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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. I'm delighted! It was the mouth with the same smile from that little girl as you have on your photo here that made me think it had to be you!
  2. Sue thank you so much! I'm still amazed by what is possible with one of the newer iPhones, of course it took time and was a bit of learning curve before I could use its full potential. At the same time there are are limitations of what I can do opposed to a good camera, but I can live with it.
  3. It would be great to see them and hopefully you have a lot to use in upcoming projects/challenges. I always like to have a good stash of new photos so I can choose what will go with a specific topic. Enjoy that day!
  4. Ann when on the campus site on FB you see to the right a square with the most recent posts, but you can see more , you have to scroll down for them
  5. Sue lovely photos on FB and enjoy all your summer activities. I can hardly wait for those new photos showcased in many new layouts.
  6. Last week I took photos on a little meadow stretch nearby and this week I went there again. Last week the thistle wasn't in bloom but already had fat buds and yesterday when I passed there on my way to the station I saw its vibrant flowers from a distance. At that moment I had to catch the train but on my way home I had plenty of time to take a couple of shots.
  7. Doves/Pidgeons are very common over here. For instance when you visit Amsterdam, our capital, on the "Dam" a big square with our national monument there are hundreds and it is now forbidden to feed them. Where I live I see and hear doves on a daily basis but they are difficult to take a photo of. We just take them for granted, more or less that is!
  8. I'm joining the "guessing game" - bottom row - third one from the right
  9. Julie that is quite an achievement and you can be proud of it! It is a good decision to send it to a place where it will be kept and available for others as well. Will that plaque be officially unveiled and if so in your presence?
  10. It is a pity that most of the libraries that have e-books are not open to people from abroad, you have to be resident in their area. Probably understandable but it means I have to buy my English e-books. Of course I can get e-books from my own library but they don't have that much in English and I have the feeling that I have read the most appealing of them already.😢
  11. Mary I love your dedication to the labs and tutorials. I just do them more haphazardly and when I need something for a particular layout I have in mind. Or one that takes my fancy😘
  12. Yes Julie he has enjoyed it but at the moment there are very few things that haven't been documented and he transferred his archive with all the stories/photos to the local history society where it will be kept and made available to the public.
  13. Julie it is so nice to be able to document the history of your village and old photos are a big part of it and make it more "real" for those who read the stories. My husband has been doing this for the small village he grew up in. A village of about 600 people and there were 4 bakeries, a grocery store, 2 elementary schools, 2 churches, a butcher, a bus service and later a garage with a petrol station. Now there live ca 1200 people and there is nothing , not even a bus!
  14. I'm very lucky our libraries offer e-books as well. In this way I can continue to read books, although not so fast as before.
  15. I think those blend modes are very often big savers of a layout that otherwise doesn't work. I use them so often.
  16. I see, but that is a how it works when you use a foreign language. However well you do it there are always those little details!!!!!
  17. Thank you Rene, I know but for me reading on my laptop doesn't work.
  18. I have always loved to read and both my parents were avid readers as well and it even went so far that on some evenings when we all had new (library) books, we didn't say a word to each other because we were emerged in our books 🤫. About 15 years ago my eye problems started and a book was no longer a good idea. Since then I read the newspaper, a magazine or a book on my tablet because it let me adjust the size and brightness of the screen. I don't like to read a book or a big article on my pc, for me that doesn't work. Over here in the Netherlands we have our own webshop called BOLCOM where you can order "everything", just like Amazon but for the Dutch market. They have their own e-reader Kobo and a Kobo-app. Now, for Carole's new book, I have downloaded the Kindle app for my iPad and can have it open next to my laptop if needed, which is something I do when working on the Lab or creative tutorials too. Besides that when we happen to have nice weather I can sit outside and read! Like Rene I have something to put my iPad on so I don't have to hold it all the time. I can write and read emails on my phone or scroll through Facebook but not for a long time.
  19. Rather essential for an aquarium!😉
  20. I just installed the Kindle app on my iPad and ordered the Kindle version! I don't want it on my pc because by having it on my iPad I can read it wherever I want. Now I just have to wait for my new glasses. Today I was at the optician's and after almost 5 month of eyedrops treatment my sight has improved and is no longer the 65% it was. It is a big relieve!
  21. This topic certainly was a trip down memory lane! It is a long time ago that I thought about my schoolyears. Surprisingly I have no memories at all about kindergarten, no photos to trigger my memory, no! Elementary however is different story. At the time I was 6 there still was a great shortish of schoolbuildings in Rotterdam in the after match of WWII and a gigantic babyboom. We lived in an area where a new school just opened its doors and it was a huge building at least for that time. It had 2 floors with grades 1,2 and 3 on the first floor and 4,5 and 6 on the second. Each grade had 2 or 3 classes with over 40 children! I was a tall and shy girl and was always placed on the backrow. I was a good student and hardly noticed by the teachers, which was fine by me! Because the school was offering after school music lessons my parents enrolled me in the course. We learned the music notations, about rhythm, instruments, practiced singing etc. The first instrument that everybody had to learn to play was a flute (recorder). I have very fond memories of those music years. When I was looking on Maps I found out, to my utmost surprise, that the building still existed and it still is a school! The only difference on the outside is that in my days there weren't sunshades. For my layout I used Carole's music sheet freebie and a stitch brush. The font is 212 music, the music staff and notes are by Janet Scott, the mask by Jessica Dunn, the flute from the internet and the metronome is a picture tube. I made the 2 wooden brads with woodburning effect.
  22. I'll hazard a guess too. You said you were one of the stoners and if you mean by that your were a fan of the Rolling Stones...... it could be the mid to end sixtieth!
  23. WOW Ann you did this rather late in your live and it shows we are never to old to learn something new! Did you take this for your work with your family's open air movie theater?
  24. V = Vallisneria an aquatic plant used in aquariums, there are a lot of different sub species but all the names start with Vallisneria.
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