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Donna Sillia

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Everything posted by Donna Sillia

  1. I have been experimenting using the elementstacker script. I made my letters on vector and then converted them raster. The letters had a layer style added. When I used the script the layer style was not included, so I merged all to flatten, then copied and pasted them on a new layer with no background. The script then used the layer style. Also since the font had parts of letters that did not touch, I ended up with all the pieces of the letters which I then merged the pieces for each letter. I have saved everything vectors, rasters, etc so that I could use the vectors to change colors. I hope to continue with other fonts in order to be able to use on my projects.
  2. Day 6 - Fear of Heights The picture of the waterslide is from Canva, the coaster from Unsplash and the last one is from my daughter. I made the background and the waves from cass waves script. The border was me fooling around with directional tubes and vector tube. The pattern is from a cass preset. The title font is Ampera, a layered font from CF, and the text is Vintage Remington. The stars are from the template and put in a row using cass repeat script. The little black carnival objects are from a CF dingbat font called DBAmusement Park.
  3. Day 5 was easier for me because I took the photos Friday when we went there. The photos are mine. The title font is Silverblade, a free font, and the type is Vintage Remington. I made a alphabet page and the used cass elementstacked script to put each letter on it's own layer. I love that script; it saves so much time. The background bricks are from Resource Boy and the embellishments are preset shapes. Resource Boy website has many textiles and gradients.
  4. Day 4 - I know I am way behind, but hope to catch up in the next few days. I had difficulty deciding on this topic and ended up dragging out my old yearbook since I didn't have any good pictures from my majorette days. I made the striped paper blue and gold for our school colors and scanned pictures of me from my yearbook. The little majorette is a black and white from Canva, colored by me. The flowers are a my own mum with one changed to blue. We used to wear the corsages on football Fridays. The bow and ribbons are from cass scripts. I tried to make the green paper look like a football field. The embellishment twirls are from a brush. The main title is Preppy Varsity and the typing is Vintage Remington, both from CF. The text border is a cass tube, gimp. I had a typo and could not correct with PSP2023, but I changed the text to character shapes and managed to make it look ok. I also made the title letters character shapes in twist them.
  5. Carole, I forgot to add the shadows.
  6. Day 3 Since the prank was at Christmas time, I used some of the graphics from my build a kit. I made the banner using Carole's banner fonts. I copied the front of the CD and downloaded an partially open CD case from Canva. The money is also from Canva. I use raster to mask to place the CD cover into the partially open CD. The font is called onyx which is a windows font. Carole, I wanted to edit my paragraph, but had trouble keeping it in the selection. I didn't want to type the whole thing over, so I just left it the way it was. I duplicated it and made a raster layer. I think that I may have removed the selection and then decided to go back. It didn't work.
  7. At least you grabbed your bicycle. My son took our car!
  8. I stayed with my baby book theme for Day 2. The calendar is from the calendar workshop. The cakes were extracted using Cyberlink's My Edit. The war bond was downloaded from the Library of Congress which has free downloads. The candles are tubes, and the decoration is a cass preset shape. I just downloaded the title font, called, Karlburns, from CF and the journal font is also from CF called Type Write. Unfortunately, both the restaurants mentioned hear have closed.
  9. Thank you, Corrie I've had my baby book for a long time, but, yesterday, I just realized that it is 82 years old. It's in pretty good condition, too.
  10. I used the Diamond template, but did quite a bit of revising. I still have my original baby book and scanned the cover and the first page that was written by my mother. I made the plaid using cass-stripes 2 script and the colors from the front page. The teddy bears are my own which were lined up using cass-repeat script. The title font is a layered font called Edith from CF. I recolored it and used cass-element stacking script and then the cass textcreator script. My birthday is in January so I used the garnets and garnet January from the Calendar workshop. The text script is called Domitian which is an open source font.
  11. I married a blonde, but Henry Cavill is my ideal man.
  12. I sometimes use AI, mostly when I can't make something myself or do not have a adequate picture. However, I had to try Copilot after the discussion here taking my inspiration from Ann. I have a favorite book series by Dorothy Dunnet featuring Francis of Lymond, who is a 16th century courtier, "a musician, a poet, a mathematician and one of the best fighting men of his age. He’s an adventurer, gracious, handsome, very light blonde and lethal." After entering this description, I am posting the picture that was made.😂
  13. Phil and I visited our local butterfly house which had many beautiful butterflies. However, in this project I just featured, in my opinion, the most beautiful of all--the Monarch. I followed Lab 7, no.2, for the grunge texture. All of the pictures are mine taken at the Butterfly house. The bridge was made into a watercolor using the cass watercolor script. All the masks for the butterflies are mine. The fonts are from CF--Capella for the text and the single letter is Butterfly Logos. I forgot who mentioned Lab 7, but thank you.
  14. I watched "Hillbilly Elegy" on Netflix. We are fortunate to have JD as a Senator in Ohio. He is extremely knowledgeable and articulate. His story is inspiring.
  15. I love the Libby app. I also read while waiting for appointments. It makes the wait go so much faster.
  16. I occasionally buy ebooks. I prefer Kindle over iBooks, but my main source is Libby through which you can download loans from your library. In my area, there are three libraries that I have access for loans--Cleveland Public, Cuyahoga and the State of Ohio. Covid gave us easier access by letting you sign up for a card online. They also have magazines, videos and audio books. Libby is a free app, and you can also download Kindle books.
  17. I can sympathize, Corrie, since I have problems with my eyes since 1965. I spent my summer days when I was in school at the library before problems developed. I quit smoking in 1995 and used cigarette money to buy books. When I taught, I was very aware of low vision students and tried to make every accommodation for them. Now, e-books and e-readers are invaluable assets to those of us who have vision problems.
  18. I have always loved to read and was always encouraged by my mother. I used to read both hard cover and paperback books. However, due to eye problems that started in my early 20's, I am so grateful for ebooks which are so much easier to read on my iPhone. The phone is the perfect size since my eyes have trouble following a long sentence. It is also easier to hold in my old age. What a good idea to put the book on your iPad or tablet. I have Kindle on my iPad and never thought of using it until the suggestions in this thread. It will be so much more convenient to have the iPad next to the computer.
  19. I just downloaded Kindle for my computer and ordered the Kindle version.
  20. Still Playing with strings. The plaid is from FF, and I followed the string tutorial in Scrap Tutorials and then used to directionaltube script to make the string into a tube. I used the vector tube script on the border of the flower and on the middle circle. I also applied the etchedglass script to a black layer and merged the glass over the original layer. I never bothered with making strings before our last Master Class. However, now I have found that they are fun to make with all sorts of colors and patterns. This particular string would fit in my Build a Kit 2.
  21. I would love a demonstration! They were all made with the directionaltube script.
  22. Playing with make ropes and strings
  23. I'm still stuck on vectors which I find fascinating. My latest little creature is an owl. The patterns are from FF, the feathers around the face are a'dozi feather brushes. Feathers on body, chest and wings are from feathers from CF made into patterns. Eyes and feet are from Canva.
  24. Thank you, Susan, I forgot to add that I used Filter Forge for the tail feathers and the chest area. I also used a FF cartoon effect to make the tail feathers less realistic. I had so much fun that I have others from this CF download called littlest pet shop.
  25. Creative Fabrica has a font called 212 US Dings that includes each state and a US map.
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