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What are you working on (August 2022)?


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Jenny (UK) likes her big garden. She sees hedgehogs very often. They are welcome visitors in Jenny garden and house as well:)


Pictures taken by Jenny, a pic in the center is a fractal created by Jenny.


I used photo taken by Jacek and free template of PSP.



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Shirley - have enjoyed seeing some of the book you are developing for your daughter.


Colin - Fishing was my husband's favorite pastime.


This is lab 9 Mod 12 and the finish of Lab 9.  It is a rework of a Christmas layout I did some time ago.  Just changed it up a bit to include the elements developed in this module: mitten - did put the shape in the shape directory; created both red and green mittens and decided that they would look good as a streamer so that is how I am displaying them (and I saved the streamer also); snowflake - this is the 3rd one created and the best in my opinion; circle of dots - tutorial described how to do 3 colors so I decided to do 4 colors.  The paper is from PS.

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Neat, Jannette, its making me hungry!


L is for my favorite book(s) - Lord of the Rings.  There is so much in them - Tolkein was a really great writer - there is a lot of "meat" in these books.  The papers and the large letter L are mine.  The pictures are from various web sites.  The ring is from Nice Png; the button next to the L was developed from a picture on the web.  The font is Old English.  M is the next letter and is in the middle of the alphabet - it will also be in the middle of my album and it will be at least a double page - M is for Memphis - the town I have lived in most of my life.


The journaling on Lord of the Rings is really a very MINIMAL telling of the story.  Peter Jackson also did a minimal telling of the story even though he did a wonderful job in 3 movies.  My MINIMAL telling of the story tells base bones and misses a few bones. OH-OH - left out that there were 2 hobbits left after Frodo and Samwise took off. So they had to be added. They are in the 2nd LO.

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Finally back at it, here is my Lab Module 5-12.  


Arrows - loved this one and never would have guessed how to do this on my own.


Cogwheels - you could get lost in all the variations there is to make, really enjoyed it, but not so great at designing them into a layout, looks like a rats nest (err, uhm..I mean a Squirrels nest).  Fun to make though.


QR code - had some problems with this but got there in the end. on this layout I made it super small and lowered the opacity....cause well, I forgot about it until I was checking to see if I added all the elements so it's just stuck on, it doesn't look good in this layout.


Fonts are Masha (Creative Fabrica) and Masterfile (Google fonts).  Wood paper and overlay on the green paper from Digital Scrapbook.  Green Paper mine using texture effects.  Used texture effects on the cogwheels and arrows and main title font and inner bevels and used hue/saturation/lightness and opacity on papers/elements.  Did not shadow the "baby" word as it's meant as if I wrote it on afterward in felt pen, on a uneven surface.    Story of the new "white-tail" generation may be in the Story Time workshop coming up.  Photo is mine.


Everyone's layouts are so creative and a joy to see.

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I got pretty "scrapbooky" for the Volunteering theme. I used a template from the ALFLT January 2022 blog train. I had to resize everything to comply with FB's new pic size. (Stupid FB!) I found the pics on Google and the font is Love It, free from Creative Fabrica 12 Days of Christmas-The-Mega-Free-Fonts-Bundle this year.
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Story Time Workshop-Day1-Extra: I used the free mini kit offered by Pixelscrappers this week. (marisa-lerin_51798_autumn-art-mini-kit) I decided to use as much of it as possible, so this layout is rather cluttered. Not my usual style! The “story” was actually part of the kit, also.
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Corrie Kinkel - thank you.


I have a problem with the Create a Watercolor Effect with PSP. Every time I start to brush over the picture, my PSP dies...immediately when I start brushing. Anyone else have that problem? I know several of you have shown what you have done with the watercolor brushes - I'm at a complete loss. I've restarted the computer. I have cleaned out the temporary files, etc. with my Dell tools. I have closed out everything except PSP2022 Ultimate and the file I'm working on. ALSO. What in the world is the "Edge Preserving Smooth" effect and where is it????

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Just a little fun with Secondary Colors yesterday. The "models" are my avatar from the game. The game was down so I had to use some avatars that I had previously used. Because of that, I needed to recolor the outfits using the Smart Selection Brush and the Change to Target Brush. (I think I finally got the hang of the Smart Selection Brush. lol) The Artistic Effect Balls and Baubles was used to make the background a little more interesting. The font is Summer Square.
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One pic changed using the Hue Up/Down brush. I used the Change to Target brush to recolor the flowers to match the surfboards. The font is Kool Beans. (I didn't have a lot of time that day, but things can be done quickly with all the tools PSP gives us.)
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Thanks so much, Lynda. It's really not that difficult. Take a picture you want to use and duplicate it. Open the Hue Up/Down brush and increase the size of the brush so it covers the entire pic. Simply click on the image and the hue will change. Keep clicking and the hue will keep changing. Click until you find the colors you want. I used a very colorful original so I could get stark differences. If you start with a less colorful pic, you'll get more subtle changes. Play around with this tool, including the settings. It's a lot of fun.


If this isn't clear, please let me know.

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Michele: [Now, don't laugh!] I'm trying out the Hue Up/Down brush and not convinced this is the effect that you are supposed to get. Somehow, the more I clicked, the colors changed but grew exponentially until I had this rainbow effect! Not what I was after. What is the secret?
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Ann, that's not the expected result, but I kind of like it, lol. I think you didn't increase the size of the brush to cover your entire pic. Also, the default hardness is 50, but I used 100. But thanks for showing me how to get a rainbow result. I always love happy accidents!
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August Scraplift Challenge: Playing around with some of my kid’s photos from Chicago plus some from the Chicago travel website, I came up with this for the Scraplift Challenge. I did find a new way to make stripes. I had used a gradient called White Sand for the background paper and I want to use those colors for the striped paper. So, I used the same gradient at a 45-degree angle with 24 repeats. Voilà!
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