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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Raymond, so glad to see you back. I especially like your Salt Lake Grill layout. But, Easter with Jesus is great too. I think I know where you got the two bunnies and I've seen that pic of Jesus in many places. Good for you! Are the 2 children your grandkids? They're sure sweet.


    Ron, I like your Project 5. Now, who is the recruit?

  2. Annie, I am amazed with what you do!  The font is beautiful- and you created it!!! You are certainly one talented lady.


    I want to comment on what the rest of you have done and are doing in these last days of March. (My, TIME FLIES!)


    However, I learned the hard way that if you leave the page you are on, your note in progress goes away.  Maybe I'll learn how to get around it some day.

  3. Thanks, Sue. It sure is great what we are learning from each other. I have yet to "help" anyone. But, hey, I will go back to the Labs and see what I can come up with. One of the things I learned from the labs is to make a tube with an element that begins small and increases in size (to a limit) before it goes back to small again. I did it with red hearts.
  4. Project 5. Finally complete. Kit used was Songbird So Thankful. Thanks, Carole, for all the freebies. The background, blocks, paper behind the photos, heart button, puffy clip were all from the kit. However, the background was from Pixel Scrapper - Jessica Dunn - and I colored it coral. The title is Schneidler Blk BT and the texture I used was PSP's Pattern 3D Waves. The descriptive text is Segoe Script. I know I used 3 pics instead of 1, but I needed to do that for the set I have been working on. I will do another 3 picture project similar to what we have been doing because we also went to the south rim of the Grand Canyon and down Red Rock Canyon before we went to the Glass Bridge. When I do it, I will post it on what are you doing in April.
  5. So now to Project 4 and only one more to go. Continuing on with the Rte. 66 trip with my brother in 2014. The background and the striped paper is from Helpful from Rush Ranch. The dark paper I created. The ribbons are from Cass Fire & Ice (I changed the color on the duplicated ribbon). The car is from my stash; the butterflies are from a PSP picture tube and each one is on a separate layer. The scatter beads are also from Helpful from Rush Ranch. The title is Kneware Outline 72, the description is Segue Script 14.


  6. Hi, everyone. Well, I'm back and now am only on Project 3 of Bootcamp. Lots of stuff seem to interfere. Well, I will concentrate tomorrow on Project 4 and 5. Tried to keep to the picture connected with the project. I'm trying to keep to the theme I've chosen - trip to the Glass Bridge with my brother in 2014. Seems I am using different background papers (including the color of the background papers) for each project. But I guess that is OK. Something new I learned this time (guess I missed it last time) and that was instead of making a rectangle on the paper, make the rectangle where you want to put it on the main project and while keeping the paper or tile open, choose pattern in the pallet and pick it out of the list and flood fill the rectangle on your main project. Neat. I have been a favorite of Ctrl + Y ever since I learned it. What a time saver - just have to be careful that you are working with the same kind of object as the previous one.

    Again, everyone has posted such neat projects. Love the forum - we are sharing ideas as we post.

  7. Okay. Finally here is Adventure - Project 2?? I've lost track. Maybe I am getting too picky. got some help from Rookie??? Laurie on this one. Don't remember exactly what I've done since this has been a work in progress for too long!!

    Love all that has been posted since I last posted. Everyone's doing GOOD.


    Incidentally, The Glass Bridge is on the Hualapai Indian Reservation. The bridge is actually acryllic and not glass. They make you take off your shoes and put on booties that will not scratch the surface. You see down, down, down into the canyon where the Colorado River is just before making the bend into the border between Arizona and California. It was awesome! They also have a mock up of an old western town at the same place. There was a singing cowboy there who played some of the OLD western songs just for me. Loved it.

  8. Wow! Everyone's been so busy and wonderful results. I'm still working on Day 5 (Adventure). But I will show you what I did work on - what Laurie referred to as "top picture". I had started to work on that last year but was unhappy with the results and I was too new at that time to make my own papers. However, now I know how to do plaid paper working with colors in the photo, so this is what I came up with. OOpps! No shadows. So 1st pic has the shadows.
  9. I will show you what I have been working on for my daughter. She wanted a picture to be cropped and made into a 5X7 to put in a particular frame. Since a square will not fit in a rectangular frame, I used scrapbooking skills (and Cassel's corner punches) for the final product. As you can see from the original picture, after cropping to the main subjects against the white part of the background, I had to clone out the hand, bottle, etc. on the ledge in back of them. Oops! after that there was no top of the ledge to match the other side! So copy that side's ledge and put it on the other side as a mirror image. So the 2nd image shows what I ended up with.
  10. I think I am on Day 3. Anyway, this is my response to "New Kid On the Block". Carol, I think I will go along with your suggestion to do a book of the pics. My brother and I took a trip "on Route 66" beginning in St. Louis, not Chicago, ILL. to the northwest end of Arizona in 2014. He wanted to walk on the "glass bridge" over the Grand Canyon that is in that corner. This was on his bucket list.

    I used the picture taken by another couple who were doing the Route 66 thing also. Background was from a kit by Marissa Lerin - the Good Life, Feb. 21 - also the bead scatter which I duplicated in the top right corner. The car was from my stash with the car colored black this time. The other element was from Marissa Lerin but not in the kit. I tried to keep to just what was shown in the tutorial, but I did put a frame on the background. I love color changing, so I changed the background color from light brown to a green from the picture. Oh, and I put a frame on the picture also.

  11. Lynda - really enjoy all that you post.  Loved the picture of the flowers with the background of sky - I too take pictures of the sky and the ground and the street parking lot, etc. because I think they will make great background pics.  Originally I was taking them for the work I do in Corel's Video Studio but now also for Paint Shop Pro.  I used to take care of the photos in PSP and then bring them into Video Studio to use, so learned some of the tools in PSP, but this scrapbooking with Carole is really challenging and I am learning a few more things to do in it and maybe to use in Video Studio too.


    Michele - love your Fab Divas pictures.

  12. Well, OK. Looks like we are all getting creative with the sandwich and the plate. I did also. Ann Seeber - how did you color the plate white and the edge red? I haven't learned that trick yet!

    I changed everything up: No meat or onions as I chose a cheese sandwich on toast with Miracle Whip (I like it better than mayo). I put coffee in the cup and changed the cutlery to silver (grey from the Cool Neutral color palette and adjusted it with hue 0, saturation 25 & lightness 15 and saved that setting as a preset); I changed the dinnerware to white porcelain (but note my msg to Ann Seeber - would have liked to change the rims to silver but I don't know how to do that!)

    The table cloth is white damask - pattern Corel 08-018 (I think it was called floral) and put a white layer underneath and changed the opacity to 46. Oh, the cheese was created on a vector layer - rectangle.

  13. OK. I changed my workspace to medium grey whereas before I had been using dark grey. I think I will try this change to see how I deal with it as we work on the Bootcamp project. I always use a ruler on my images and projects as it helps me get things in perspective. I changed the layers palette to floating - I had always used as docked but sometimes it gets in the way and this way I will be able to move it around. I am not sure what pictures I will use for the Bootcamp, but I had reserved quite a few when I was doing the Love Challenge and so I will probably use some of them that were not used in the Love Challenge. I am uploading 2 that I will possibly use. One is a view of the Route home to Memphis on a trip we took in 2007 and he other one is of Joe, Laurie & Lucy on a snowy day in 2019.
  14. Sue, I just wanted to say that I really loved your project with the red finch - really beautiful. Thank you for your offer of your lace-edged mask. I am working on birthday and anniversary cards and it can really come in handy. Also, thanks for your description of how you did your mask. Can't thank you enough.


    Thanks to all of your for your beautiful layouts - I am really glad to belong to this group. I wanted to comment last night on each of your projects, but when I went to a previous page, my post had been deleted. Just want to tell each of you that you have some lovely designs. I remember Lynda's Fresh Market which was wonderful bulletin board. I believe Minka had something also that i really liked before I lost my post.


    March starts this Monday. What are you doing in February really brought a lot of people in including some of the Tut/Tech Challenge. I believe this post really belongs in that forum, but here I am just before going to sleep. Supposed to get my second Covid vaccine tomorrow morning early and i sure don't want to miss it. So, Good Night, Ladies!

  15. Everyone is having a ball in February.  All the projects displayed are wonderful and show so much imagination (and expertise, I might add)!


    I am finally finishing Lab 5, module 10 with experiments 1, 2, & 3: use polka dots, ribbon stitch tube & 3 fonts. The background I created in Love Challenge (polka dots), the Title font is Pristina, the description is Batang Che, the titles beside the graphics are Cursive Serif; the papers behind the graphics are: Cassel blue music sheet & Gina Jones Pretty Bird paper; the daisy element is from Pixel Scrapper Marissa Larin.  The graphics: Composing & Arranging are from Readers Digest Christmas Song Book; Playing and Recording are free clip art from Clipart-Library.com; Listening is a picture of my record player.  I again used staff, and music notes & symbols picture tubes from Cassel.

  16. I'm back at the beginning - Lab 5 Module 10: create stitch brush, create crayon overlay, create picture tubes.  So I did what was suggested except I cannot draw a heart even with the tablet!! so my stitch pattern is just a swirl or 2 or 3.  I used Cassel's heart mask-01 which was a freebie in the Love Challenge (had to go back to the directions in Day 1 of the Love Challenge to work with the mask, but I finally got it). Tubes were interesting to make and did not come out as I expected, but I went with what I got.  I actually created 3 tubes all with hearts obtained from Pixel Scrapper: mostly Marissa Laren and one from Elif Sahin.  The eyelets in the project were created from those obtained from Pixel Scrapper: Marissa Laren and Rachel Martin.  The font for the title is Glamlips and for the description is Gigi.
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