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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Michele I adored it too but I was already a bit older when the movie came out over here. In those days it wasn't coming out worldwide at the same moment as it is now. I went to watch it with a friend and later it was almost yearly on the telly and I watched it with my kids as well. I still can sing some of the songs like do ,re, mi etc.
  2. And this one is for my youngest granddaughter who is starting middle school tomorrow. For the background I used the freebie back to school from CF and the flute from by stash. The rest of the elements is from digitalscrapbook.com For her a good luck on the book.
  3. This topic was a trip down memory lane! I was 6 in 1955 when tv broadcasting made a start in the Netherlands. It was in black&white on one channel only for a couple of hours every day. There were not many people that had bought a television set, they were quite expensive and people didn't really know what to think of it. It was very common to go to friends or family that had taken the plunge and owned such a modern set, to get a chance to see it for yourself. For our family it became a sort of social gathering on Saturday evenings and I was even allowed to stay up late. Later came a children's hour on the free Wednesday afternoon. There was a presenter called "tante Hannie" (auntie Hannie) who introduced the show and you could even write to her and got an answer as well. I remember 2 shows very vividly and put the photos I could find on the net on my layout. There was an official postmark stamp and I made one with my own script. The background has a circle overlay (tut in this month's lab) and I started out with a template from Alflt June 2019 Fair and kept some of it and changed a lot. The tv tag was made with the leather tag script that I had for a long time and the Adventure freebies reminded me of that script! The double bow was made with the double bow script and I kept it in my stash. Title font is Lucky Retro with a bevel, the cluster is by Jessica Dunn and the paint splashes were in my stash. The red bow was a sample freebie from Carole for one of the bow scripts and I used it because it matches somewhat the clowns bow.
  4. Your knotted rope turned out fine and like me you found that rope a challenge! After rewatching the Q&A I'll give that knot another try with another picture tube, maybe that will work better. The rope fitted perfect with your Go West.
  5. Done so lovely and a great inspiration too. This script definitively goes on my wishlist!
  6. Just made this card for my granddaughter who is starting highschool tomorrow! A couple of weeks ago I made a blackboard without text and now put an appropriate text on it. The rest of the elements are a freebie from CF called back to school and I put good luck on the phone. I have sent it to her by iMessage because she has her own phone nowadays.
  7. Those paint transfers and splashes are so nice; another idea to follow! I don't have enough time to use everything I get inspired by 🥲
  8. This is an option I didn't think of, maybe it will work, thank you
  9. You understood me right but when I tried to shadow the different parts on their own layer and had to erase some of those shadows it still looked not right, hence my question. Maybe if I can see how Carole does this in the Q&A it will make sense to me.
  10. Did you have a chance to tast the wine there?
  11. This week I visited the Textile Museum in Tilburg with my cousin. The museum is in the original factory from 1870 and most of the more modern looms are in working order and produce cloth for tea-towels, napkins, tablecloth etc. You can see and hear them when they are working; the noise of 1 or 2 machines already is deafening and in those days the workers had no noise protection. It was an interesting day; we learned about the whole process from wool, cotton or silk to the end product. We both had been there 30 to40 years ago with our children but it was nice to see all the new exhibits that has been added over the years. Luckily there was a coffee corner too.
  12. I use Chrome and only clear my cache when PSP say so or works strangely. I have never had any issues and that goes for Edge too. I have installed them and they are good to go. But I know it has also to do with the network you're using and the up- and download speed of that network.
  13. I agree with you, but I personally haven't had any problems to log in, maybe it is in their computer settings or the network they are using. When the internetconnection is overloaded it can give issues too. Here at home we have a superfast connection and all our electricity- and internetcables are underground and we rarely have a fault. My family in California lives in Silicon Valley and there the electricity is frequently down which is a nightmare if you are working from home!
  14. I have only 1 screen on my big laptop and I can connect a separate screen but on my desk in our "computer room" as we call it, there is no space for a 2nd screen. Besides that, with my bad eyesight it probably won't work for me because when a screen gets bigger I can't see it as a whole and miss the overview. I use my Ipad if I want to follow a tutorial and work on my laptop. For me that's okay.
  15. That "master scripter" and the other names are hilarious, but can we leave it there please
  16. Thanks and I tried to shadow the different parts of the knot but then the shadows went on top of already shadowed parts and it looked a mess!. And as I had already spent 3 evenings on that knot I couldn't see clearly what I should do, so I decided to ask it Carole in the Q&A with the idea that if I had a problem here maybe others would be interested too.
  17. Thank you Sue and there is a tutorial in the recent Lab14-5 that I had on my list of tuts to do. I'm so glad with your praise for that knotted rope but as usual when it gives me trouble to make the next ones will be way easier because I already made all the mistakes 😉
  18. Julie a lovely page and I can tell you from experience that the start of such a project takes most time. When you have decided what the overall look and the colors will be it still takes time to get it to the standard you want but it nevertheless will be quicker to make.
  19. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but it is not all bad. There is no boss any longer telling you what to do or don't.
  20. Susan I'm retired and I can tell you that it didn't gave me more time as such! Somehow my time always fills with so many things to do and this don't include housekeeping.
  21. This was a challenge with 2 faces for me. The easy part was the streamer which I already had done some time ago and the metallic words for which I used a gold metal that I had in my patterns from other projects. Those ..... knots gave me a lot of trouble!!! The drawing of the path with the pentool went ok now I knew that the tracking had to be much higher! But cutting the path and making the different parts of that path on their own layers didn't went so well. Sometimes I was deleting on the wrong layer and had to do it again. I started 3 times anew and was almost ready to cheat with a rope with knots that I had in my stash! On my photo I used a mask that came from a template by Lady22 and the bouquet from my stash went in between the streamer. I see now that I probably should have attached my rope with a pin or a staple, but for now I assume I glued it on the wooden background!🙃 Carole I have a question on how to shadow that ..... knotted rope and I'll put it in the Q&A for Sunday if there is time enough that is.
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