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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. I'm impressed with the posting of the trip layouts.  Seems you all have a different idea in mind this time round.  I signed up as I really enjoy the Travel Challenge.  However, after getting home from our 3 week trip (which Laurie will showcase), we spent the past week with a big move that, Lynda, just like moving out, we ended up with Goodwill, trash, and "do you want this?" Things are finally settling down, and though it is day 3 tomorrow morning, I haven't firmly decided on which trip I will showcase this time.  It may be another trip that my daughter, Anna, and I took either in 2018 or 2019.  Or maybe I will showcase one I took 2 granddaughters on way back when to South Dakota and Wyoming.  Anyway.  You all are doing fantastic.  Really enjoy perusing your layouts.


    Annie, as usual you are so unique - love how your layout leads the eye to the right and what comes next!


    Anne - great display - like the background!


    Ann - I enjoy detective stories and am looking forward to your fantasy trip!


    Minka - 2 good layouts and small trips are always good.

  2. Michele – love your bubble gum layout – everyone is using those 5 frames of Cassel – I’ll have to try them.


    Lynda – cool word art and using a black background – shows up the colors so well.


    Annie – your surf board layout is neat.  I love colors.


    Everyone has been working and doing.


    Ann – I’m sure the wedding went fine – our best wishes to the bride and groom.


    We’ve had a good trip – saw relatives old and new – Joe & Laurie got to wander around in the snow on top of a mountain.  We  did go to the badlands and the garden of the gods and a small park near the North Platte River.  And of course on the way we stopped in Mitchell, SD to see the Corn Palace – always stop there on our way to the relatives in SD.  All in all was grand and we are on our way home.  My plan is to work up the trip like the Travel Adventure of 2020 only I’ll do more pages.  Laurie and I each took a “zillion” pictures.

  3. Ann - a lot of fun with your word art!


    Sue - we're up in South Dakota and on our way home from Church I saw a billboard with that sign.  Great thought!


    I've taken a zillion pictures, but haven't had time yet to play with my PSP although I've brought it along.

  4. Sue, Bonnie, Lynda - great layouts.  Sue, love that Harris Sparrow layout.  You seem to be laying off the plaid papers!


    I am on the trip - we are headed in the RV to South Dakota to visit relatives.  I am not driving and not navigating (although I did navigate some on the 1st day).  As I said some time back in May, I am still in kindergarten and working in Lab 6 (there are 12 modules).  I finished what I will do with Lab 6 Mod1 - Cathedral Window paper, puffy paint, wood frame with a mitered corner.  So I did Cathedral Window paper in several colors and reduced the windows because I don't like the big windows.  The puffy paint I made a complete alphabet and finally accepted it, but I find that I am going to have to increase them in size.  I made them in red, but I am happy to say that I can color them for each layout I use them - this time they're green.  The frame I made using photos of the furniture in my room! Then I saved one in brown, one in grey, and one in light grey.  I did install them in my picture frame folder for PSP and also one in picture frames in my scrapbooking stash.  the 2 small papers are from Gina Jones Pretty Bird kid.

  5. I have a problem that maybe someone can help me with.  I work upstairs on my pc and downstairs and on trips on my laptop.  In order to keep everything the same in both places, I use a USB stick.  And the folder,"New Things", is to cover anything I download or create on my laptop that I need to put in my stash upstairs.  Well on 4/22/21, I put a script in "New Things" that I have no idea what it is for.  It is called: "Spring Greenery 3.pspScript"  Any suggestions???? I know it is not a picture tube because they are not "psp.Script".  But if it was a brush, there would be a corresponding "Spring Greenery 3.PSPBrush".  And it is not a picture frame.  If it is truly a script, WHAT DOES IT DO???
  6. Cindy, love your duck/chicken. Neat story to go with the layout.


    Cristina, you're making me hungry. Love the colors.


    Annie, always like your colorful Australian birds.  Bad Hair Day really intrigues me with, not only the bird, but the colors you used in your layout.

  7. Wow, Joe.  Love your 3 layouts, but my favorite is Nature's Colors, as I love the sky and beautiful sunsets and sunrises, but also clear blue skies and also fluffy clouds.  Storm clouds are awesome, though.
  8. Sue: I hope it's OK, I am impressed by what you did with Brown Thrasher.  There are several ways to focus on a particular item in a photo, but that is something I've never tried since I'm new to masks.  So, I copied that pic and your description as something to try and something to think about.  Love it.


    Michele:  Always love how you handle photos for your daily pic with your group.



  9. Oh, my - wonderful layouts.


    I'm counting this as finishing up with Lab 5 Mod 12.  Started out with one of the layouts from that module, but was never satisfied with it so changed it up to have the 3 small pics hanging from a rope.  Sorry, my hand is not that steady tonight and so the rope is not "tight" but "flapping in the breeze".  Originally had a dark brown background with a green paper strip under the large picture and a blue paper strip on the right top to bottom.  I wanted to change the blue strip to have some depth and played with the metallic blue gradient and when I put it on the layer over all the other papers - Wow - I knew that that was all I needed.  I did do the arrow and cogwheels from that Module, but I haven't used them yet.  This is it and I will now move on in "kindergarten" to Lab 6.

  10. Lynda - I don't believe it!  I started singing that to my son and daughter-in-law just yesterday!!!!!


    Love your display of the places in this good old USA you've been to.  Don't you just love The Corn Palace - Mitchell, SD is always our stop when visiting relatives in SD.  There's a great French Restaurant there!  Imagine that in the middle of SD.  And, The Grand Canyon - stupendous!

  11. Laurie - loved that last layout because mainly of the text.  What a year.  The pics were good for demonstrating the ordinary things we take for granted.  Really liked the bird egg!


    Annie Tobin- I agree with everyone else - Australia has such a beautiful diversity of colorful birds.  You showcase them beautifully.


    Ann Seeton - How beautiful that layout for the migratory birds.  One of the things I've noticed (as I believe many have) is that the "Canadian" Geese have become the "Memphis" Canadian Geese and our city is not the only place where they have decided to settle down and not migrate any more.

  12. I agree, Ann - really neat.  Love playing, but it takes time.


    I played around with making patterns for ribbons again and came up with a pattern I used for this ribbon.  I used the tutorial to create a scalloped ribbon in Lab5 Mod11 and make a scalloped top also.



  13. I've spent a day figuring out how to color the ribbon pattern without having to color the whole thing stroke by stroke.  The pattern is a repeated pattern - just about an inch and a half repeated.  So, I took out just that and created a new image with it.  Copied that image and colored it, saved it as a pattern, opened a new image 3600 x 300 and flood filled it with my pattern.
  14. I, too, bought heaps of scripts, Annie.  In fact I went up both on the 22nd and the 23rd.  Started to play last night, but had to quit.  Learned a bit about playing with gradients, though.  I'm working through the labs also.  Really didn't like the template, thought I did learn how to cut out circles from different papers (what I originally put behind the 2 top papers (Lab5 Mod11-d).  I played around with inner bevel and chisel for the frame and picture - that was interesting and my real learning from that lab.  The picture I chose I thought didn't work well on that template, so I modified it and this is what I came up with.
  15. This layout is from Lab 5 Module 11 - using the template given at the end of the pdf.  I changed my mind so much I'm not sure I remember where I got the papers, the stickers with the greenery and heart are from April Umbrella Weather kit, the frame for the picture is a paper from Helpful from Rush Ranch.  I recolored all the papers except the frame to match colors in the picture.  I played with making the picture deeper in the frame with Inner Bevel and the paper frame to look deep with Chisel.
  16. I like that idea, Fiona, and that is a beautiful start.


    My posting is for the last one in my set of layouts of my trip with my brother which was started in March.  This time I needed to go with the mask we had used in the Love Challenge.  The reason being that I wanted my best picture of the Red Rock Canyon as the centerpiece and nothing else was working out.  So this is it.



  17. Michele - That is great - actually both of them, but I especially like the sequin one FABULOUS!  I always like what you post for the Fabulous Divas!


    Ann Seeber - How clever is that one for the Beatles - WOW!


    Bonnie: always enjoy your pickleball layouts.  Thanks for the layout - I did download it and will have to think about using it.  I especially liked the blue one with the pic at an angle.

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