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Posts posted by Marie-Claire

  1. Day 1 

    I used a mini kit from DigitalScrapbook Feb 2023 Blog Train, and the mini kit is from Diane Hiller, on her own blog you can also download a Fan freebie that goes with the mini kit.

    photos are mine.



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  2. 40 minutes ago, Rene Marker said:

    Look at the Microsoft free program "One Note". If you are familiar with using any Microsoft office program, you will see it is very easy to use. You can insert photos and even spreadsheets. You can add audio and video and there is even a tab for drawing.

    To use it you just set up a notebook. Within that notebook, you can add sections. And in each section you can add pages (think of them like a chapter). For instance, many years ago when I was trying to learn to knit, I set up a notebook called "Knitting". I have 2 Sections - General and Team Score Scarf. For example in the General section, I have 3 pages: 12x12 square, Mom's afghan which has a sub-page Afghans Bev made. I had found her notes on the pattern for an afghan she made so it is in there. Along with that she had a list of all the afghans she made over the years. I could include any photos I have of those afghans as well.

    I have other notebooks as well and find that this program is a good place to consolidate info from various places.

    The program could very well be used as a diary. I believe there is an app for it that could be used on a tablet or a phone but the good thing is that it also works on a computer. It will sync to the other devices. Most diary programs are for use on tablets or phones only, not a computer.

    Thank you Rene, for explaining this so well.
    I'm going to look at it, it might be nice for my knitting and crocheting and for recipes.

    I don't like working on tablets or phones very much, it's not easy for me, way too small.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Cassel said:

    Do you want something that will be printed or something that you will keep digital?

    Is that something to show or for yourself only?

    For tangible goods, I know of what is called "Traveller's Notebooks", but I am not sure about digital versions. 

    I am sure something can be done in PSP.

    In the first place to keep digital because I've never kept a diary.
    I'm thinking about that now because it would be nice to do something beautiful with PSP, and if I manage to keep a diary like that, it would be nice for my daughter later on. Then I might print it too.

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  4. Is there perhaps someone who makes or has made a digital diary ?

    I am looking for software to make a digital diary, where I can also add photos and decorations. 

    Or would that be possible to make something like this in paintshop? but then how to organize the different pages to form a whole?

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  5. I downloaded the template from lab 13-02 and omitted the star elements and used 2 watercolor elements from a freebie creative fabrica bundle instead.

    The colors are from the proposed color palette:Sedum Hues, in the experiments.

    With the ribbon I made with the Double Arrow Pattern tutorial I also made a bow with the script : cass-Bow15



    mc_Bow Droopy Pink_600.png

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    I had my alphabet printed and this is what it looks like. It arrived saterday and the company we had for my husban's birthday loved to see it, because in the beginning of last year I talked about this undertaking and asked for ideas.


    That's beautiful Corrie!, is the size of the book square?
    Those beautiful letters give it an extra touch.

  7. Normally we also have snow here in December and January, but every year it is less, and this year we have not seen any snow yet. It's like autumn lasts forever. And the temperatures sometimes differ from one day to the next by 10 degrees. Then it's mild, then it's cold again, then it freezes for a day or two at night, a day of sun and cold, a few days of rain, then another sunny day or a windy day... we sometimes get it all in 1 week. But it hasn't really been winter here yet.
    Today it is sunny, dry and 3 degrees Celsius.

  8. After repeatedly placing and repositioning the elements, I am finally somewhat satisfied with this result.
    Paper : Melo Vrijhof on Digital Scrapbook
    Font: Magneto
    For the Windy and Rainy I used the script : cass-ShapedText
    On the circle vector I used the vectorTube script with a raindrop tube (don't remember where it comes from)
    Photos of my own


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  9. This is my result for the skech challenge. All my photos are in landscape, so I followed Corrie's idea and rotated everything.
    These pictures are from 2005. I went to get Gizmo in a shelter. He was then 4 months old. He turned 11 years old.

    Made papers with the colors from the photos and a texture
    Fonts : Embossing Tape 1 BRK + Ambrogio


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  10. 3 hours ago, Mary Solaas said:

    Marie-Claire - I really like this layout.  Everything flows together well.  I am interested on how you did the edging to the scalloped side paper.

    Mary, the scalopped side paper is part of the kit from which I also took the other papers, so I didn't do that myself.
    But I would also like to know what the best technique is to do this, I like that too.

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  11. Lab 13 - 01: Stencil Design
    Papers : thematicgnoliapatch.blogspot.com
    2 Scripts : Creation Cassel : cass-bow3 and cass-RibbonFactory
    Alpha : cass-RustedAlpha
    Own pictures.
    A walk in 2019, with my best friend Poncho, enjoying nature, the beautiful sky, the flowers....large.Lab13-01StencilDesign-600.jpg.dc1693ecb2c1896232fbbd4df14b77d9.jpg

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