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What are you working on (in June 2022)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in June, be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!


Remember to size down your image to about 600x600 pixels and save in jpg format before posting it.


Here are a few guidelines for everyone:

when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same.

if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyways).

if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone!

if you like a photo and would like to “play with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get a better quality image than the resized image anyways.

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I have a problem, Carole.  I am working on Lab 8 Module 8 and there is an arrow around a circle elipse that we are supposed to do.  Although I have watched the video a couple of times while having my PSP 2022 up and the suggested layout up, and have looked at the pdf file on how to do it, I CANNOT make it work.  On the straight stitch using the > and -, it works ok.  But the circle doesn't.  I have tried with different fonts and it still won't work.  I do use the "accept" after fixing the > correctly (on the circle with the offset setting and  the distance between each character with the kerning), the - will not line up!!!  Even toying with moving either the > or the -, it still doesn't line up.  I am attaching a png of the result (last attempt) and a screenshot of the pspimage.
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Mary, that is definitely a Kerning issue. When you click the arrows to change the Kerning, it tends to go by steps of 25. You might need to type in the value. Using two different characters is always a bit challenging because, by default, they are spaced differently.
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BIRD OF THE DAY: (actually yesterday) Cedar Waxwing, per Merlin Sound ID. I added some cherry blossoms as I understand they are big on cherries! My bird was nowhere near as fat as this guy! My birds get that way when it's very cold out and I say they have their "down coats" on.  The font is FoglihtenNo07calt, the gradient is Polished Copper, and the photographer is Malcolm Gold. If I keep this up, I'll be like Michele posting her Fabulous Divas! ;-)
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Hi Just had a few days away in North Wales just to chill before the next round of chemo and just snapped a couple of photos of the dogs, tided them up in PSP then ran 2 through the Picture to Painting effect and followed by putting the photos into Painter Essentials 7 to paint as oil paintings and Just called it dog days
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Lynda - love that moon layout.


Marie, Ann and Colin - like your layouts too.


This lab 8 mod 8 has been hard, but a real learning experience for me.  As you can see above, I told Carole I couldn't make the arrow stitch in a circle.  Well, I worked at it today and learned 2 things about fonts: 1. what Offset is for, 2. that sometimes the - numbers are important in kerning.  All the elements are my own as are the papers.  The 2 small arrow-stitch circles are the ones called for in the module; also the brad (brown textured one in the corner), straight arrow-stitch, and open circle polka dot paper.  All are there.  I extracted the 2 gnomes and played with them so that is the reason for the "invasion".

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BIRD OF THE DAY FOR WED JUNE 1 - Scarlet Tanager. I'm a bit behind this week! He's a rival for the color award that usually goes to the male Northern Cardinal. I made the plaid from his colors mainly because he's so bright he dominated the design and needed to be "cooled off." The vines are tubes.
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You all are putting me in the shade.  Sadly, I have upgraded from PSPX2 and am in mourning. I have upgraded three times prior to this, but it never "took".  I kept going back to my beloved PSPX2.  Now, to make it work, I figure I have to switch all my stuff. So here's what I'm working on, LOL! A tutorial. And it might take me til the end of June, too!  I have a lot of junk.


What I'm working on


However I want to make some comments, and the first is about the BIRDS! Ann, we have Cedar Waxwings here, and they are dull -- more of a taupe? I'd say, and much thinner.  Your Merlin birds look like stuffed animal birds, LOL!  No, what I really wanted to comment on was the gradient. It's gorgeous, and I never  would have guessed it would look so classy.  Your plaid for the Scarlet tanager is classy, too. Veddy nice!


Marie Claire - Didn't you just love the Mamie Eisenhower bangs?  (And to think Jackie Kennedy was First Lady in Jan 1961  and everything to do with style changed in an instant!) I like the green lines that look handpainted on the embossing, too.


Colin, I really  like what you did with the dogs -- their little faces are still perfectly recognizable! That is either a fantastic program or you are really skilled.  (I just hope Picture to Painting is on my new version of PSP!)


Lynda, I didn't recognize that Word Frame 5 with the title that didn't match the frame!  I hadn't even thought of that!


And Mary, you're the one that puts me most to shame...I just buy something like a brad, or ask Carole for a script. In fact, if I had to make a circle with an arrow, I'd use her Word Frame Round script and a line of arrows I typed. The offset is nasty business.  One little number or two and it's inside the circle! LOL! I thought your little striped confetti added a lot.


Back to the salt mines of corralling 25 years worth of PSP brushes and presets into their new home.





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Hi Suzy! Yes, I agree that the Merlin birds look fatter than mine in real life. I can only guess the photos were taken mostly in cold weather when my birds fluff up to keep themselves warm. Must be nice to have built-in down underwear! ;-)


As to upgrading PSP, on the File Menu there was a choice to Import from Previous Versions, so that's what I always do. No hunting involved. I've has PSP since it was Jasc but I'm madly in love with the new IA features of 2021 & 2022 that harness the computer's power for my benefit!


Have fun!

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As to upgrading PSP, on the File Menu there was a choice to Import from Previous Versions, so that’s what I always do. No hunting involved.

This process is good, but not foolproof. It will point PSP to the folders from three previous versions where supplies are stored, however, it means that if you delete those older versions, those folders might also be gone. Also, as in Suzy's situation, the 2021 will NOT import supplies from X2 as it is more than 3 versions back. That is why I recommend gathering your supplies (especially those you downloaded, purchased, or created) in their own custom folder, totally separate from PSP. That way, every new version only takes you a few minutes to point PSP to those custom folders, AND it also allows you to have all the same supplies no matter what version you are using. I often alternate between various versions for scripting and testing various things, and that way, I have the exact same brushes, picture tubes, scripts, shapes, etc. no matter what version I am using.

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Love your birds of the day Ann, they are very motivating.  And Lynda I love that Moonlight layout.  Wordframe 5 is really versatile.   Cant wait to have the time to play.  There's a saying, "Fish and visitors stink in 3 days".  Wonder what it's going to be like by the 12th day!  hahaha.+



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Lab 8 Mod 9.  Multiple diamonds (the background paper over the red paper is that); Letter Tiles - I copied a picture of all the letter tiles from Scrabble on Amazon - they are selling a bag full of them.  From that picture I got the background for me letter tiles and the numbers for each of the letters.  So... I made a complete alphabet of them!  Decorated letter: I hung a gold heart I had made in a previous lab on the C for Chritmas.  The C is FuturaBlack WGL4 BT (isn't that a mouthful?). the rest of the word is Forte. The holly peeking out from the word is from a Christmas kit but I'm sorry I don't remember where I got it but it probably was from PixelScrapper.  The stars are a picture tube from Cassel.  All the rest of the papers and elements are mine (the Santa is from Corel's Video Studio).
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I played in Lab 12-6 with the ‘Mandala’ task. Here's the result. One of them. Very addictive;)

Maybe I'll use in the final layout ...

The adjacent image from the History palette tells you better about this stage of the work - or not ...

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Reply To: Reply #77530


Thank you Suzy.

At that time it was my mom who decided what happened to my hair ?


The green lines on the project come in a free scrapset from a blogtrain and is from Magnolia https://themagnoliapatch.blogspot.com/, de scrapset is DSBT-Mar22-Sweet Violets-DBMagnolia, the color was purple but i changed it so it is the same color as the bows.

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Marie-Claire Yes, with Mouse, but it’s a lot easier than it looks because only one block is drawn on it and the script makes the last circle. I made the original Mandala just outlined so you can vary it no matter how much (as long as you remember to keep the original). Using the effects gives you even more ... endlessly :)
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