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Vector Workshop 2023


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5 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

I wholeheartedly agree! For this workshop I print the guidebooks so I have them next to my pc and I write these very useful tips down and have them ready to refer to when needed.

I am printing them too and making notes on them.  Thank you Carole for the guidebook.  This is also making the three Vector masterclasses make more sense.  

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1 hour ago, Suzy said:

Jackie, Corrie is a Diamond member and we get guidebooks. You have to make your own with screen shots, but it can be done, and easily, too.

You simply take screen shots of Cassel’s screen as she’s showing you the tool settings in the beginning, by using “print screen”. You can trim it up in PSP, and then use MSWord or your word processor to make the guidebook. Words will be the “meat” of what she’s showing, and you type them in.  When she shows something, or zooms in, you take another screen shot and paste it on a new layer in .psp.  You might have 12 of them at the end of one lesson. Trim them so just the video is showing and paste in the right order into MSWord. 

I’ve done this plenty of times and  it’s easy to do, but now that I’m old and my kids are grown up, I have more money and also bought the Diamond membership. The good part of using MS Word is that you can add all the conversation here — whatever seems helpful - cut n paste. On Cassel’s guidebooks, they’re .pdf and you have to print it and then use a pencil or pen and do any comments by hand. 

Or you could take a one month membership and download the guide books (once they are in the Diamond section - check with Carole when that will be), you get to download a certain amount of files per week.  There is 3 vector masterclasses too.  if you are a diamond member you could watch them and if you like them, download them.  

Edited by Susan Ewart
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8 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

Or you could take a one month membership and download the guide books (once they are in the Diamond section - check with Carole when that will be), you get to download a certain amount of files per week.  There is 3 vector masterclasses too.  if you are a diamond member you could watch them and if you like them, download them.  

Susan, thanks so much for your comments.  Geez, of course, a Diamond membership it the ticket!  This workshop coincided with some time off from work so I usually don't have the time to devote to this (I need a lot of time, computers are not intuitive to me at all) but I think I will sign up.  Thanks again!

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12 minutes ago, Jackie Savukinas said:

Susan, thanks so much for your comments.  Geez, of course, a Diamond membership it the ticket!  This workshop coincided with some time off from work so I usually don't have the time to devote to this (I need a lot of time, computers are not intuitive to me at all) but I think I will sign up.  Thanks again!

They aren't intuitive to me either.  PSP was a steep learning curve for me.  Thank goodness I had the Campus was able (after some time) to join the Diamond Membership. I started with the bootcamp and then went on to the Basic Scrapbook Course and now all the Workshops (that are free but only available for a certain time when they are offered) are in the Diamond membership to use when we wish (as well as all the Lab tutorials and Master classes). It's perfect for giving you something to learn when you dont know what to do next. 

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34 minutes ago, Michele said:

I was ready to wrap it up after the second one, but I pushed myself to do the third as it was more complicated. I ended up adding a bunch of cusp nodes for that one. 



Michele, great that you didn't give up! You created great preset shapes.

I am using a lot of cusp nodes, which I never/seldom did before...  I am so happy about this workshop... I am working daily with vectors, therefore feeling more comfortable and learning a lot!

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Working with vectors does require lots of time and patience. Things don't work smoothly all the time. But ultimately, achieving something I didn't know was so rewarding.

Lesson 4 - Along with making the contour, there was a lot of hide-and-seek of the arms! ?? ...

It happened a few times yesterday, but today was a lot...  I had to move the nodes outward, trying to see where they were. If this didn't help, I would change the node type, back and forth, until the precious arms would be kind enough and show themselves... Sometimes they were so, so close to the nodes.

Having said that, I loved this lesson. I learned a lot!

The contour separating the cup from the saucer was done afterward, so it's not shown on the preset... I started working on the extra practice for Lesson 3, but it requires more time... Will try to finish tomorrow.


Lesson4 -practice-cup and saucer.jpg

Edited by Cristina
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13 hours ago, Suzy said:

Corrie, I wish I had done this on Day One! (Even though I already have stacks a foot high on my desk). This is one workshop where I will eventually need to know everything that’s being taught, and there have been a lot of helpful things in this thread, too. Durn it! Do I go back, or do I shrug it off?

Suzy it is not too late to print those guidebooks and they will be  great to refer to when needed. I have done so on other workshops and it so helpful to be able to check on something without to shuffle through my pc to find where I might have saved them.?

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17 minutes ago, Marvin Fojtasek said:

I didn't color it because I had trouble figuring out how to make the space in the handle transparent.

If the cutout is made following the instructions, it will be transparent by default. If it is not, it is because one step might have been skipped.

You are definitely doing a great job with the nodes. Now, let's add the cutout part.

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14 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

I am printing them too and making notes on them.  Thank you Carole for the guidebook.  This is also making the three Vector masterclasses make more sense.  

The guidebook DOES count against your weekly download limit... so I will have to wait to download/print lesson 4?

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Lesson 4 - I was doing okay, then I had to pause to tend to something else. It was downhill from there ?

I thought I would get fancy and put one of my labels from lesson 2 on my mug....but I got tripped up there. Decided to just put the heart that was on the original . But I guess if I wanted to change the color of the heart on the mug, I think I needed to do that before I pasted it on the vector of the mug....my brain is confused now....so I think I am going to call it 'done' for now. There are more things on my to do list for today.


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I'm back. Thanks to Carole sending me links to the lessons that were in my email that Bell was holding hostage due to technical issues with their system.  I didn't get fancy, just tried to replicate the sample in the lesson. It looks like I am in good company with this group as most are finding the workshop tricky. I am beginning to appreciate all the work designers put into making shapes for sale. The price on those shape package that I was admiring seems very reasonable now. Anyway, here is my attempt. Sharon


lesson3 contour.jpg


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As these techniques are quite tricky, I have found it easier to do my first examples at the same time as watching Carole's video so I use the same image as in the video. (My version had finger grips for the handle only by accident!). I haven't had the time to do other ones yet but have taken notes and tried to summarise the main stages.

I have a question on the CRAC and Paste stage. Should the Pen Tool be still in the drawing mode or Edit mode?

Lesson4-cup with cutout.jpg

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Thought I had better get going on this workshop as you are all handing in such awesome work. SO here goes my versions of the first two lessons. Like some of you I struggle with getting the order correct for getting to the nodes and changing them but I am loving the learning curve. Thanks again Carole for sharing your expertise. ?

Heart and Arrow 600.jpg

Label lessons 1, 2 & 3- 600.jpg

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14 minutes ago, bina greene said:

Hello everyone and hello Carole, thanks so much for the workshop & all your patience with my login drama! I do not seem to have the stroke style. I wonder why that is so. I go stranded pretty early on that . You can see this here.  I probably didn't check some box....

This image showed the LAYERS property box, you need the MATERIALS properties palette on the upper far right of the Edit screen (complete workspace).  You will see two overlapping boxes.  Hover over them and you will see the foreground/Stroke Properties and below is the Background/Fill properties box.  

Edited by Susan Ewart
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Lesson 4 - A bit of a challenge in a few parts but got there in the end. Not sure if a glitch in PSP 2022, but most probably me ? Had to watch and re-watch the C R A C instruction as after 'paste' I couldn't move my cutout even though it was selected - the 'move' cross wasn't there. This happened a few times, and then I don't know what I did different but suddenly it started to move....

With the popout/cutout on the inside of the mug I was impressed that when I went to fill it, it filled it with the colour without covering the background with it - that's what I thought would happen, but I'm glad it didn't ?  

Definitely need to work on the curves more, but here is my attempt:



Lesson 4 Vector.jpg

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This one was a little bit harder for me...and I used some learning from the previous modules.  I didn't color the handle because I didn't have enough time...it would be done just like the saucer and diamonds though, so I think I could do it.  If you look closely, you can see a few flaws on the edge of the cup where the diamonds are...again, not enough time to make it perfect.

One thing I learned is when selecting nodes I hover my mouse over the center of the node until the cursor changes to a four-way arrow (like when you are moving an object) and then left click to select the node.  It worked every time.

All you pros just keep posting your results because I learn from just looking at how you put your ideas into the graphic.  Also, you can chuckle a little at my lack of artistic abilities (like the color combinations I choose, etc.).


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34 minutes ago, Bobby Yeater said:

This one was a little bit harder for me...and I used some learning from the previous modules.  I didn't color the handle because I didn't have enough time...it would be done just like the saucer and diamonds though, so I think I could do it.  If you look closely, you can see a few flaws on the edge of the cup where the diamonds are...again, not enough time to make it perfect.

One thing I learned is when selecting nodes I hover my mouse over the center of the node until the cursor changes to a four-way arrow (like when you are moving an object) and then left click to select the node.  It worked every time.

All you pros just keep posting your results because I learn from just looking at how you put your ideas into the graphic.  Also, you can chuckle a little at my lack of artistic abilities (like the color combinations I choose, etc.).


Wow!  this is beautiful.  I collect tea cups (dont drink out of them-too small ?) and I'd be proud to have this one in my "virtual" cupboard.

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