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Vector Workshop 2023


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3 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

What did you mean that you set up your materials palette in order to work with vectors?  Is there something special I am missing????

Nothing special; just that every time in the past I didn't know whether the top or bottom color was stroke or fill. I now see the top, on a preset shape, is the outline and the bottom is the fill, where you can see I experimented with color, gradients and patterns.

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1 hour ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

Julie have you tried it before with the precision cursor instead of that awful spear point?

and have you made the notes bigger? (Just try to help)

I'm not sure I know what you mean by "precision cursor"? I wasn't aware the nodes could be made bigger! You have clearly worked with vectors more than I have!

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3 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

Nothing special; just that every time in the past I didn't know whether the top or bottom color was stroke or fill. I now see the top, on a preset shape, is the outline and the bottom is the fill, where you can see I experimented with color, gradients and patterns.

It has taken me a LONG time to figure that out!

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4 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

Nothing special; just that every time in the past I didn't know whether the top or bottom color was stroke or fill. I now see the top, on a preset shape, is the outline and the bottom is the fill, where you can see I experimented with color, gradients and patterns.

I still forget which is which, and what tool it pertains to.  Not sure why I cant keep it in my head.  I find I choose the wrong one first.  yeesh, I have a 50% chance to guess the right one and usually dont.  

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11 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

I still forget which is which, and what tool it pertains to.  Not sure why I cant keep it in my head.  I find I choose the wrong one first.  yeesh, I have a 50% chance to guess the right one and usually dont.  

Better odds than buying a lottery ticket!?

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I’m glad you posted, Anja!  I was expecting it to start this Monday, the 10th. I would have been sorely disappointed when no emails came to my inbox if I hadn’t seen your post about it starting the 17th!  Now I’m all bummed out, tho. ?

HOWEVER, it's possible that Jannette is talking about tomorrow’s Diamond Q &A, and Amsterdam is 6 hours ahead of NYC, so that’s 11:00 pm, at night. Consider me an honorary Dutchie! ?

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9 uur geleden zei Julie Magerka:

Ik weet niet zeker of ik weet wat u bedoelt met "precisiecursor"? Ik wist niet dat de knooppunten groter konden worden gemaakt! Je hebt duidelijk meer met vectoren gewerkt dan ik!

Julie, kijk eens naar: Voorkeuren> Algemene voorkeuren> bekijken en caching> gedeeltelijke cursor (het derde item) aanvinken. Je speerpuntcursor verandert in een cirkel met een klein puntje in het midden. Sommige mensen vinden dat beter. PROBEER wat je het prettigst vindt.

En voor de nodes: Ga naar USER-INTERFACE> NODE SIZE. Standaard staat hij op klein maar daar heb je de keuze tussen klein, medium, en groot. De grotere maakt het einde voor u om de knooppunten te vangen. (Met vriendelijke groet)

Dit heb ik van Cassel geleerd. In een van haar films over vectoren been ze het een en ander uit. Je moet zeker haar films over vectoren zien. Het is waar dat deze tijd kost, maar geen verloren tijd. Het is de moeite waard om alle mogelijkheden te zien die ze laten zien. 



Edited by Jannette Nieuwboer
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6 hours ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

Julie, kijk eens naar: Voorkeuren> Algemene voorkeuren> bekijken en caching> gedeeltelijke cursor (het derde item) aanvinken. Je speerpuntcursor verandert in een cirkel met een klein puntje in het midden. Sommige mensen vinden dat beter. PROBEER wat je het prettigst vindt.

En voor de nodes: Ga naar USER-INTERFACE> NODE SIZE. Standaard staat hij op klein maar daar heb je de keuze tussen klein, medium, en groot. De grotere maakt het einde voor u om de knooppunten te vangen. (Met vriendelijke groet)

Dit heb ik van Cassel geleerd. In een van haar films over vectoren been ze het een en ander uit. Je moet zeker haar films over vectoren zien. Het is waar dat deze tijd kost, maar geen verloren tijd. Het is de moeite waard om alle mogelijkheden te zien die ze laten zien. 



Thank you  so much Jannette! Things I wasn't aware of. The support we get in this group is so great.

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To get ready for the Vector Workshop, I am (like others) watching or re-watching the two Master Classes on vectors. I think I watched the first one a long time ago when I was new to PSP, so I didn't benefit from it much. It makes more sense now, but I feel no confidence at all yet in my ability with vectors. Patience and practice. Only wish I had as much patience as I have time to practice.?

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In the “Vectors in Action” Master Class, at the 8:02 point, Cassel refers to an online program which will convert Jpgs to vector. She shows all the pieces and parts to an image in presets shapes like circles and squares.   It sounds like she’s saying the program is called “con virtue”, but there is no such thing in my Google search. What is the name of the program, or has anybody tried to do this online for free with another program? It sounds really useful!


also, at 18:58, there are two nodes at the end of the curve on the left. Cassel does something unseen to get rid of one. All she says is, “there”, and it’s gone. I’m not at my computer, but I don’t recall a “delete node” on the right click of the mouse, so how’d she get rid of it?  This always happened to me when I make text paths - I always end up with two nodes at the end which makes for a wonky curve.

Edited by Suzy
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50 minutes ago, Suzy said:

also, at 18:58, there are two nodes at the end of the curve on the left. Cassel does something unseen to get rid of one. All she says is, “there”, and it’s gone. I’m not at my computer, but I don’t recall a “delete node” on the right click of the mouse, so how’d she get rid of it?  This always happened to me when I make text paths - I always end up with two nodes at the end which makes for a wonky curve.

This will be explained more in details in the workshop.


50 minutes ago, Suzy said:

It sounds like she’s saying the program is called “con virtue”

It is Convertio, and there is an article on it HERE.

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43 minutes ago, Cassel said:

This will be explained more in details in the workshop.


I'm sorry - I am ruining your class, aren't I?  Here is one more and then I'll shut up.

I also always wondered what the curvy line is....it shows up sometimes on vectors, similar to the rocker Text tool.  Just a sideways S curve - very delicate looking. I was hoping it would be addressed in the vectors class - when and why it shows up sometimes.  ❣️




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24 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

Cassel: I have a quick question about this workshop. Will we also be using photos ... or not?

No. If you want to apply the technique to something else, you can but this is not a "scrapbooking" workshop, at all. Only one lesson will use a photo but you might actually prefer to use a stock photo for the particular technique anyways.

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10 minutes ago, Suzy said:

Cassel! One hundred and fifty people are taking the vector class? OMG! Who are they? Where did they come from? 

Isn't it amazing how many "silent observers" we have around? Hopefully, a lot of them will post in this thread so we can welcome them all!

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I dunno…..we are really spoiled and it’s sort of fun having your undivided attention! ?

One thing I do know, if English isn’t their first language, it is very hard to just start a post to comment or ask a question..and so much easier to read other people’s conversations, questions, etc. I have the utmost respect for Kasany, Libera, Corrie, Monique, Marie Clair, Jannette, Anja, etc. who jump in and post. We can read your posts just fine, BTW, even if they are not perfect, so go ahead and jump in if you feel like it. 

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2 hours ago, Cassel said:

Is het niet verbazingwekkend hoeveel "stille waarnemers" we in de buurt hebben? Hopelijk zullen er veel van hen posten in deze thread, zodat we ze allemaal kunnen verwelkomen!

  I"m not surprised,  it's a very interesting subject, not easy to understand. Some more explanation is welcome. The three videos have already explained a lot to me. But doing it in practice is something else than watching a video. ?

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13 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

  I"m not surprised,  it's a very interesting subject, not easy to understand. Some more explanation is welcome. The three videos have already explained a lot to me. But doing it in practice is something else than watching a video. ?

And we are going to have HOMEWORK!  So that means we *have* to practice what we learn! 

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