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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Thanks, Annie - always appreciate your comment.  Part of the problems I was facing with all of this project, is that "old photos never die, they just fade away!"  But I am continuing on.  The next page will be about a really good stop in SD called Bear Country and I researched it on "St. Google" so that I will also post the history of it.  Really a unique place.
  2. Michele - WOW!!!


    This is page 12.  Struggled with this one - not sure why, but I really "stuffed" my pc and had to restart it several times in order to get through this one.  I think the history must be several miles long!  The only real difference this time is re-discovering that the rectangle has many shapes!! and so I have an elipse for the golden bull mask.  I also added a tag this time to write on - it's from Rush Ranch.

  3. OK, Page 11.  this was fun and I am getting better with masks.  This was my first attempt at creating a cluster: the scatter and background splash  is from ap-dandelinewishes, and the rest is from PSBT June DB Magnolia; the logo for Storybook Island came from their website.


    Ann - that is a beautiful look at summer!

  4. Page 10.  The panoramic view of the gold mine was made from 3 shots I took while there and then photo stitched with a program from Canon.  The gold nuggets and rocks are from NicePng and the miner is from ClipArt Library. The gold chain on the leather tag of SD is from Cassel.  All else is the usual on these pages.
  5. Finished page 9.  Did the postcard and stamp using the state flower of SD jpg as my stamp.  Worked hard on the 5 masks - each separate this time and getting a frame around each of the masks, cutting my paper behind the masks.  Still a learning curve for me.  Nothing really new except the postcard and stamp.  Oh, yes, the enamel heart I got from PS some time ago.



  6. Michele - always love your take of the day for the Fabulous Divas!


    Shirley - That picture of Charlie is winsome.  Those bubble balls decorating the layout are great.


    Karen - I especially enjoyed your "Spaghetti" layout!


    Corrie - Enjoy your postings.  Loved your Travel Challenge - as was noted, the history lesson was great.  Especially like this posting of the Lime tree - beautifully done.


    I guess I will finish my Travel Challenge here as I am still working on it - will end up with about 18 pages and am considering on getting it printed as a book.  It was a fun, whirlwind trip with my daughter and her 2 oldest children - a long time ago.

  7. Page 8 - the purple frame is from PS-Marissa Lerrin (it was blue originally), the pasque flower is the state flower and I extracted it from a photo and now have it as an element (png). The mask I made with the eraser tool (don't quite remember how to do it with the paint brush???), the 3 bottom pictures are in masks also but I put the 3 of them on 1 mask (didn't know it but that is how you put a picture through 3 masks) and so I had to shuffle the pictures around so that they didn't overlap each other!  This one has been quite a learning experience about masks.  I decided to put the SD leather tag with this picture.
  8. Yes, Carole - but life has a way of doing just that!  Well, I did change all the cars to the red car just so the story would have continuity in the elements.  I really have learned a lot from you and so appreciate it as do all of us!!!!


    This is page 6 and the story will continue - the corn cob (singular) did come from a Thanksgiving group of clip art I think from Corel at some point in time.  I combined 3 of them into a group and colored them each differently before grouping them together and then merging them so that I could shadow them.  This was fun.  The font, papers are the same throughout.  The next page will be in Mitchell, SD also, but across the street - at the time we made this trip it was a doll museum which of course we had to go and see also as Victoria was only 7 at the time.  I won't get to the postage stamp and postcard until we actually arrive in Spearfish - clear across the state and next to Wyoming.  But -- the story will continue after that as we visited a lot of places in that short time in and around Spearfish, Rapid City and even into Wyoming -- before heading back to Memphis.  Whew!  I think we only had 10 days total time because both my daughter, Anna, and I were working full time.

  9. I've been using the blue car clip art on my Travel Challenge, but discussing the trip with my son this morning, I got to thinking that I didn't buy the blue car which I travelled with all over the country until 2000, but I had bought the red Acclaim in the late fall of 1988 and so that is what I travelled in in 1989!  So, I am changing my cars from blue to red but I will not repost, only continue on with the red car!
  10. This is my page 5 layout; leather tag is the outline of Iowa and the state flower is the design withing.  The name of the state and the name of the flower are printed on the tag - not embedded.  the button was from PS and color changed, I think I learned how to "thread" the yarn through the button holes and the hole in the tag by putting different parts of the yarn on different layers.  Of course the yarn is a picture tube.  I used Cassel's punches on the fore and aft edges of the paper which is my stash, the cowboy hat and boots are in my clip art stash - got them eons ago probably from Microsoft.  I did create another state leather tag for South Dakota which will be on maybe the next page.
  11. It seems my comment disappeared, but here goes again.  Gerry - I LOVE Huntsville.  That was the first place I wanted to visit when I started to do a lot of travelling in 1988.  I took 2 of my grandchildren there to the Space Center and then we also got to tour the Red Stone Arsenal.  Me and my family (children and grandchildren and finally my brother) went there many times and through the years it changes up the displays - but always informative.  When I took 3 other grandchildren there, probably about 1994 or 1995, we also visited the city park which is beautiful.  I am a space nut (as you can probably tell) and James Michner's novel (Space) is a well-written historical novel about the development of the space program as it settled in Alabama.  On another note, my family also enjoys the beach on the southern coast of Alabama.  Beautiful state!
  12. Campus comments surely are acting up as some of mine are missing.  Oh, well.  How wonderful to see the creativity and I agree that Annie is our special notater - always gives us encouragement with kind and helpful comments.  Annie, I also enjoy you gifting us with your history, geography, flora and fauna of Australia and New Zealand.  Sue - love your animal and insect layouts - always presented in a beautiful manner (and you use so many of the wonderful scripts and helps that Carole creates.  Carole - wonderful that you can now spend more time with your daughter and grandson.  Xavier is a cutie! Michele - always welcome your layouts for the Divas!  Shirley - you have really been working hard for your daughter's scrapbook.  Lovely layouts you show to us.


    So many beautiful layouts this month - not all are here, though - some are in the Challenges and facebook as well.

  13. And here is page 4.  Again - made a png out of a jpg of the Holy Spirit.  The arrow and flowers was a clipart from I'm not sure where.  I lived with my brother and parents in the north part of St. Louis 1942 through 1948.  So in 1989 everything had changed - but the house had not changed - only the school and church.  At the time I lived there, the church and school were in the same building, but that building had been torn down and the ones shown replaced them; the church was built about 1949 and the school building probably in the 60's.  The school clip art was probably from Microsoft.
  14. Dear Annie - thanks for your comments.  Our internet has been very flakey today and I hope that this time I can complete what I was saying at the time the internet went down last.  The travel challenge I thought would be a breeze this time, but it hasn't.  However, I have learned a few new things and learned again what I had forgotten (such as splitting the double page)!  I am working today on the 2nd double page (what I consider pages 3 and 4).  While doing it I learned how to use the smart selection brush to pull a part of a photo out and save it as a png to use in several different places.  I also experimented with creating a date stamp and this time I created it with a separate layer for the top text, the bottom text as well as the middle text.  Now I can use the pspimage for different kinds of stamps!!


    This is page 3 and this time it does have the shadows!

  15. OK - Laurie helped me to split and here is the result.  The basic background and 2 papers on top will be used throughout this project.  The background is a google map of the middle of the country; the next paper is from Pixel Scrapper - Janet Kemp; the next paper is my creation (gradient green); the ribbon is from PS -Marisa Lerin; the clipart cars are my stash; the background paper for the 2 displays are my stash; the June 1989 stamp is the freebie from Cassel; the state silhouettes are from silhouettegarden.com colored by me; the date stamp on page 2 was created by me with the top text, bottom text and center year saved as a pspimage and all 3 are updateable; the arrow was color changed and is by PS-Marissa Lerin; the font used in all the descriptions is Bodoni MT Black, except Arial is used on the states.
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