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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Lovely and true as well, at least for me too!
  2. Me too, it somehow gives the impression of movement.
  3. Dawn it so good to see you back here again.🥰 I have missed your cards and I hope your health problems will allow you to do some creating, or at least come and comment on what we are up to.
  4. You have lovely tall alliums and I always like that purple color. We had those in our old house as well and white ones too, but I like the purple better. Do you keep the dried seedheads for decoration?
  5. Another nice teacup! Time is a thing I once thought I had in abundance! But it is true: the older I get the lesser I have. 🫠
  6. I didn't have layouts of this topic, so I made one and used a photo of a library and one of a bookshop, which I both found on the internet. I used cass-letterpress freebie for the title and the rest of the text is Arial rounded. The books are from antiques library clipart and the open book is by Sheila Reed and the bookbanner is from Marissa Lerin. I have been reading from the moment I could read and I put that all in the text.
  7. Nice layouts and I see quite a lot books that I have read as well!
  8. What a sweet fellow, he is curious what is happening inside and he probably knows there must be food!
  9. I see them here everywhere! When there is some small ditch with water and some grass you can find them. In my photo they went from one patch of grass to another across that busy street and that made it a bit more special.
  10. I'll keep everything🤞 crossed that it will work!
  11. Yah I know, but I have a separate SSD (solid state drive) for all my scrapbook supplies and a 2nd SSD as backup. The best part of my photos is in the iCloud as well as on the pc. Only PSP itself is on my C-drive. I'll have to think about an online backup; you on the other hand run the campus and the store, so that's something on a much bigger scale.
  12. Ann tell me! This costed me more than 2 weeks to sort out and my son had to come to the rescue as well! Now I'm seeing what I can get back in the form as downloads from previous posts for the P52 and AAM challenges. It will be small 600.jpgs but at least I know what I made for the first 14 weeks. The rest of the file where I had all the results from all the workshops is lost! But to my immens relieve the rest of all my supplies, including everything I bought over the years is fine, as well as all of the monthly challenges.
  13. Nice to see clematis doing so well! In the house we lived over 40 years before moving to the one we are living now, we tried to grow clematis many times with different varieties but due to the rather wet soil conditions we had, this never was a great succes.
  14. You see there are and we have different European geese as well, but they are threatened by the Canadians.
  15. I had a doctor's appointment in the hospital and on the busy street before the building there was a family of geese crossing the road to go from one piece of grass to the another. They walked very calmly and the parents had some trouble to keep the youngsters in line. There is a bus stop and 2 busses had to halt to let them all pass. I wasn't the only onlooker that made some photos that day. The geese are the "Grote Canadese Gans" - Branta canadensis and are some time ago more or less imported from abroad and are now very often a pain in the ass for farmers because they are eating and damaging the crops. But it was a lovely sight!
  16. Wow, I'm able to post! Here is a photo of a "Japanse Kornoelje" or Japanese Dogwood that is flowering in a garden around the corner where I live. It is a European cousin of the Mountain or Pacific Dogwood which I saw in Yosemite a couple of weeks ago. Most of our spring flowering trees or bushes like the magnolia, cherry, apple and pear are over now and the rhododendrons have suffered from all the rain we got. I didn't have had the time to make a layout with this photo, I'm just glad my pc is up and running again. The problems started when we got a lot of updates from different sources almost at once. Our Network provider installed a new connection point, then we got a modem update, a windows update, an update for the drivers of the pc. My pc is an Acer and that got an update as well. Somehow there went something wrong, but I think and hope that everything here is up and running again!
  17. Ann, lovely page and personally I am not overly fond of greens but here it just belongs!
  18. I registered too! Last year I learned a lot and it has become more easy to use vectors, but I'm sure I have forgotten many details! And we are getting extra's too which makes it even more appealing!
  19. Lecker!! and nice dymo tape!
  20. Those tartlets look delicious and isn't fun to back with the grandchildren! Mine are teenagers now and the eldest (14) is becoming more and more interested in clothes and make-up. Nowadays when I'm visiting and instead of bringing some presents, we are going shopping and they can choose something they really like. Of course I give them a budget. The youngest (12) likes to bake and we made banana bread together, where I was in charge of measuring all the ingredients. She said that was the quickest way for me to become more knowledgeable with the imperial system of cups and tablespoons etc. She is such a smart ass😉
  21. As soon as I read what the theme for this month is, I thought of a photo I took on my trip about a lemon tree. To me that is something that I never see at home, at least not as a big tree. Here it are little plants meant to go in a big container and they have to be brought indoors over the winter. In the older days when there were big estates it were plants for an orangery. The only set back for me is that now I have this earworm from the song Lemon Tree. It is a song from my youth by Peter, Paul and Mary; it is one of my favorites from that time and I will recognize it immediately if I hear the start of the music. I used the kit Sunshine Lemons from Marissa Lerin for the papers, scatter and all the elements for the cluster I made. The mask is by Jessica Dunn and the music notes came from pngwing. Fonts are Bremlin for the title and Arial rounded for the lyrics. The corner punch is one of a series of punches that I have found once on a search for interesting elements, but I have no clue where I found it in the end.
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