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Posts posted by Marie-Claire

  1. You all already posted beautiful pages!! Due to unexpected circumstances I have not yet been able to continue. This is what I'm doing for day 3, with the date stamp. I don't know if I will be able to finish this workshop. But then it will be for next time.
    I also wanted to use the openbook script, but I immediately made the design in a double page and the script only works with 2 pages of 12 x 12. I thought of that too late.



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  2. 24 minutes ago, Cassel said:

    @Marie-ClaireJust out of curiosity, did you use Google Map? It seems different than what I would expect, and it is really nice!


    I tried with google maps, but yesterday I didn't understand very well how to make the outline. I read the explanation several times but maybe I was too tired, didn't understand it.
    I used existing silhouettes and the map below is also not from google maps.
    I have read the explanation several times today and I think I now understand better what the intention was.

  3. 19 hours ago, Cassel said:

    For those who don't see the Haze removal...

    • did you restart your PSP?
    • did you reload a workspace? now or previously?
    • do you have the pro or ultimate? I don't think it matters but I can ask.

    did the patch - restart my PSP - reload my workspace - have PRO 
    No Haze Removel
    add it from the Customize menu
    saved my workspace 
    it works !

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  4. Lesson 7
    The last two lessons went easier, but I'll have to practice with those nodes and arms
    Most importantly, I now have a better understanding of how those nodes and arms work.
    Thank you Carole, this was once again very well explained.


    mclp_day 7.jpg

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