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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I think that is a hard decision for an author, what format to print. A book has to show a spine when sitting on the shelf of a book store to have any chance of anyone looking at it. I've had books that had a spine and inside the coil binding, the cost to print that and the added weight for coil in shipping (customer and printer) would be quite high. BTW, the book I had didnt have that many pages and was over $60, likely because of the additional steps to have a lay-flat book and still show a spine to catch the customers attention.
  2. Lesson 7 Went pretty good, especially when I think it's a hard lesson, it turned out to be straight forward. The tricky part is grabbing the right node after the cut. Like Gerry said, it's hard to reposition the node you didnt want to be moving. I ended up pushing it back (if I picked the wrong one) very slightly then I could see the other node I really wanted to be grabbing. when I say see, I mean I had it zoomed in very close and when you move one node underneath it, the other node shows up. Only 4 cuts of all the cuts I made was the correct node I wanted to grab to move away and delete. I used undo a lot and learned to nudge the node into itself and not to the side as it would get too distorted. I really love this technique. On the Q I wanted to see if the lower cross bar was possible to isolate and it was. It's really interesting to see fonts with nodes, I forget about that, I could also be manipulating those fonts too...didnt we learn that in a master class or the Text Workshop? Thank you Carole. Even with some stumbling blocks, I felt way better going through this workshop for the second time. I'll get my question together (about the rocket) this week. Thanks again for a great workshop.
  3. Well, my face is red. Pressure was it and when I opened PSP again it was back to the setting and normal again. but the most embarrassing thing.....There is I think 5 different flowers in this tube and somehow (the settings I was messing with) caused it to just have the one flower, which looked similar to the yellow one (which shows up so tiny). What I was trying to do was to make the tube that normally is random in placement, be not random, but come out one after another and I chose bad settings. This is for sure, user error. Thanks for seeing the pressure setting (I'm not even sure what that setting does).
  4. Week 24, I hope it's not a bore and it leaves you wanting more. (that's is for rhyming Sunday) Can you believe I even found a gradient that mimics the cup. I've always liked this cup, it's a keeper. I used the slipped in effect. I sure like it. Carole, how do you come up with this stuff? I hope you keep it up. And I also used a texture on it, and the frame outline and the 2024 text.
  5. OMG! I love Chippie. He/She is the most photogenic chipmunk I ever did see. I gotta tell you, nature is one emotional up and down. Today I went grocery shopping and came out of my detached garage (when I got home) and saw a magpie feather. I was so happy, I bent down to pick it up and saw right behind the back wheel of the travel trailer was a squirrel tail...and nothing else. I was sad. Neighbours kitty is a bad boy.
  6. Awww, Jeni, that's so kind of you to say. The feeling is mutual, I'd be no where without all campus members. It really does take a community (to raise a PSP-er).
  7. Gerry, you always do such beautiful work. The flowers on the G is so pretty.
  8. This is awesome Corrie. I remember this lesson was challenging for me. I hope this year I'm better. I should look and see if I have the vector spiral script, it look really neat.
  9. It really is fun to try out different tubes, I have a huge file with the different tube, just from playing. I'm glad Carole showed us in the video to just hide the one. One thing I learned is that I had my "create as a raster layer" check box checked so I was getting an empty "stroked object" layer and then the actual stroke object in the raster layer it created above. Too many layers! glad I saw that and unchecked it.
  10. I also changed mine, then changed them back again. when they are bigger (and way easier to see) you still have to click in the middle. I found I was missing the middle so I went back to the small ones (why are they this small anyway?) and zoom in.
  11. Ah, that might it it. I'll look into it. the full size one has more resolution so the color isnt an issue, I should change the text color I think, just to be sure.
  12. Uhhhh, ya, it's a no brainer. I want it badly. Is it on Amazon yet? OMG! it's BEAUTIFUL Carole. Congratulations! I already cant wait for the sequel.
  13. Lesson 6 part 2 I wanted to see what happens on letters like "i" and "j" to see if the script will do the dot on the I. It sure does, I guess because the character is both of those elements. This script is really fun and addictive. The second thing I wanted to know. How thick or thin can the stroke be? I tested 5 px and 20 px and makes no visual difference to me. The reason for this test is so I can duplicate the vector and have a layer that has a stroke and no fill. And the bottom Vector layer has a fill and a very small 1-5 px stroke. That gave me the opportunity to to be able to reduce the opacity of the vector layer with the fill, and be able to manipulate the stroke layer on it's own. One issue that came up with the font (is the pipe cleaner can't make such a bend as shown, so the stroke showed through). It was an easy fix as I had the stroked object layer to use, I just hid the Vector outline layer and it was gone. I really like this lesson.
  14. Oops I forgot to ask. I made a picture tube for a Lab. it's a yellow flower. However when I tried to use it today it comes out as B&W, even though the dropdown shows it as yellow still. Is there a setting I messed up?
  15. Lesson 6 part 1 What a fun script this is. I learned I NEED way more picture tubes.
  16. When I just watched the Lesson 6 tutorial with the Vector Tube script I thought of Gill Sans Ultra Bold immediately. It's one of my favorite fonts. I am thinking of the small 'i' and wonder if the script will find the dot since it's not attached. I'll find out tomorrow when I do the lesson. Everyone has done really awesome stuff in Lesson 6, I'm excited to get to it.
  17. Thank you Carole. I will try that. I know that it's something I'm not doing right and that it's a simple fix like you've offered. Often my issue is "where" I am clicking as opposed to where I "should be" clicking. Clicking the mouse in the right spot is important I am learning.
  18. Thank you so much Jeni. That means the world to me.
  19. Lesson 5 #2 A fun exercise to do. I spend more time trying to learn how to work with layer masks (not sure that's the correct terminology), photographed on grey so I could add a textured back ground with blend modes (easy part), then needed to mask the blended texture layer to let the flower show through (hard part to wrap my mind around - which layer is the mask, is it black or white etc). the hardest part was wrapping my head around what on the top layer needed to be blocked, it kept thinking it was everything but the flower, but it turned out it was the flower I needed to block. Hopefully I will remember for next time. I added the little round label thinking you couldnt see it, but it seems to show up well and I have no idea why the top text on the flower is blurry, the original is not and even looking at the 600 version on my own computer it is not blurry. PSP is acting really slow today. Yesterday fast, today the opposite. And with the all temp files and cache cleared.
  20. Another question: Sometimes the bounding box is around all the nodes and I need to go back and edit the nodes again but the box is covering the nodes and I cant get to them. I activate another layer then go back and then the box is gone but no nodes, so I click on the edit button and bounding box comes up again preventing me from getting to the nodes. What am I doing wrong. When you were doing the crack paste your bounding box only came up when you did Select All but mine had the box already. Does this make any sense.
  21. Lesson 4 Whew, this is an emotional rollercoaster lesson. As I told Daniel in an earlier post, I thought I was rock star, I finally got it. And today? failure after failure (the rocket). I could get the cut out, but could not get it to show when I filled it. I finally got it, but I don't know why I got it or why I didn't get it, which is important to know so I don't continue that way. I have lots of questions about the rocket I did. About how to go about it. The words arent in my head right now and it's lunch time...must be hungry and cant think (it cant possibly the entire week of only 3-5 hours sleep a night, naaaaa 😜) Carole, I'll try and formulate what I want to aske about making complex stuff like rocket with overlapping lines and other issues that came up. I'll wait until I get caught up first.
  22. I"m not sure if this is anything, but when i was pasting I was trying to paste on the canvas in the hole it came out of, but when I did it again and pasted on the body of the main object (the cup) it worked. Now, this may just be a coincidence. Why can I do it one time, then not the next, makes me scratch my head at what step I miss.
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