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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. For day 4 I used the template from day 3; for day 3 I used the extra template for the diamond members. For a long time sports didn't play a big role in my life, my whole family had no interest in sports at all. Most of them, including my parents didn't have a car in those days and we all lived in Rotterdam, so we walked, used a bike or a ride on the tram. Maybe that is why I like to walk and I still use my bike almost every day, just to go get the groceries, go to the pool etc. I started swimming every week almost 25 years ago when there started aquafit and fiftyfit classes in our pool and I intend to keep doing that as long as I can. With a friend I go for a walk each week, although the weather is not playing along this year. For this page I made the title with 2 papers as was explained on day 3, where I didn't use that technique. The papers are from Wintermorning by DB Magnolia and the rest of the embellishments come from my stash. The title font is Bauhaus and the text is Bahnschrift.
  2. I'm sorry in the end it didn't work when I tried to correct a typo that I had specially made because I wanted to test it. We have to hope that Corel will fix it!
  3. Yes I did. Normally I do: make selection - type my text - deselect - duplicate - change to raster and at that point it goes to one line . So now I did: make selection - type text - duplicate - change to raster - hide vector - deselect. To my utmost surprise it worked. Later this evening I will try if I can go back to the hidden vector text to change maybe a typo, or just alter a word. I sincerely hope it will still works. I'll let you know, but firstly I'm going to watch the opening of the Summer Olympics on the telly.
  4. I started this layout last saturday but with the story workshop and a very busy week I just finished this one. I wanted to make the lifted corner by hand, but I'm not entirely happy with it. Next time I'll probably go with the script that I have. However I used the cass-SlippedInCorner2 which I won last week! I tried all the different options but settled here for this one. Script is nice and easy to use, love it! For the background I made an overlay with raindrops. Somewhere on the net I saw an umbrella adorned with flowers and made this brolly myself, just as the watersplash. The cluster is by Jessica Dunn and the rain or shine text comes from my stash. The title font is Star Bright.
  5. Thank you I didn't use it but downloaded it for future use in case I need something quickly
  6. I never was a very naughty child and as mischief is concerned I can't remember much else as ringing the bell at someone's house and running away before they could open the door. I think almost everybody has done this. But in highschool my friend and I had a narrow escape and were almost caught. Yesterday I was away on a daytrip, so I'm running a bit behind and I'm still working on this week's challenge too. This layout has a background paper called Periodic System by Melo Vrijhof, just as the erlenmeyer and test tube. I made the extra "periodic" tile because I saw it on line and it fits to my theme. The atom is from kissping and the chemistry element I found on Freepik. Title font is School & College Outline. I have mentioned I have the same problem as others with the wrapped text in 2023!. I think that maybe I have found a solution. This time I made the selection for the wrapped text, typed my text and before I did anything else I duplicated the text and converted the duplicate to raster, which to my surprise indeed worked. Next thing was hide the vector layer and last deselected. I could resize to 600 for posting. Tomorrow when I do day 4 I'll try this again. But I wanted to mention this here already for others to test my theory.
  7. This looks delicious. Over here we didn't had that tradition of eating turkey for christmas, it was mostly rabbit. Later we tried turkey but I'm not a great fan of it, if not prepared correctly it so quickly gets dry. Pheasant I have never eaten, I don't think it is available here, never heard about it either.
  8. You did a fantastic job but I like this version better. The cards are a bit darker and look more used than in the first version where they are rather white. The metallic elements look great!
  9. Julie I love carrot cake and had a piece today when I was on a daytrip with my cousin. I have backed them myself but not any longer. It is just my husband and me and hubby isn't a fan of carrot cake, so I eat it when I have an opportunity like today.🥕
  10. My name really is Corrie and over here that is short for Cornelia, my parents only used my full name when they were very cross with me!
  11. Wow that is quite an achievement! No simple reading stuff as well.
  12. My mom and dad together with my aunties and an uncle were very fond of the cryptic crossword puzzle that was in the Saturday edition of our newspaper. There was a lot of rivalry between the different families and most of my cousins were involved too. I'm by far the youngest of all and of course I wanted to be involved too. So my parents started to explain to me how I should think in a different way. There were much simpler versions and I liked the to solve those riddles and started to ask them to let me try their puzzle too. I still know how it felt when I could solve a riddle they hadn't: triumph! We used the dictionary and some other books to find the answers, a lot of pencils and erasers were in use and many telephone calls to the rest of the family. Lab 14-3 has a tutorial about seamless pencils which I had made and could use here. The old fashioned telephone we used in those days is from Digitalscrapbook.com and the lightbulb is by Melo Vrijhof. Font is Table of Contents and the rest of the elements comes from my stash.
  13. Yah it is a nuisance and I have the same problem. I use 2022 or type my text without the wrapped function, but I have to hope that I have no typos/misspelling. And both happen to me often as everybody can see in my posts😢
  14. This layout was a bit of a difficult "birth" so to speak. I have done this workshop/challenge before and didn't want to repeat what I had done. I'm doing the AAM (All About Me) challenge as well and that is a bit overlapping with this workshop. I'm intending to print the layouts from the AAM and like to be able to combine that with the ones I'm making now. Firstly I had to come up with a topic for today and after some searching my stash and the net came up with the story of my baptism. When I started to work on the actual layout my PSP starting to misbehave badly and just before I was posting here I realized I had made a spelling error, which in itself was easy to correct, because I learned the hard way to always and always keep my text in vector format!!!!! I have a copy of the text in Dutch as well because I do the AAM in Dutch. For the background I made an overlay with the crosses which are a cass-picture tube from another challenge. The fonts are Arial and Arienne for the title. The cross on the left was made with a blend mode to get rid of the black version in which I found it on the net.
  15. Susan you have written before about you being adopted but this is the first time I hear the the expression Cabbage Patch Kid. In the older days we had a saying that a baby came out of a (red) cabbage, or was brought by a stork. So in a way this makes sense and was used elsewhere too.
  16. Donna what a lovely letter from your mom, something to cherish for ever! With a fair bit of enlarging I just was able to read it.
  17. Thank you I was worried because my PSP was acting strangely yesterday evening (my time) and I hope everything is oké now. I'll give it a try later today.
  18. I have taken a look on FB and you really can see the difference with the more compressed version here. I don't do much on FB and keep it just for seeing what is going on with the Campus and post there as well as here. It is a handy alternative if the campus site is down for whatever reason. It is a pity that there is smoke coming your way again. My daughter in CA told me that the wildfires are starting there too. At least we don't have many of those, although the last couple of years which were hot and dry, have made us here aware that we can get more fires too but they are so far on a much smaller scale. When visiting Yosemite this spring we drove for miles and miles along a road through the Sierra National Forest that had only blackened trees without any greenery.
  19. Amazing what Bing can do and you certainly can give a good prompt! I think, for me personally, I will not be using this feature very much and I will doing things the "old fashioned way".
  20. I'm delighted! It was the mouth with the same smile from that little girl as you have on your photo here that made me think it had to be you!
  21. Sue thank you so much! I'm still amazed by what is possible with one of the newer iPhones, of course it took time and was a bit of learning curve before I could use its full potential. At the same time there are are limitations of what I can do opposed to a good camera, but I can live with it.
  22. It would be great to see them and hopefully you have a lot to use in upcoming projects/challenges. I always like to have a good stash of new photos so I can choose what will go with a specific topic. Enjoy that day!
  23. Ann when on the campus site on FB you see to the right a square with the most recent posts, but you can see more , you have to scroll down for them
  24. Sue lovely photos on FB and enjoy all your summer activities. I can hardly wait for those new photos showcased in many new layouts.
  25. Last week I took photos on a little meadow stretch nearby and this week I went there again. Last week the thistle wasn't in bloom but already had fat buds and yesterday when I passed there on my way to the station I saw its vibrant flowers from a distance. At that moment I had to catch the train but on my way home I had plenty of time to take a couple of shots.
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