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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Wow Susan you really had fun playing with the vector tube script!
  2. Carole it looks great, congratulations and it must feel so good to see it printed after all the time and hard work you put in to it! When it is for sale on Amazon I sure intend to order a copy, although I'm not sure how soon Amazon Nederlands it will have.
  3. Mary it is in PSP! Go to Effects > Texture Effects > Soft Plastic. I played with the settings and the random function that in the end got a result that I liked. It depends a bit on the colors you use because the effect wasn't very visible on the darker colors I tried. Sadly/stupidly I didn't write the exact settings down. Hope this helps you to get something similar.
  4. I made something as a kind of label with a flower tube around the shape. Used my own initials filled with a gradient and the C has a sequins tube that I made for another project; the K has a flower tube made of an extracted flower that I did some time ago. The font for both is Beauty Smile.
  5. Ann me neither and it happened a lot too. I have written this this "trick" in my list of really important issues. Like you I always check if the Pick Tool is set correctly because that one has a mind of its own 😉
  6. @ Carole Thank you so much, praise from you means a lot to me, because it is you that taught me most of it together with other members of this community!
  7. I told that we have those geese as well and that they are becoming a pest because many of them don't migrate any longer and are staying permanently now. This morning I read in the newspaper that there had been an accident with a truck on the highway in my region. The truck wanted to swerve to avoid a family of geese that were crossing that very busy highway and the truck felled on its side along the road! The road was closed for several hours to clean up because a lot of the cargo and some oil had been spilled.
  8. This photo sums up the week we had, rain, more rain, heavy rain, a downpour, drizzle, showers (always when I'm out and about!). All this can last a full day and when we were lucky there has been a few dry spells too. On the bright side of this most plants look lush and green, but the bigger flowers droop. Everywhere there are broken branches from the trees and leaves are flying around or lie in the gutter. The forecast for the coming week gives a couple of dry days with high temperatures; we go from 17C to 28C in three days.................. Hopefully July will turn out better, the school holidays are starting.
  9. With this 5th lesson the fun is starting, at least for me. I use text on a path regularly on all kinds of projects, so no problems here. For this assignment I used a photo from a friend which I have for a long time, but never used it. I vividly remember the very first time I tried to make a postmark in the first Travel Challenge I participated in when I was a newbie to scrapbooking and the Campus. It took me for ages and I didn't understand what I was doing! Now I use postmarks very often for a date or a place and this time I played a bit with my postmark, made it in color with 2 little flowers left and right and a photo in the middle. As it is suppoost to be a postmark I used a distressed brush to give it some grunginess.
  10. Well you must have that from the Dutch because over here the weather is always and everywhere the topic of a conversation!
  11. Day 4 and I still keep it simple, nothing fancy after creating the shapes and I haven't exported them because I think I will not be using them and if I ever would want that, I know how to make them. The cut outs on my dinosaur egg are not completely round but I could adjust their sizes without a problem. After doing the tasks I have to go away from the computer, my eyes are giving me a headache if I 'm too long at the pc. In 3 weeks time when it hopefully is a bit better I'm allowed to go to the optician for new glasses. Before those are ready it will be another 2 weeks at least, so maybe by the end of July the situation will be more or less oké for the time being.
  12. And I just dream of warm and sunny weather, because over here the last 6 month have been the wettest since it is being recorded! We have one nice day and the rest of the week it is dreadful and that for months in a row! Gloomy, everybody is fed up with this weather for now; farmers are becoming desperate because the crops are rotting or not growing at all. Spinach for instance isn't available in the shops!
  13. Such a nice creature, it almost looks as a brooch. A pity that its average livespan is one week only!
  14. Save travels and see you when you are back!
  15. Michele get well 💐 soon and those vectors will be waiting for you.
  16. Ann I know the history of that "purchase" and all that came after it, when I was in school we had to learn about all this in history classes! If I ever come to your area we will meet, no doubt about that!
  17. From me a photo of a butterfly that is quite common in my part of the world, however the last couple of years the numbers of all the butterfly species are dramatically going down. This is the Atalanta on a flower, in Latin Vanessa atalanta and I believe in English it is called the Red admiral. We have a gardencenter directly in our neighborhood and there are always butterflies there and that is where I had the chance to take this photo. For the different kinds of butterflies it must be like a sweetshop over there. Our patio is very small and we do not get many butterflies and if we have some it is mostly during the day when they flutter from one plant to the other and won't sit still long enough for a photo. Early morning when they are warming up is the best moment for taking photos.
  18. Ann, nicely done and I find the historic facts of such places always very interesting, especially when there is a Dutch connection. When I was in California this year we had a wine tasting on a big vineyard on one of the trips we made. The young man that came to explain about the wines we got to taste, asked where we came from and of course I said Netherlands. Well he was delighted to hear that because his grandfather was Dutch and we had a nice conversation about it. Much to the annoyance of my son in law who is Swiss; there are not so many Swiss decedents in the States, Dutch however I find them everywhere.
  19. Day 3 and I decided not to do the leaves again because I already did them last year. However I didn't fancy the diamond extra shapes. I know it is all about exercising but I have to like it too. Instead I found a flower shape and Ivy to use. This time I had less problems with clicking and changing the node types from symmetric to cusp and back, it went rather smoothly to my own surprise. 😕
  20. Oh Jnet that is a nightmare! It will be a lot of work to login to every site and make a new password, but look at it on the bright side: you will have updated them all. Good luck!
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