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Donna Sillia

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Everything posted by Donna Sillia

  1. I love Hummingbird cake, but would never attempt to make it.
  2. Last day of February! I made a folded tree with rainbow paper. I wish that I could remember where I got the paper. I'm searching.
  3. I use NexusFont and Character Map UWP. I unzip my fonts as I download them and put them in both places. I leave NexusFont open when I am working on text so that the uninstalled fonts are available to me. Character Map is so that I can get a good view of the font and the glyphs. I also save the files on my external hard drive.
  4. Instead of dots, I used the tube that I made of a pineapple. This mask gave me fits, mainly because I was using wrong settings. The photo was sent to me by my grandson when he was in Vietnam to play rugby. The font is a free font called Peel. I made it a layered font by duplicating it, changing the color of one font and moving it into a lower position. The border is the kaleidoscope.
  5. Day 6 - The photo is from my daughter in law. I made two backgrounds with different colors. The font is Lovely Valentine and Love Valentine Extruded from Creative Fabrica. I had to go to the blog to figure out how to do layered fonts. I made a picture with the font, the background and the preset shape, merged and copied into the circle mask. I really need an intervention on fonts since I cannot stop downloading them. Now I am looking for layered fonts because of Carole's explanation of how to use them.🤣
  6. Wasn't this a movie or series on PBS, I think?
  7. Carole, I made the background in Procreate and imported it as a png. I changed the color of the original to match a project that I am working on in Canva.
  8. My youngest grandsons ski and the oldest snowboard. I used the younger ones since snowboarders haven't sent me any good pictures yet even though there is snow in the mountains near Las Vegas. The photos and background are my own. The snow was made with a cassel script and the flakes were made with a brush. The font is Christmas Flakes which is a free download. This mask was not my favorite since the pictures were too close to the edges.
  9. I added shadow to the text which I think makes it stand out better. After converting the text to character shapes and duplicating, I colored the bottom letters and then moved the top letters which kept black slightly using the pick tool to expose part of the bottom layer.
  10. I am continuing with the amazing food the my daughter and I had in Fredericksburg at an Italian-Mexican fusion restaurant. One dessert is a goat cheese panna cotta and the other was a chocolate pot with hazelnuts. The background is actually a wood background that I made, but when I used the textile fill, this is how it came out. The pictures and the arrows are my own. The black border is from Creative Fabrica. The font is called "Los Pinata" from Creative Fabrica. I converted the text to curves as character shapes, duplicated them and now I can't remember the next steps, but I know that I did not use stroke. I guess I will have to keep experimenting and save my steps.
  11. Day 3- More chocolate for Carole. The mask was made from a preset shape converted to a raster with raster to mask script applied. The picture is of a chocolate mousse cup from a French restaurant in Fredericksburg, VA. (and I wonder why my sugar is so high) The font for the title is Chocolateheartfree. The side font is Constancia from Creative Fabrice, and the journal font is Fiolex Girls(not sure where I got that). The background is from the background of the mask, but I changed the color to a more red for Valentines Day. It is actually two layers of the same pattern with different colors and a blend mode of burn for the top layer. BTW, the mousse was outstanding. I think there may be more to see of this restaurant.
  12. Day 2 - Continuing with my birthday trip theme, my daughter took some selfies at one of our favorites stops on the way home from Virginia. Jean Bonnet Tavern is filled with ambience and a lot of wonderful food. The font is called "Valentine" from Creative Fabrica, and the plaid background is from one of my Build a Kit plaids. I thought it matched the old quilt hanging on the wall. The dessert is Oatmeal Pie. My husband begged our wonderful server for the extra whipped cream.
  13. I going to be using the photos that I took in Fredericksburg, VA for this workshop. The photos in the image were taken on route to Fredericksburg, only a little out of the way, because I love Mallo Cups. The graphics are from the kit. Large font is called "ChocolateHeartFree" and the journal font is called "Chewy" which is a free font.
  14. Last week, I was in Fredericksburg, VA visiting my daughter. Her dog, Clyde, is quite a character and a lot of fun. I made a pattern from his blanket and used it to fill the middle dots. I just used a color from the blanket for the other dots. The font is Madelyn Heart from Creative Fabrica. The bone is a preset shape with a texture from Creative Fabrica. The photos are mine and my daughter's. I used the open as a layer and clip to it scripts for the pictures. I loved how he would drag his blanket from the floor to the couch so that he could lay on it.
  15. I have had a lot of fun with this Workshop and learned so much. Unfortunately, for the next week, I will be without a Windows computer. I will miss working in PaintShop very much, but my daughter has a full schedule of things to do in Fredericksburg. I am hoping to get some great pictures! I made a quick roadtrip template. Thanks to our vector workshop, I was able to make a little car that sort of looks like our Toyota. The map is from Google. See you in a week.😪
  16. Thank you, Carole This has been a wonderful workshop, and I was able to use the lessons from Make a Kit as well as some of your fantastic scripts to achieve the effects that I used.
  17. Day 7 Photos of my youngest grandson are from my daughter in law. Thomas loves to build things. The background was created using cass seamless background script with tools from Marisa Lerin. The pvc pipes, ruler and measuring tape were all from in Canva. The pvc patterns were created using cass scatter script and then cass seamless background. The green background paper was actually created by Thomas in Procreate. The font is Super Blash from Creative Fabrica.
  18. Day 6 - The photos are compliments of my future daughter in law, Lane. She works for a company that does Disney parties for children. The gold dot background is one of my own as is the blue overlay with a lowered opacity. The scalloped ribbons are my own texture, scalloped using cass quick scallop script(what a time saver!). The roses and leaves are from a package that I purchased from deeezy.com. The font is Hilender Rhapsody from Creative Fabrica. I used layer styles for the font, but wanted it to "pop" more and applied Hue and Saturation. The crown is a preset shape that was created from a font. I used VectorTube to apply the diamonds, a directional tube that I made using cassdirectiontube script.
  19. Carole, thank you so much for the Fade Correction reminder. I remember learning this technique and completely forgot it. I will definitely remember it for future uses. Here is the template with the pictures corrected.
  20. Day 5 - I used the Diamond template but rearranged and resized the photos. Photos are from my daughter in law; the belts, symbol and belt tower is from Canva. The striped papers were made with cass stripe 2 script. The fonts are AgreloycAsparagus, an oft font and Btz Taekwondo from Creative Fabrica. It is a good thing that I have nexusfont since I don't have to install all my downloaded fonts, a folder that is added to everyday from the wonderful fonts that everyone posts here. The background is from Riley B graphics at Creative Fabrica, thanks to Susan's mention.
  21. Day 4 - I created the background using balls and bubbles to make the golf ball, then cass seamless pattern script to make the pattern and grass texture from Paintshop. The circle is from a Marisa Lerin sport kit. The flag is from a font called Sports and Hobbies which froze my Paintshop so I had to use Photoshop and save it as a png. The font is Gomuno Bubble which is an oft font. I had to reduce the painted area in order to get the photo of dad and son to fit properly. After I merged the mask, I used the eraser to remove bits of black that remained. The photos are my own and may be a little fuzzy since I captured them from a video.
  22. My daughter found an afternoon tea event in Fredericksburg that we will be attending. Since I don't have any good teahouse photos, I created one using Canva for the table, tea tray and tea set. The brick background is from deeezy.com. The bird paper is also from Canva; the polka dot paper is my own, the parchment is from FF, the wood from one of my daughter's photos, the plaid is one of my own and the clock is from my build a kit. The font is Bravo from Creative Fabrica.
  23. Bonnie, my daughter has quite an itinerary planned including going to see Jersey Boys on my 81st birthday on the 26th. She and her husband are foodies so we will be trying out some of her favorite places to eat--Afgan, Indian, Mexican and French to name a few.
  24. My daughter and son in law loved to hike in the desert around Las Vegas when they lived there. The background is from FF as is the pattern in the scalloped layer. Pictures are from my daughter. The font is Alister Oblique, but I don't know where I got it. The pink square is the color of my daughter's shirt. The other backgrounds are gradients. Beth now is in Fredericksburg, VA, although the Las Vegas house is going to be their retirement home. I will be computerless from Jan 24th to Jan 31st as I will be visiting her in Fredericksburg. Old Town is charming and there is lots to see surrounding Fredericksburg. Needless to say, I will be taking lots of pictures.
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