Featured Resource – PluginBridge

If you have been a long-time user of PaintShop Pro and got acquainted with older plugins, you know that several of them are only working on a 32-bit version of the program. This can be a little annoying if you are also using tools only available for 64-bit programs. And it is even worse since PSP2023 no longer offers a 32-bit version. What can you do? This is where the Plugin Bridge will become a great help.

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Creativity – Splatter plugin to create papers

Years ago, I discovered an interesting plugin to use with PaintShop Pro, even though it is advertised as a Photoshop plugin. as you know, most plugins in the .8bf format will work with PSP. Although Paintshop had the ability to create seamless patterns, any tile generated would still show a definite repeat that might not be wanted by the user. The plugin Splatter was a fantastic option to create a full-page design without the need for a seamless plugin applied on a smaller tile.

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Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.