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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. June 1 - 4 four of us went to the beach for a "girl's weekend". We had a wonderful time playing games, pickleball, walking the beach and eating ice cream. It was drizzley, cold and windy but they weather couldn't stop all the fun. 20 minutes away it was sunny and warm and we had a blast in a pickleball tournament. This layout shows us on the beach. 

    2023 6 2 On The Beach 600.jpg

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  2. I enjoy the fonts that have graphics within them. Carole used one for one of our challenges...April Font Challenge. I do not know how to create fonts so I decided to created an alpha with pickleball graphics. I used a different graphic for each letter except the graphic used in the N below.

    C 2.jpg



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  3. Just playing with this one. This is a favorite photo which I "misplaced". When I found it, I created a layout. Template 167 from Lady 22. Background paper by Marisa Lerin, paper 38, Coastal Papers Painted. Gulls 01 felt by Marisa, Coastal Elements. Teal starfish, White starfish and sanddollar by Sheila Reid, At The Beach Elements. Photo from May, 2010.

    2010 5 15 Rehoboth Template 167 de lady22 600.jpg

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  4. I live in Virginia near Washington, DC. We can smell smoke and there is a haze. The sun has been hidden. I think the wind is suppose to shift tomorrow and perhaps blow the smoke somewhere else. Air quality is awful.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Bonnie that's beautifully done.  Is that a bus in the lower right picture.  I love tht one.  

    Yes, my Dad drove a City Bus. Dad worked 2-11 and I was in school until 3 or so...we were not home or awake a lot at the same time. I would walk to the bus stop (Dad drove the route through our neighborhood so it was a short walk) and ride a trip with Dad...about an hour's ride. Sometime we had ice cream!

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Suzy said:

    If you want to help me, it would be ideal, Susan or anybody, really.  I di d a kit for the Pixelscrapper BogTrain, but I don't habve a blog. Or a store or anything,. LOL1  So I think I used Dropbox, but if anybody would like to see if it works, i woukld be beholden to you!  The ugliest preview I have ever seen, but I'm not sure how to make one.

    Here is the link for the kit.l I'm worried about three things -- people can mess with my other folders and files at Dropbox, &/or people can delete or mess around this this kit.  OR there is nothing there to download because I did it all wrong!


    Limequila Preview.jpg

    Downloaded folder...it was empty. It was the only folder I was offered access. Love the kit!

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