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What are you working on (in May 2022)?


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My youngest grandchild turned 12 the other day. These kids are so goofy... :-D


I used Elizabeth Khadfield's block and square template.. The crazy glasses and the golf cart came from the internet. The photos were taken by my daughter, Sylvia, also pictured with her other two children, Haley and Tony.



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I'm slowly getting over my jetlag and have started sorting my photos for an album which I want to print. I don't intend to make all the pages as scrapbookpages but as we made various trips I'll make an intro page as a scrapbooko one and then come the pictures and so on. So this is my coverpage and I used the freebie template from Carole and the fonts are USA Nation and Whiskey; both fitting for the theme.  In case you are wondering why I didn't do a border around it all? When I make an album on a printing site I get the option to do a border and then I can choose something for all my pages If I want. I think I skip the Bingo Challenge and continue with my album because I want it printed as soon as possible for showing to family and friends. Now to the intro pages which will be in  more detail.
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Susan thank you!


Here is the first of the intro pages for my album, the text of all the pages will be in Dutch because I'll use that album when printed here at home. I used a mask from the Mask Workshop and the embellishments are from a travelkit by digital.scrapbook.com. The font is Western, just to stay in style...

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I had time to spare today; the laundry and ironing after my trip is done and my groceries are stocked up. My husband did well on his own but shopping was needed.....


So here are the next two layouts for my album. The background of both pages is made by blending differerent papers I have in my stash. In Marymoor the Blue Herons are nesting in hugh numbers and the swallows had returned too. On both pages I used a mask from the Masks Workshop, but I adapted it to my needs, For this album I probably will use a mask for all the intro pages, that makes it a bit consistent which I like.

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Susan and Mary thank you and both of you did lovely pages for the QP Workshop. I did that one already 2 times, so I'm not all too sorry for not following that one again. Instead I concentrate on my album. Here is the next page for Bainbridge Island in the Puget Sound and very much in the rain!!! I used Google Maps to make a screenhot of the area and painted the route we took. Again a mask with a photo of the beach in the fog and rain. Later that day the weather improved some what but never the less it was a fine day with lots to see.
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And here are the last 2 intro pages for my album! Again templates with masks and backgrounds made of different papers with a blendmode. With the blendmode I always just try and see which one I like with a particular project and color.


Now I can make my album with most of the photos and have it printed. I'm very sure that in the weeks/months to come I will use a lot of those photos in different challenges/workshops here in the Campus. So you will get to see a lot more, there are even flowers!!!!

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What a cool script I just bought (On Sale too!) Word Frame 5.  I can see so many applications for this script from layouts to cards or a front page to an album or calendar.  Check out the thread "New Script - Word Frame 5" to see more beautiful samples.


Corrie, it looks like you had really nice weather for your trip.


Sue, I love that layout.  I love swallows, (especially barn swallows).

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I had a little more time than usual for my gaming group's daily pic today. Used Cass's curved photo script and her punched confetti script. I was debating on whether to use the confetti or not, but I felt the background needed a little something. First time I've felt creative in a while.


I've been checking in here regularly and I'm really enjoying everything you guys are posting.  <3

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Wow, everyone has been super busy while I was gone. Such great and creative work by all. Love it!


Susan, Your frame and Filter Forge creation is wonderful. Old things are perfect for Filter Forge.


Michele, Fabulous Dives is fabulous. Thanks for the Neon font link.


Corrie, Sue, Mary, Ann, As usual beautiful work by all of you.



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I have no doubt at all in my mind, that Carole's word frame script 5 would have created what I did in a fraction of the time it took me.  Saying that it didn't take me  long. :-)     I used the  rectangle vector tool,  and the pen tool, duplicated, mirrored vertical. Added the text.   Using the  rectangle tool, you have the option to  change the  corner design, which is a function I like.
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Just got back from my granddaughters high school graduation in Texas. Long ride from Illinois and back. My youngest grandson took control of my camera so not much in the way for picture taking for me.


I did enter two more photos in the Corel Discover Animal Photo and Art Contest. Hope you take a look and give me an upvote.


Is there anyone else that entered? Love to have the link.


These are my five entries:

















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