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Carolyn Rye

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Posts posted by Carolyn Rye

  1. Day 7 and I have managed to learn so much.  All I have to do now is remember everything.  Cassel, I do not know how you have managed to retain all this information.

    When my little grandson found it too hard to learn something, he would say to me - too hard to do.  Now I know what he meant.

    Day 7 600.jpg

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  2. Day 3 of the Mask Workshop. This day tested what I have learnt about Masks.  I feel so much more confident now.

    My problem now is how to respond to others on this site.  I don't know where to go to respond to anyone.  Cassel is there some literature that I can get regarding this?  I feel a bit silly that I do not know.

    Day 3 Masks 600.jpg

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  3. Day 2 of the Mask Workshop.  It am finding it easier each time I attempt doing this.  Thank you Cassel for your comments regarding my beautiful grandchildren.  These photos were taken many years ago, and as adults they are still beautiful. I really like the way you did the background on this workshop. 

    Day 2 Beau2 600.jpg

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  4. 23 hours ago, Cassel said:

    @Julian Adams It is ok to alter templates and at this point, it means you are getting more comfortable with them.

    @Anja Pelzer That is a lot of work to catch up! Those mushroom photos are beautiful! And good work on customizing the projects.

    @kasany You have great shadows on the teddy bear, but I think they are missing from the photos.

    @Jen Brown I am glad you are getting back into PSP and that you find those tutorials helpful. 

    @Emerald Jay That is a great kit you created. Is that a sharable kit? If so, do you have a link to it? If not, it is ok.

    @MoniqueN. Isn't it nice how the scallops are perfectly suited to the page?

    @bina greene That Greek kit is so colorful!!! Did you take those pictures?

    @Gerry Landreth I love that play on word, whether it is accurate or not!!

    @Donna Sillia You are doing a lot of manual work to customize your projects. The results are wonderful!

    @France Rivest C'est intéressant de voir que tu utilises des rubans à mesurer avec un sujet complètement différent du mien!

    @Royanne Hewko Is he actually vacuuming the grass???

    @Julie Magerka If you get sick of a project, put it aside. We don't want you to be put off by any project! In the end, I don't know if you like it or not, but I think it looks great!

    @Sheila Hogg I think I would rather call those flowers "Blue Poppy" than that long Latin name! I am glad you enjoyed the workshop.

    @sharon thompson Oh, that is annoying when something like that happens. At least, when you redo it, it is faster because you know what you want to place where. At least, it saves that time.

    @Anne Lamp That is lunchtime for the robin's babies!

    @Carolyn Rye I think the ricrac ribbon is missing its shadow, or the shadow is moved off. Is that possible?

    @Susan Ewart Yes, the Blend modes can really expand your stash by offering so many additional options of colors. About the error you are getting, I have never seen that before. It seems related to the auto-preserve and not the actual saving of the file. Is that possible? I wonder if you can turn off the auto-preserve and re-enable it later?

    @Harmony Birch It is a good idea to focus on a single seed. It allows you to make closer shots!

    I know that not everyone has done their 7 projects, so keep them coming!!!


    Yes I did not have any ricrac ribbon then I think I ended up leaving out the effects totally.  Good find.  Thank you Cassel.

  5. I know I am a but late to do this, but it has been a very busy week.  I know that is no excuse but I have decided that I am sick of doctor's appointments, x-ray, MRI's etc. 

    This is my Day 2 attempt.


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  6. I am a bit slow to complete this calendar.  My husband has been in hospital so time is a bit short.  The next two months are for September and October.  September is of course, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and October, Broome, Western Australia.

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    MyCalendar-10 2024 600.jpg

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  7. I now in your side of the world the colder winter weather is beginning, but down under, we are coming in to the warmer weather so I decided to show some of our lovely lifestyle.  One is walking along the Glenelg Jetty on a warm evening and another showing some of the beautiful scenery along the Great Ocean Road.

    MyCalendar-01 2024 600.jpg

    My Calendar-02 2024 600.jpg

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