickles and well, there you have it, very judgy pickles.  How rude.  ?

Fonts: The Chocolate (Creative Fabrica) and Arial (Windows)


QP Extra -5-vocal pickles-600.jpg

I don't know many people who would think to take pix of sliced pickles! But it's very funny.

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1 hour ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

My first attempt failed this afternoon, So I deleted it. No suitable photos. The photos faded away after scaling.   

This afternoon after a long break I got a new idea, insects enough in my stock.  But again they needed a background. I made all the same for the balance in coloring.

The three open spaces got a double shade of me after being selected to give them depth. 

I do have time enough and can work as long as it needs till I'm satisfied, so no problem. The name of the text font is Marly Tail.

The flower edge is a 'true type'  too named Azalea Ornaments. No shades behind as they are background images.  


Mine 1st attempt failed too...I was editing my photo's and was happy with thd 4 I chose (for the Extra layout) when *poof* out went the power.  I will try again.  I love the message in your layout.  although I very squeamish about insects I do appreciate them and remember to give them a water station out in the yard so they dont drown in the bird baths.  

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3 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

Mine 1st attempt failed too...I was editing my photo's and was happy with thd 4 I chose (for the Extra layout) when *poof* out went the power.  I will try again.  I love the message in your layout.  although I very squeamish about insects I do appreciate them and remember to give them a water station out in the yard so they dont drown in the bird baths.  

When I saw the insects, I immediately thought of your reaction!

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Quick Page Extra Lesson 6

I'm starting Lesson 6 with the extra.  I love the layout of this quick page (I mean the QP as itself).  For such a small area for the photos you eye is really drawn to that spot.  I dont deny it, this is a challenge for my shooting style where it's hard to get photos that fit into a square.  It's a good challenge for me.  I dont have a great lens for moons, they are tiny in my images so i have plenty of space for getting that square layout.  I took some creative liberties with the backgrounds going from the darkest blue of the full moon to the lightest blue in the less than full moon the lightest one is.   Three of the moons were actually shot in the day...I call them Day Moons.  The full moon was shot at night.  I had to extract it and put it on another moons background (with permission of the "other" moon of course).   i like using the selection to put the quotes in.  I changed the colors using the Hue Map, it took several times going back to it. 

Photos: mine

Fonts: Gill Sans Ultra Bold and Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed (windows)


QP-Extra6 Moons-600.jpg

Edited by Susan Ewart
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Quick Page Non-Scrap Lesson 6

No words, just photos circa 2010.  It was hard to find enough white photos.  I will be on a mission to start taking more white flower photos.  This is a neat way to showcase photos.  I think I'll be putting that script on the list.  Now onto the actual Quick Page for lesson 6.  


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Nu was ik in 15 minuten klaar inclusief het zoeken naar een passende foto.

Net als Corrie Kinkel heb ik 1 foto gebruikt.

Maar de foto was te smal, dus dupliceerde ik het en draaide hem om, lijnde het uit.

En VOILA. niemand ziet het. Ik heb een screenshot gemaakt van mijn mobiel omdat ik de foto leuk vind.  


Edited by Jannette Nieuwboer
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18 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

Quick Page Non-Scrap les 6

Geen woorden, alleen foto's rond 2010. Het was moeilijk om voldoende witte foto's te vinden. Ik ga op een missie om meer witte bloemenfoto's te maken. Dit is een leuke manier om foto's te laten zien. Ik denk dat ik dat script op de lijst ga zetten. Nu op naar de daadwerkelijke Quick Page voor les 6.  


Susan, the lines are on the background of the pics?

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My Day 6 are Water Lillies at Burnby Hall (2012). I chose these photos becasue I thought they sat well with the background colours. I added a bit of text - each letter was typed individually and then positioned.


Day 6 600.jpg

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On 6/24/2023 at 5:05 AM, Cassel said:

The Brush Script is not a script for a font. That is just its name. I have had it for so long that I thought it was a default font. How tall was Sunny? Yes, to change the frame's color, it is a matter of selecting it and that can be a challenge in a ready-made page.

Thanks Carole, -silly me- I wonder why I misunderstood this. I'm a night owl but obviously it was a bit too late this time. I looked at the fonts in PSP and discovered that I knew already this font LOL!!! Even if it doesn't look so, Sunny was higher than 3 meters.  And yes, this time coloring the frame stayed a challenge. Normally I find always the way to color what I want to in ready-made pages. 


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On 6/23/2023 at 11:57 PM, Corrie Kinkel said:

For Non-Scrap 4 from yesterday I used some photos I took because my youngest granddaughter asked me to do. She loves and takes care of all sorts of plants and animals! I changed the colors of the template because the colors of the photos didn't get well with the vibrant greens of the template. I turned this into a card which I'll send to her.

QP 5 Extra has again a photo from my trip and when I was in San Francisco I saw Alcatraz in the Bay. Even from a distance it looks so formidable and threatening! I made a small alteration of the template, b  there were little hearts which I replaced with some skulls; this is no place for hearts!



And how are the little plants doing? Cactuses are a great and complex hobby!

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