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Posts posted by Marie-Claire

  1. the large circle is set to 70, then I changed to 60 for the inner circles, but depending on how big I make the circles the thickness of the line changes, even though I don't change anything in the setting, It also stays at 60

  2. So cold Sue !, take good care that you don't get sick, and yes we know this robin well here. He even pays a visit here on my city terrace. My terrace opens onto a piece of greenery, where there are also some trees. I am very happy about that. I also see different types of birds every day depending on the season.
  3. I don't know where to put this message, but I wanted to thank Sue for the beautiful tags that we were allowed to download 14/12 in the Christmas countdown.

    Of course thanks Carole ! every day I wonder what's behind that wobbling block ?

  4. Susan I have exactly the same system as yours but as you say one has to search many folders each time

    Rene's way could indeed be a solution for that.

    It is indeed a great work, but starting now with the new creations is a good start.

    And as you say, I also like to organize physical things, but digitally organizing everything in an effecient way is not that easy.

    That's why my question here, because I'm quietly getting a bit nervous  ? thinking about how I would do that best.

  5. How to store your final result in an organized way?


    I hope it's OK to ask this here? Or has this already been discussed here on the Campus, and did I miss it?

    I'm curious how you store the pages, creations you've made. In different folders, according to a criteria, everything in 1 folder, per workshop or challenges?

    How do you organize everything you have made, the pspimage the jpg file etc.

    I don't know how to keep everything well organized, easy to see.

    Sometimes I think it's easier to see when all created pages can be seen in 1 folder, but then I doubt again, how am I going to know whether it was made with a template, or with the help of a workshop and so on.

    How are you organized if I may ask?

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