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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. It is easy, and I'm so glad you brought it to my attention!
  2. You wanna be a magpie too? Absolutely. That's where my layout inspirations come from. And I'm flattered that YOU asked!
  3. After the chat on here about the Block Photo (Sue Thomas) and a beautiful example of it, I watched the tutorial and came up with this layout. I had the red-eyed tree frog photo (from Steve Biro) as the inspiration. I looked up others online to get some other colourful critters. Nature is astonishing, whether in her delicacy, her brutality (those hawks!), or her rainbow of colours in the flora and fauna. The most flamboyant of those creatures live in tropical climes, and I have an awe for their dazzling displays, especially since our birds, insects, etc. tend to more subdued hues. The other critters in this layout are Madagascan Sunset Moth, Orchid Mantis, and Rosy Pelican.
  4. I'm like a magpie. I see something and then I want to mimic it. I guess that's part of the learning process. I loved the Block Photo technique on the robin photo, so I looked up the tutorial. Not as difficult as I thought it must be. So watch out, I'll be posting something with it. And it will be b/c Sue used it so beautifully and prompted me!
  5. I've had pets all my life. A dog when I was a wee thing, then cats, cats, and more cats. Then in 2004 I got my very own dog (from friends who had to give her up). I was blessed because she was such a good girl. Since then, there have been other pooches, and I presently have three small ones. One is "mine", and the other two are long-term fosters who will be with me till the end. This layout is for My Girl, the first dog I got. Her name when she came to me was Anna, but a friend said, "No, that's not right. She's too glamorous; her name should be Lana, like Lana Turner". And that's what it became. I've had temporary foster dogs, cats until last year (and still missing having at least one), and can't imagine a life without some wee critters. They can be a lot of work, but the joy they bring is worth it.
  6. I have been playing with layouts for the last week or so. The going has been rather slow, but since there is no rush, I continue to tinker and adjust until it's time to let them go! The eclipse layout uses photos from a photographer who was mentioned on the radio as having spectacular pictures online. So I checked, grabbed a few and tried the Grid layout, which was not a great success. Each time I've tried it, the pix just don't snap to grid readily. So I leave it, out of frustration. The photog is Steve Biro. The actual blacking out of the sun in its totality was amazing, of course, but we then had a new "light" shining on us suddenly which threw us right off! It turns out it was one of the planets that was illuminated. Wish I had a photo of that! The other layout is based on a United Church decommissioning that took place on Sunday last (14th). Another small rural church has closed (near my home town). I attended to show my respects, took some pix, and observed the loss the folks there were experiencing. It was very sad. The Catholic church, not far away and the one I attended as a child, is experiencing a spurt of new attendance and the danger of closure has passed, yet again.
  7. That was a good one! I loved the otter singing Copa Cabana.
  8. T = Tansy (great to use the leaves as ant-repellent in the house)
  9. So few true blue flowers. This is one of my favourites. Lovely layout.
  10. Can't tell....is the one at the bottom right happy or ticked off? Love these pix.
  11. That was a very interesting read. It must have been quite a bit of work to make these layouts, but they are effective.
  12. Since you suggested them Sue, I've watched the No Kit series. One I had seen before, and the other two were interesting. The basket weave one (Kit 3) is a great inspiration, but I'd have to watch a dozen times to get it right. No time for that, sadly.
  13. That is lovely Corrie! And that mask works in any orientation. None of our trees are ready to bloom like that yet! But I love it when they do.
  14. After a mild and warm March, we are having a much wetter and colder April so far. There are a few early bulbs out here but they're biding their time. I had to dig into old pix to find one from my own garden a number of years ago. The mask I used is the free one from Jessica at Curio Pantry. I blended a couple of background papers, used some splashes and splatters and some squiggles.
  15. I did it and found some good stuff I'd forgotten or never knew. The piece about layered fonts was news to me. Thanks Carole for the fun.
  16. No kidding! A steady hand and so much patience. But Sue has lots of that given her time spent waiting for the perfect shot in the out of doors!
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