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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. 3 hours ago, Dorothy Donn said:

    I thought every family had their own "family whistle".  The one that brought kids, dogs and best buds running for home.

    My Dad whistled for me and I scurried home ASAP. Some things you did not mess with!

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  2. 4 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Bonnie what a nice gesture with the shirts and you must be very fond of Judy to become her caregiver. I hope you can cope when her dementia is getting worse. From experience, which I wish I never had, I can tell you that it is a long and hard responsibility to take on. My mam had this awful condition and it has taken more then 12 years before she died. So from helping out in the beginning it became a heavy burden in the end and there were days that I really hoped she would die in her sleep. In the first place for her, because she was so unhappy in the last stages of her live and that was so painful to witness. She died 16 years ago now and I still can have a nightmare about it; it has replaced to some extend the happy memories of her. So take good care of Judy and of yourself too.

    Thank you, Corrie. Everyday is a challenge but there is also so much kindness from others. I praise God every day for the kindness of others.

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  3. Template by MissFish, Showoff #2. 

    There's a long story about this layout. Several years ago, Saffan's sister passed away. He came to pickleball the day he learned of her passing and, of course, was very sad. He asked me to be his sister and I am still his sister to this day. I introduced him to pickleball and gave him the shirt he is wearing. He gave me the shirt I am wearing as a birthday gift and also gave Judy her shirt. Judy is struggling with dementia and I have become her caregiver. In his typical kindness, Saffan included Judy in the gift giving. She was thrilled. So, you see...it really is about T-shirts, pickleball and love!

    2023 8 31 Tshirts PB and Love MFish_Showoff_02 600.jpg

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  4. Another zoo layout. I create the template with Carole's multi-photo frame script. The Zoopendous day was taken from a photo frame by Gina Day, A Day At The Zoo, September, 2017 Digital Scrapbooking blog train. The elephants at the bottom are from the same kit. I erased the grass that was a part of the border and I deleted one elephant.

    2023 6 24 NC Zoo Multi Frame 600X800 12 600.jpg

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  5. I began this layout some time ago. I often let them sit and go back to them with renewed energy. I played with this on a long time. I placed the text above the background paper, which I made. Then I used the burn blend mode. I think the text looks like it is a part of the background...not just sitting on top. The original color of the text affected how each blend mode appeared. I changed the colors many times.

    2023 6 10 Rumble In The Park A 600.jpg

    Stars text effect 600.jpg

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  6. I do the same thing, Rene...sometimes it doesn't resemble the original when I have completed my project...but templates are a starting point.

    My mojo is dead...creating is not happening. I have completed each day but with the element only...no scrap pages.

    Day 2

    I used Google maps; took a screenshot; cut out Virginia and highlighted our route.

    manassas va beach route 600.jpg

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  7. On 8/22/2023 at 11:30 PM, Jenifer Lyn said:

    @Marie-Claire I love how you colored the two places in your 1st layout as well as your second!
    @Bonnie Ballentine  The way you highlighted the areas you visited in color & with pointers, genius!
    @Suzy I love the texture and your colors choices! I am sorry it was a terrible trip, those are the absolute worst.
    Thank you too for your compliment to my Layout, so very kind of you. One-Way indeed ..
    Well, for at least a few months. HaHaHa .. Getting away from the farm and its demands sounds divine! 
    @Anita Wyatt I can't wait to hear more about the red hat!
    @fiona cook I love how you used the gradient to highlight!
    @Ann Seeber Your layout is fabulous! I hope they enjoyed their trip, and found beautiful weather? 
    Thanks again for your brilliant suggestion!
    @Anja Pelzer Highlighting the two places looks great on your layout!
    @Michele I love those textures! My Mothers family was from Ireland, that is another place I would love to go as well!
    @Cassel Thank you so much! You should have seen my face when I came back to post my layout and suddenly
    remembered the posting specs!  HaHaHa    Ann's tip was the gamechanger, as I didn't think I could even post it!
    @Corrie Kinkel Love your layout! Perfectly placed elements and the use of several papers!
    @Donna Sillia Such a beautiful layout! Your use of elements & papers are fantastic too!
    @Gerry Landreth I love your layouts! Quite intriguing!

    I hope I didn't miss anyone!
    Day 1 was quite the success!

    Thank you, Jenifer Lyn!

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