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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Anniedigitals has a new project Numbers and i noticed this one on time! This is the layout I did with the template for number 8. It was the first time I participated in something on her FB site, I started following her recently. I requested the #8 because my dad had something with that number, major things in his live had to do with it, like the month he was born was august, he was the 8th child, lived on #8 and I was born on the 8th of april and so on. All photos are by me and I use the free script Selection to Path that Carole mentioned in the Featured Resource blogpost in June 2024. After using that script I could run the VectorTube script to get a border with flowers around the 8. I love that Selection to Path script, it worked fantastic and I think I will be using this often!
  2. Nice! Soccer is more or less our national sport and I have been watching a lot of games. Nowadays mostly on the telly because my hubby always tries to follow the competition for the UEFA and FIFA games. For me that is getting a bit too much soccer or voetbal as we call it. Who knows with the Olympics going on now, maybe the teams of Canada and Holland will meet on the field!⚽
  3. There will be opportunities enough for us where we use similar things, we tend to think along the same lines in many cases.😉
  4. We have bank swallows too in the Netherlands; here it are migratory birds and they arrive in Spring from North Africa's Sahel region. We even have a saying that one swallow doesn't make Spring. They nestle on riverbanks or even sand piles on building sites where the builders aren't happy with them because they are a protected species. Because their numbers went down and there weren't enough places for them to nestle any longer artificial walls were build along rivers or lakes. They needs places with plenty of water where they can find small insects to feed their youngsters. In Etten-Leur, the place where I live we have such a wall, like the one in the photo and it is a great succes. It it a sheltered place where the public can't disturb them, but you can see it from a distance and of course you can see the birds flying around. The track from where you can see it is too far away to take good photos and there is a lot of greenery obscuring the view.
  5. I agree the font isn't easy, it took me a while to find a way to use it. You have made such a lovey layout with it and I didn't want to use the same dingbats in the same way, so I had to come up with something else.
  6. I haven't many photos of the beach, we like it better inland. In summer the beaches at our North Sea coast are packed with people. When we are going to the beach it is in winter to take a stroll along the waterline. My grandkids lived in Switzerland before the family moved to the States. My oldest granddaughter is adventurous and visited us for the first time on her own when she was 7! Of course minors have to be accompanied by airline staff and my daughter brought her to the airport and I met her on arrival, I had to sign a paper that I had collected her and my passport had to be checked etc. But there she was and she stayed a week. One of the days we went to show her a beach, she only knew lakes at home. Now the family goes to the pacific coast and I have been there as well, but she hasn't forgotten her first sight of the sea. I used several fonts: the jelly fish for the frame, the seagulls and 2 shells. I only wanted to use the dingbats that represent what can be found on our shores. The background is made with a couple of papers with different blendmodes and opacities until I got something I can live with. The mask is by Jessica Dunn from Into the Wild and the font is Vallentina
  7. Very ingenious and I like what I see!
  8. Well it seems this fear is universal; my youngest granddaughter had the same fear and it is only very recently that it seems to have disappeared (she is 12 by now!)
  9. Lovely layout for a "painful" story! I haven't been bitten by wasps or bees very often but reading your story almost let me feel that pain. I know that it are useful creatures and without them the world would have a big problem but, I keep my distance!
  10. Thank you and I loved my grandparents so much. I was lucky they lived to the very old age of 89 and 92, which was really old for people being born in the late 1800th. They were my maternal grandparents; my paternal grandfather had already died and my grandma just lived long enough to at least saw me when I was born. At that point she was already bedridden and my dad put me in her arms as soon as he could take me there, but of course I only know the story.
  11. I would love different prompts to trigger my memory even more and reading all this great stories from everybody brings back other memories as well.
  12. I have one tape from my dad talking with my son who stayed with them when he was about 4 years old. It s a little bit unnerving when I listen to dad's voice because it isn't what I seem to remember. People from Rotterdam have a distinctive way of speaking and I always thought that my parents had no accent; I clearly was wrong! I left Rotterdam almost 23 years ago, of course I went there often to visit and the city always feels like home to me.
  13. Julie this is superb and a lovely tribute to your mother! Btw I think Sue is almost ready for X-mas if she isn't out kayaking, riding and shooting photos that is.
  14. I tried to get one too but never got an answer, a pity because I liked them and would have loved to do one.
  15. Well Julie I have never heard of it too, but maybe that is because I live in Europe!
  16. Already day 7 and I used the template for this day. In another Story Time Workshop (or challenge as it was called) I told the story of me going to my grandparents each weekend to read the newspaper to my granddad because he couldn't read it due to severe eye problems. My gran had to read it to him every day and was glad that I came to relieve a bit of the burden. I had a strong bond with grandpa and loved to come to them. So my story continues with the lavender I started to bring for granny because she loved those blooms and the smell of them; she always had lavender soap and lotion as well. I used the kit Lavender Fields by Jessica Dunn and only the tag doesn't come from that kit. I used one of my own photos of a lavender plant which I once had in the garden and placed it in a round tag that I have in my stash by following the tutorial for this lesson, I had forgotten how to do that........ Title font is Hesthia Austine, the rest Arial
  17. Ann isn't that often the way we learn more or better when we are somewhere we hear and have to try to speak a foreign language! Sadly this isn't the case for math or physics.
  18. Nicely done! I almost used the same Wildwood Thicket and already had some papers on my template, but in the end decided to use something else. I love the work of Jessica Dunn.
  19. Donna good idea to change to character shapes and your green looks indeed like grass, at least on the resized version.
  20. Well I don't care as long as they will fix the text and textwraping problem!
  21. Day 6, but I used the template-day-5b because that fitted better with what I had in mind. I wanted to use fear for lightning as my topic for day 6 and I have a couple of overlays with a flash of lightning and this one fitted best. It is a simple page with papers from Jessica Dunn with some noise from me. The yellow flash is by Janet Kemp and where I got the lightbulb, no idea. The title font is Off War Stamp, text is ariel.
  22. Daniel you are right about no new PSP version, according to Carole that is because there were so many problems with it. We had updates on the program since and the latest update fixed most of the glitches and bugs, but created a new one with the wrapped text function and not being able to get back to edit your text. It is a real nightmare!
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