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Quick-Page Workshop - May 2022


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Oh heres a old one of the doggies  mine and my daughters




Thor pasted aways the other day :(   Wow what a Super dog he was, miss him.  But he was loved everyday and that day.  He was 16 and had Cancer on his face Thor was unmatched on everything.

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QP-7 Such a fun time family visiting...Our Nephew was all dressed up and ready for the busy day that was planned.... then he found a puddle while my husband and I were watching him.... he was (we were) having so much fun that we couldn't stop him...talk about great moments.... then mom came along.... I think she was more upset with us than she was with our Nephew!
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So much fun looking at all your works. Too much to write a word about everything, also because English is not my native language, but it's nice here, to share so much with each other. Thank you Carole for making this possible.


QP6 and Extra6.

Photo's are for the first time not of me, but are free stock photo's.

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Here are my last two Quick Pages.  Using a photo project that is ongoing since 2018.  Hopefully it doesn't make your eyes go crazy.


Wonderful layouts from everyone.  And seeing photo's encompassing several of the frames is a really cool look I will remember to try.  I had also forgotten about Inverting the selection to delete the extra parts of the photo.  I used Selection > Feather on an images I added as an extra, thanks to Sue's explanation.


Thank you Carole, for another workshop filled with everyone's inspirational layouts.



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Smiling as I look at everyone's layouts!


Day 6 - When I watched the video yesterday, I picked photos. But after watching the video for Day 7, I changed my mind and decided I want to use them for day 7....so I picked some more garden photos instead! It is a bit early to plant tomatoes here in western Pennsylvania, but I planted a couple a week ago. My theory is only plant what you can afford to lose this early. And so far, the weather has been good, only time will tell if it was a good decision. It is always fun to get a ripe tomato early, so sometimes I will take the chance. And yes, only a gardener gets excited about the roots!



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I just downloaded this Quick Page from Digital Scrapbook.  Using the search function sure makes it easier to see just the Quick Pages.  This one is called Unwind by Melo Vrijhof.


I found this robin picture in my files from 2020.  It was the first time I had seen a robin using my bird baths.  This was May 17th.  It must have been a warmer spring as we still have 0 degree temperatures (Celsius) in the morning so I haven't put them out yet.  I need find a better way to organize my photos so it makes finding them easier.

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Susan: That is so cute! I love seeing the birds bathe. I have a birdbath but they'll only drink from it; no baths and it's been there for 3 years now!


Here's my QP7-Extra. I've been looking for a way to use this Chuck Calio photo of our nearby climbing area. I used the Adjust Layers on the colors and removed all and then painted some back on using Paint to Target.


Here's a copy of the wording at the bottom in case the reduced version is too small:

The Shawangunk Ridge, also known as the Shawangunk Mountains or
The Gunks
, is a ridge of bedrock in Ulster County, Sullivan County and Orange County in the state of New York, extending from the northernmost point of the border with New Jersey to the Catskills. (Photo by Chuck Calio)

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Susan, a lovely QP of the Robin taking a bath.  My bird baths have  been out and  used a lot by all the birds  arriving for some 6 weeks or so. A present I have 5 baths out . If its going to freeze I will empty them just after dark. From  when the first Robin arrived, each one a different size and depth to cater for  the smallest to  the largest of birds.  The depth of a bird bath will determine which birds will use which bath.  The shy birds   like their baths on the ground, under a canopy of foliage.   Many of my  Robins will take a drink/ bath, and then hop to the feeder for a blueberry or two.  They have become quite predictable.  One  thing I don't do is put out heated watering bowls during the winter, as  birds have been know to bath, and then freeze their feet to metal.  They are quite adapted to eating snow.
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