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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Love all the different tables and sandwiches.  Seems like we all have favorite foodies.  Mine was roast beef (altered the original meat slice), went to the NicePng store and got lettuce (romaine), pickle, mayo, tomato sliced, onion sliced, fries; the tablecloth I made while I was obsessing over plaids (love Reflection Effect), but when the effect wouldn't work, I just pulled the rectangle down for the stripes to begin the making of the plaid.  Of course the pink and metal cutlery is just color changing.  Lots of fun.


    I now have the pictures I will use for the balance of the project.

  2. Hi, everyone.  I'm going for my 3rd time.  Don't have a "theme" set of pictures, but I will probably use great grands as subject matter (especially the young ones) or maybe something from nature such as landscapes, flowers, etc.  This is an enjoyable time spent with our teacher, Carole.


    Meant to say that I have changed my background color to white.  Found that I had changed it in a previous version to white and while using it recently, I find that I like it, so I changed my background to white in my current version: PSP 2021 Ultimate.  (still not sure of which pictures I will use).

  3. I'm going to post the one I finally finished (about an hour ago).  Papers: background is a photo that was blurred; cathedral window I created with one of the Labs; the green and blue papers were from PS but I'm not sure who and I did colorize them; date stamp is from one of the Travel Challenges redone; South Dakota leather stamp was created for the last Travel Challenge, and I used Cass gold chain picture tube.
  4. I can't believe it!  Pay no attention to what I said about the Effects>Reflection Effects>Rotating Mirror.  It is not working again.  Can't understand it.  I am using PSP 2021 Ultimate on a Windows 10 (latest upgrade) PC.  Restarting my computer doesn't help and I am NOT going to reinstall PSP again.  The result from using this effect makes the best plaid.  Does anyone else have this problem?
  5. I, for one, thank you, Carole, for this 10 day opportunity to show what we have learned with you over the past years (for me probably only 1-1/2 yrs.).  You are a great teacher - able to bring even complicated techniques down to the beginner level.  Your students, also, take the time to share techniques.  I'll share one I learned this past week with the Effects>Reflection effects>Rotating Mirror.  When you make a new image from a photo, do the Effects right away - don't do anything else to that new image - or it won't work.  I reinstalled my PSP at least once trying to make it work on an image I had opened and closed several times before discovering what the problem was.  Live and learn.


    This LO is created from Lab 6 Module 3: multiple scallops as an edging; create translucent envelope and make a card to go in it; scalloped elipse shape.  I did the experiment 2 - make a paper clip and experiment 4 creating circular shapes and brads (which was fun).  This LO: Title is Annie Tobin's alpha which she so generously shared with us, filled it with the plaid paper I created using the prairie picture.  The cluster I made for the 2021 Travel Challenge. The cream paper is my own, used masks for the 2 pictures which I took at the rest stop. The small green bow was made from Bow2 Cass script; the bow at top of card is from Gina Jones - Pretty Bird kid.

  6. Gosh - it's wonderful what you all have posted.  The overflowing class I'm going to have to investigate.


    All the layouts are beautiful - some I recognize from previous postings on the forums, but as I don't go up to Facebook very often, some I haven't seen before.


    This is my posting for Day 9 - "From Lab 6 Module 2:  create flowers, stitched alpha and a string tube; also Experiment 3 was creating a sunburst paper.

  7. My posting for Day 8 is "Green Acres"  My granddaughter, Heather, (now a mom of 4 and a Case Worker at our local hospital) was allowed to drive the tractor by our friend and she came down the hill singing the theme song from Green Acres.  This was done from <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Lab 6 Module 1</span>: Cathedral window pattern paper, puffy paint, wood frame; Experiment 1 was song lyrics or title.
  8. Have to say - everything is so inspiring - so many ideas.


    A long time ago there was a software that I shared with my granddaughter "Where in the World is Carmen Santiago?" and so I have to ask - Where in the world is Annie Tobin??  I miss you!

  9. Here is my posting for Day 7 - Lab 5 Module 12: cogwheels; arrows, QR code (didn't do that).  Experiment 1: Title on a curve; Experiment 3: color/pattern/texture (plaids); Experiment 4: sketch/template (I used a sketch with some modification.  The papers are all mine (the textured cream color and blue color papers don't show the texture so much at 600), the arrows I shortened the one made in the lab (and I recolored them too); I used one of the cogwheels to make a picture tube which I scattered on the layout.  The frames are from the PSP picture frame folder.  The masks for the photos where made with brush strokes.  Finished this last night and posted it on What Are You Working on in September 2021.


    Lovely layouts Anita.

  10. Lab 5 Module 12 (finally): make cogwheels (did all the different shapes but am only using one which I put in a picture tube), make arrows (did the 2 color arrow - long, and cut it for the LO), Experiment 1: title on a curve; Experiment 3: create a plaid paper from the picture.  All the papers and elements I created.  Unfortunately at 600 pixels it's hard to see the texture and twirl and star underlay on the yellow paper or the blue paper.
  11. My computer has been flaky today.


    So, I'm late on day 6 with posting.  This is Fishing Buddies - Lab 5 Module 11: Chevron pattern paper, cutout word, punched our and scalloped border ribbon.  This was a lot of fun - definitely not like today!



  12. Day 5 - I'm posting pics done from the Labs.  This one is also Lab 5 - Mod 10 and is Experiment 1 - to use 3 different texts.  The sample used 5 different ways to use a computer and so my take was 5 different ways to enjoy music.


    Have to say - everyone is posting some great layouts - so many different ways to use the same tuts - we learn so much from your inspiration, Carole, and from each other also.



  13. Yes, Carole - I can't imagine doing without layers now!


    So here is my day 4 layout - Lab 5, Mod 10. Learning about drawing with a string and saving the string as a brush (think I should have used it when making letters instead of trying to draw the stitches on the letters); making a tube (love that and have used it a lot!), crayon drawing as an edge to a paper or ? - saved it as a png and have tried to recolor it several times as that is what I love to do!!.  Posted this sometime in 2020 or early 2021?

  14. My 1st 1 for today (and my only one, I think).  This was created from Lab 5 Mod. 9: polka dot paper, text paper, eyelet ribbon and how to make a metallic eyelet.


    Believe this was the first thing I did when I purchased the Diamond Membership - which I thoroughly enjoy!  Thanks Carole for your leadership and help all these years - even though I really only enjoyed all of this since somewhere around the beginning of 2020 or maybe the end of 2019.  I had been enjoying PSP Ultimate for several years before that, but had never really understood layering - had been working in restoring pictures (pixel by pixel in some cases!).

  15. Using Text Wrapping With PaintShop Pro, I created this layout.  Posted it in What Are You Working on in August 2021. Today though, I've been trying to wrap my head around the instructions for "Puffy Paint".  Thanks, Carole, for the help - the new alphabet was much improved from the last attempt.
  16. Cindy Harris - also praying for your grandchild - for some reason it is hitting the children this go round.  Sorry for the loss of your granddad, aunt, uncle and cousin.  Glad you are with us.
  17. Not sure if this answers the rules, but Love Challenge was a great learning experience for me.  This is the result of Day 2 of the Love Challenge in 2020.  I learned how to make a plaid background from a picture, masking, adding a white layer under the background and lowering the opacity, using framing techniques on the background, using an element from the template.  Probably utilizing other things I had learned from the basic scrap course also.
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