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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. How nice that you used your own creations from the Build A Kit! You're a full-fledged kit designer.
  2. Looking at the cookie text makes me hungry! Nice effect.
  3. I decided to post right away before I see the wonderful work that others will produce. The layout here is simple, but it's a photo that always makes me smile. I had to work on the outlined & filled text a couple of times before I got it to cooperate. Those layers mess me up sometimes....which one I AM on vs. which one I SHOULD be on! The font is Titan One, and it's nice and thick for this purpose. I'd never used the Effects>Texture>Sculpture and was happy to try it. Nice effect.
  4. Ann, Thanks for pointing out the freebie. Lately I was looking for something like that, with circles for pix. Yours is lovely.
  5. I sort of faded out of the Build-a-Kit due to some other deadlines, but I have kept watch on what the others have been producing, and it's amazing and delightful to see. Well done all of you! I developed a strong new-found respect for the designers out there who produce kits on a regular basis. What a labour of love it must be. I'm in for the Texting Again. What a big group that will be. I hope I can master that darn text tool that runs me in circles sometimes.
  6. Wow! a birthday wish with Poncho. Love it! Did you add that rose in his mouth? That's a nice touch. Thanks Poncho!
  7. Thanks for CD suggestion. Checking it out.
  8. Oh, those little paws sticking out! Purr-fect!
  9. March...I didn't spend much time on the Build-a-Kit project. It would have required a lot of time in watching videos to figure out how to make some of the components, and I just couldn't spend the time lately. But March 17 is a day I can't ignore....no, no Irish in my genes...it's my birthday. And I like to make a Facebook greeting for the day just for the few friends I have on there. Nothing in this layout is mine. It's all from somewhere....Digital Scrapbook (frame), elements (from ?), and photo of the Emerald Isle from Unsplash. But I had fun playing with it and it didn't eat up a lot of time.
  10. OK, thanks. But even if I use them for papers or something else, do the squares need to be changed to masks?
  11. In Lab 9 - Module 3 (which I have seen a few times), there are steps for creating a multi-photo template. I can do that. But, after it's created, what are next steps? Convert to masks? Save in what format? Then use Open as New Layer and Clip To It? I just can't get my head around this and do it easily for some reason....block! Screenshot is from end of Lab video showing the sample Carole created.
  12. So yesterday I spent a couple of hours and did the dirty deed! It was laborious and challenging, but it worked! I created categories within the PSP version Brushes folder. I kept getting all kinds of warnings about duplicate files, but I just closed those and kept going. Then I shut down everything, did a restart, and OMG, the brushes were all sorted within PSP!!! I also got rid of lots of brushes I had downloaded for free but didn't use, and found some others that I had mistakenly put in the Scripts-Restricted b/c of the file extension! No wonder they didn't work for me.... Thanks for helping me out, much appreciated. I feel calmer now.
  13. I don't think I've ever renamed any brushes, but I'll watch out for that.
  14. Well, kind of technically, she's not ON the sofa, just sort of......
  15. It just seems like so much work to get this sorted out! Now I am confused because of the two file types that go together (brushtip & pspscript). You're right, when I was trying to delete some unused brushes I very likely deleted only ONE filetype. I will have to tackle this patiently. Thanks, Carole.
  16. I haven't made any layouts with my cat's weird places to hang out, but he does situate himself (like all cats) into some strange places. And he does love fresh laundry left in a basket!
  17. I have reached the point where I feel that I should delete all the brush files I have accumulated over the past few years. They are getting unwieldy to handle. I did try deleting with some I never used, but all I end up with is black circles in the brush tool dropdown list in PSP. Then, there are the brushes I THINK I added that don't show up on that list but they are in the Brush folder in PSP. This has bothered me for some time, but Carole's mention of the article What File Goes Where in the newsletter got me going on this. Does anyone have a surefire system at keeping those files organized and cleaned up? I've searched on the Blog and other places and can't find what I might need to read....please!
  18. You sure deserve A for effort! I also have trouble with the two buttons on the side of the pen tool for the tablet. Doesn't always work right away for me. I keep adjusting the settings but they still act up.
  19. E = Erin go bragh! (Ireland forever!)
  20. I started this as the last lesson of the Masks workshop but it didn't turn out, so I left it and moved on. Then someone was posting some purple paper (Ann? or Mary?) in the Kit palette and it reminded me of this. The photo is from my garden years ago. This is what it ended up being, and I like the purples which I don't get to use very often.
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