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What are you working on (July 2022)?


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hello Mary .. the way you did the china text was a great idea on your lovely page and i can understand sitting up till very late to finish.... I have done that many times...


hello  Shirley.. nice to see some of your work again.. a very pretty page  created for your daughters book


best wishes to you both,



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Mary, I love the fans you made.  I wish I could see them closer up.  The pattern looks really interesting.  I'm doing  the bootcamp again and will resume the labs right afterward.  When I see your pages it's motivating me to keep going.  I see the techniques and elements you make and wonder how long it will take me to get to that lab so I can do them too.
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And now on to Lab 9 Mod 7: ruled notebook paper, hand drawn alpha (title); abstract pattern paper. The star frame and background paper is from my stash. The kids, globe, clock, buildings, apples and books are from Creative Fabrica - their latest freebie "Back to school clipart graphics. Frankly, the hand drawn alpha I would have done by simply drawing it and then flood filling with the pattern or used a font and filled it with the pattern. As for the abstract pattern, it calls for using the pen tool which is my LEAST favorite tool! but I did it. I'm going to have to practice with that tool as it causes me much grief!
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Mary, those fans are fan-tabulous.  kidding aside, they look really good.  Especially the bottom one.  It's so real looking.  I too dont play well with the pen tool.  Maybe because I'm using a mouse.  I downloaded that freebie too, you made good use of it.  thank you for posting the fans.  It's going to be a while before I get that far in the Labs.  I'm till in Lab 5!
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Susan, thanks for the comments. Yes, the pen tool doesn't work too well with the mouse, but I work better with the mouse than with the tablet (I guess because I don't practice with that tool either). Just keep plugging away, at least we are not on a time schedule with the labs and sometimes I have to go over the old ones again. Also, sometimes, I have to go back to the video tutorials that are posted with the labs (since they are not downloadable). You're doing great with the labs.
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i wanted to make some occasion cards suitable for wedding or anniversary etc so over the last few days i have been playing with a swan image from Graphic fairy  that i have had for ages. the original image is of one swan with the wing up but i wanted 2 swans in my design... so duplicated the image and then erased a wing on one image and combined them to what you see below. the floral borders were created with a brush and then i applied eye candy plugin chrome with silver and gold settings  to them.  when i printed them on my matte photo paper for my cards i was really happy with how they turned out.





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Dawn, very sweet and lovely cards in gorgious colors! It's so nice seeing your work here again. I have to look into the Grafic Fairy and the Eye Candy plugin now; more to do then, I haven't time enough for all this wonderful things, especially because I'm also following a lot of the older masterclasses at the moment. The list for things to do when winter comes is growing and growing......
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Susan... Thank you  for your comments about my swan cards.... yes eye candy plugin is interesting i have an old version that still works but  i don't use it that often.... i am sure there would be a more modern version by now.... best wishes to you.



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Thank you Sue, your very kind  comments  are appreciated very much.. card making has been my main hobby for many years now... i just simply  enjoy making them  and PSP  has been a great asset to have on my computer.


best wishes to you,



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Lab 9 Mod 8: Outlined text (title); Halftone Brush (made it and several papers with it - background paper is one of them); Fancy wheels (one colored in gold gradient and inner bevelled - upper left; one colored in desert tones gradient - upper right); all the other papers and elements are my own.


I can't believe I called this the Oregon River - not true - it's the Columbia River - the boundary between Washington and Oregon. I must have been really tired when I thought I had finished it. And now that I have corrected it, I think I misspelled it! I think I'd better get back to my birthday cards since all my daughters-in-law have their birthdays in August!

So here is (I hope) the corrected copy.

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One of Cassel's quick pages inspired my Life of the Party theme. With FB's new format I tend to work on pages that conform so they are displayed properly. 3000 x 2000 pixels or thereabouts seems to work. If you don't use that ratio, FB adds borders that don't necessarily look good as those of you who post on FB already know.
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hello Michele... i always enjoy viewing your Fab Diva pages... you do a great job presenting your daily themes and hope you continue to post them here  that way i get to see your very creative work... well done on these two pics .. the life of the party put a smile on my face.


best wishes ,



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Michele: I also enjoy turning QPs into templates. I don't use a script. I noticed the background FB adds so I add a black border to my "desktop" size (900x900). My desktop is black so it works there and FB always picks up on the black and just adds more, according to their algorithm. Here's an example ...
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