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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. So sweet. He looks like he has a little helmut or cap on his head.
  2. I have the script, it's really cool. I like it a lot.
  3. Yippeee! I cant wait to hold it in my hands...I might need both hands to hold a book that size! 260+ pages is awesome as far as I'm concerned. 😁. Kidding aside, a book on digital scapbooking with PSP will be a joy to own and be a great reference tool. I'm grateful you took on this job for our benefit.
  4. Thank you Cristina. It was fun to make, relaxing I'd say. just having fun after a busy week.
  5. hahaha, that's him/her (I feel that it's a him). There is a statue of it in City Park in Kelowna. My bestie and I used to ride our bikes all over Kelowna and we always had a stop at City Park to practice gymnastics - we were 12.
  6. Me too, my dad's side of the family is Scottish. I'm looking forward to hearing about their adventures there. They bought a house in Nairn, close to Inverness (they will be having tea with Nessie). The funny thing is my friend was born and grew up in the Okanagan (where I lived for a short time and we became best friends at 12 yrs old) where there is the Ogopogo, which is similar...or.....are they one in the same (insert eery music here)? 😨
  7. Thank you Julie. I actually tried A LOT of combinations before lucking out with this one.
  8. Oh, that's so sweet. Is this bird getting ready for bath time?
  9. Whoaaaa Ann, it's gonna be "that" kind of party is it? Well then, let me get my bells shined up!
  10. I finally got some PSP time in. Busy week and finally some down time. And just in time for the Q&A. I was driving home from grocery shopping this morning and a local Lube shop always has a funny quote on their sign and this was the one I saw today. I had to keep repeating it over and over because I couldn't pull over on that road to write it down... and my pen was in my shopping bags way in the back. 4 fonts used: Mandala Vintage (for the womb and board) Mansdefia (Mom) Magestica (Thanks) Marcgravia (Happy Mother's Day 2024) Papers are by Gina Jones (Digital Scrapbook) Kumbaya papers See you at the Q&A! All the cool kids go there....I hear.
  11. That's me....I have been corrected more than once on this one, so now (jokingly) I will say it as 'Either-rea'l or I could start saying it as 'Ether - reel'. hahahaha, the English language is silly isnt it? I hosted a garage sale for my friends (who live in a condo) who are moving to Scotland and my dear friend has an English degree and had to put all the books oriented in a way that was easier for the buyers to read the titles. I totally supported it and get that. When you know about something, you want it to be right...right?
  12. Smoke from northern Alberta and BC rolled in yesterday morning so nothing for us to see. I missed the friday night show, bummer. I remember watching them when I lived in Alberta when i was a teenager. Now the city lights are too bright to see them regularly.
  13. Well said, that's an incredible quote.
  14. This is incredibly beautiful Julie. It's is papers/elements blended. It's so ethereal. I looked up "ethereal" to make sure I'd used the word right. And meaning of the word is perfect for this layout. e·the·re·al /iˈTHirēəl/ adjective 1. extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
  15. I love this Ann. I didn't know that about Torties (being mostly females). I had a cat for a short time (Emi) and the vet said she was a Torbie...A tabby tortie. And she had such a zest for life and was the biggest cat I've ever had. Sadly, she past suddenly due to a failing heart valve(we found that out later). I didn't get enough time with her.
  16. Wouldn't miss it for the world!
  17. Welcome back Corrie, I missed you in the Campus. I'm looking forward to seeing your coming layouts.
  18. That's awesome Rene. And so she should, your layouts are always superbly executed.
  19. Fiona, this is fabulous. that corrugated wall photo is STUNNING!
  20. What a surprise this must have been. Ann you are a good steward of all things "critter". I hope this little guy can survive or be reunited with his human family.
  21. Oh thank you, I reposted in May and deleted from April. I even wrote that down that 14-17 was in April and 18 was in May because I thought I'd forget. The weird issue distracted me I think.
  22. Week 18...caught up enough to get behind again. 😁 Background paper by RachelLm-seth paper15 (Digitalscrapbook.com). Fonts Emil Love (Wk18) and Emely Love (creative fabrica) and reposted here after posting in April by mistake (even after making a note that it should be in May).
  23. Can you help me. I must be doing something wrong. I noticed this in 3 of my layouts as I was about to save it that the card and magnet seemed blurry/out of focus. I had to actually copy/paste them in again. Here is a couple comparisons. when I make my layouts. I have the blank template with the frame and text. from there the order is: add card to layout add magnet to layout work on background layer (lots of adding and delete, trying out gradients/textures/blend modes etc - not touching the above two elements at all then work on the text layers save am I doing something in the wrong order for this to be happening. My elements are whatever the card size is, I dont up or down size except a small amount and usually smaller and not larger. the magnet is HUGE so is downsized with the pick tool and therefore should retain it's sharpness. And they are sharp when I first add the elements in. It's after when I'm done the rest that I notice they seem blurry. Playing card original (blurry) on left Magnet original (blurry) on right
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