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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I've never seen doves or dove babies. My hubby and I was talking about having never seen Pigeon babies either, even though I seem to get a yard full of them.
  2. Red Dress in the front. Love the layout!
  3. yes, Michele....enquiring minds want to know.
  4. This is great, I love the contrast of the black and white. I gives the feeling of long ago. You are tall, how lucky !
  5. Yes, wasn't there a question somewhere what our fav. tool was? I answered something else. But, really it should be Blend Modes. I know, not technically a tool, but so useful.
  6. More like, crazy out of control....if that's what "down pat" means. 😄
  7. That was the prime sale or maybe just a reg. sale. I'm not a prime member. It's around the price of LEE 216 diffusion paper I want for my photo studio, and weirdly, it will also last as long as Carole's bamboo. And I'll get more use out of it. One thing I'd love in a kindle is being able to read at night, while hubby is sleeping beside me yet not have to have a light one. I got to say, that might be worth the price right there.
  8. Thank you Ann, for this description. I had no idea they were that useful. Perhaps a re-think on the kindle, down the road after the mortgage gets renewed. I've also never owned an ipad. I hardly use my cell phone so I figure I'd hardly use these types of things. Perhaps I've been missing out. Still, for the money, there is other stuff I'd use more (photo equipment).
  9. Wish I could buy one, but it's still a bit pricey for me ($174 CAD ), it's mortgage renewal year...rates have tripled since the last renewal 5 yrs ago.
  10. Lab 7-2 Loopy Frame Scratched paper Grunge Edge 2 More practice with Vectors on the Loopy Frame. The Scratched Paper was really enjoyable. It was hard to get a nice Grunge Edge so I kept making layers and then changing the opacities of the layers and then used a blend mode and ended up happier with it than i expected. I used the Vector Tube script and added a rope to the loopy frame. And I used preset shapes;the Callout bubble and an arrow, which I used twice. The photo isn't great as was an overcast and windy day and i was weeding the garden and saw this funny business going on and grabbed my camera. Not sure why they did use the the hotel, it's open all year! I'llpost the bigger version on FB.
  11. I also used to be a avid reader and I prefer a printed physical book. I like holding a book and turning the pages. And i like being able to see the whole page at once. Not like digital where I have to scroll up and down, and if I want to see a whole page at once I have to make it too small to read. I can get relaxed in any position with a book and take it anywhere with me. whereas the only thing I have to read a book digitally is my desktop. I find because the screen is big I lose my place on the line and it's quite bright to lengthy reading.
  12. I am working on a layout....but more importantly I'm working on my Amazon order. ETA July 20th!
  13. What?...no prizes. Don't we all get a gold star just for showing up?
  14. that's fascinating Ann. And really inspiring.
  15. Possibly the late '70's or early 80's. This is a really nice layout.
  16. I am also quite captivated by this photo. You can see so much detail in the part below the bloom. It's so interesting.
  17. What a beautiful color!
  18. I have done that, even to the point of separate letters, move them into place (rasterize of course), then do something different to each and merge visible when we want to use the magic want to select the top or bottom portions to make into a mask. So many options. it's true they fast to make, but take a looooong time to do because of the some many options and the kerning to get it where and how you like, which is just as you mentioned. You often have take out a letter, put it on it's own Vector, and then since you did that, it's back to the kerning again. Still it's fabulous technique that non graphics people say WOW!
  19. thank you Corrie. I'm sure I learned it from Marie-Claire a few years ago. Sometimes if I like most of the script, and it's not working the way I like, I will break up one word into two separate Vectors (a few letters is one vector, the rest of the word another vector) or even I might have go as far as one letter as a separate vector, especially if it's just the one causing it not to work. then move everything into place where I want and from there make the raster version of each and merge them (or merge visible to a new layer and work on that) keep the background frame separate or merge it too. Usually I do this, but I will also have duplicated that background frame in case I want to do something different to it or be able bevel the word differently than the background so it shows up looking more 3D on the background frame. So many options of what you can do. It's a great technique isn't it? Looking forward to seeing more of your creations from this technique. Sometimes, when the text works perfect, it's a fast technique to do.
  20. What a beautiful girl and an equally special and beautiful moment you got to have with her. I love the layout and the border is perfect for this layout.
  21. I love this. I have been creating these to. I want to create more with generic sentiments (happy birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year etc). It's fun to decide which "counter"(the enclosed space in a letter such as; p, a, b, e, q etc) space to add or subtract when you select the top and bottom portions with the magic wand. That butterfly and the flowers works so well with your template/mask.
  22. me either, I figured I didnt have a choice.
  23. Now I see it's all in the words (I am not good with words), and why spark didn't spark much creativity in me. hahaha might have to give it a second chance.
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