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Mary Solaas

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Posts posted by Mary Solaas

  1. Oh, my!  Everything posted today looks wonderful.  Liz - now I see why you mentioned mermaids!!  Like your posting.


    This is my Project 2.  The adventure was a trip we took in 2008.  All the papers are mine, the font is CooperBlkOul BT for the title and of course Arial Black for the narratives.  Oh, and the elements are mine also.  Love working through the labs - Carole has so much to teach us!  Thank you, Carole.

  2. Yes, Carole - I really wasn't happy with the birds "stamped" on the 2 layers of paper.  Thanks.  I went back and changed it to 1 bird and moved the picture down a bit so that the stamped bird was only on the cream layer.



  3. I'm going with places I've been.


    The birds are from NicePng.  The fonts for the title are: Amazone BT, Arial Black, AR JULIAN.  The papers are mine.  Love seeing what every one has posted - so many different interesting ideas.

  4. Well, I'm really late this time, but a lot has happened at home - Covid again with one of the kids (and she was vaccinated too).  At least she is not experiencing too many bad symptoms.


    I did finish the sandwich and table.  This time I made a red and white checked tablecloth.  Also changed the sandwich this time to a hamburger (yummy) - thanks to NicePng for the clipart. Still wanted french fries with it and the special mayo.  Decided to have hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows this time.  Experimented with a separate shadow layer for the mayo this time as the tube is more full near the top so I used the perspective to pull it out a bit.  Had fun adding the marshmallows to the hot chocolate (at first the marshmallows were so big that they overpowered the cup!  Then I remembered that I had used the F11 key last time I used the paint brush and so had to tone that down.  Anyway, all the ingredients were bought when I went to the store (played the shopping game in one of my last layouts - lol).



  5. I do shadows on masked photos by first being satisfied with the mask group, then merging the group.  After you merge the group you can move the group around on your layout with the pick tool, but you can also add borders, add shadows, etc. because you are treating it as the photo itself in that size (however, after the merge you can use the pick tool to resize it also).


    Love the layout after blurring the background.  You are doing great!

  6. Thanks, Lynda.  It actually was fun once I decided where to go with it.  I have saved the game board as a template in case I want to have a go at it again as Carole suggested.


    I just finished Lab 7 Mod 2 (my OCD makes me take it from the beginning and work my way up (LOL)).  This one had me for a while as I couldn't think of why I would want scratched paper!  But I decided to make a wood paper that looked old and then "distress" it (scratch it).  So that's my background. The loopy frame I think needs work or maybe have a go at it again (it uses my nemisis - the pen tool).  The grungy edge was fun to make and I colored it and used it as a frame for the picture.  The ribbons on the green paper (picot edge) and the scalloped ribbons combined with the striped ribbon are all mine as well as the papers.  The text (both title and narrative) are Bahnschrift SemiBold.

  7. This is the 4th bootcamp!?! I've participated in.  Always something to refresh the knowledge base.  Haven't changed my workspace since the 1st or 2nd bootcamp:


    Workspace: complete and light grey, background: medium grey.


    Palettes: Material palette, layers palette, tool option palette - all docked.  Rulers and guidelines are on and snap to guides is checked.


    Pictures I have decided on are mostly landscapes and flowers that I have taken pictures of or have been taken by some of my relatives in South Dakota - but some are mine of SD.  I'll post one of them.

  8. Fiona - that was interesting using the seed head for the background.


    Anne Lamp - love your layout, too.  Interesting to take a picture of your camera and use it in the layout.  Looks kind of like mine - Canon EOS Rebel T7i.


    Really enjoyed each of the layouts - unique ideas from everyone.



  9. Lab 7 Mod 1 - As you can see I am ready for Alphabet C.  Completed the concentric rectangles and did them in several different colors.  The photo mosaic I did as a template using masks for each of the pictures.  The filled text alpha I used was Bernhard Tango BT.  All of the papers and elements are mine.  The font for the title is Britannic Bold and for the narrative is Arial Black.  There were 2 different ribbons used in the displays and I played around with them each in several different colors.  Fun again, but it is late and I'm heading to bed.
  10. I, too, love it Minka!  I did live in upper Michigan on the Lake Superior border and experienced snow as you are showing, during my high school years.  Loved it then, but it got old around about May.  Yes, I remember my cousin graduating from high school in May and there was snow on the ground!  We don't get much snow here in Memphis, and even when it's predicted, we generally miss it.  My husband used to say we had a dome over Memphis!  Snow is predicted tonight (along with the rain) and looking at the radar we probably will get some mixed with the rain.


    Your layout is beautiful!

  11. Love what each person has in mind for the Alphabet Challenge.


    My letter B is for my Brother, Beer, and Budweiser - we took a tour of St. Louis in 2013 and one of the stops was the Budweiser Brewery.  A really interesting tour as we got to see how beer is made in a modern brewery and got some of the history of Budweiser.  We did get to see a Clydesdale, but I saw more Clydesdale horses (younguns) at the Busch Gardens in the middle of St. Louis on another trip there.    The papers are mine.  The beer glasses are from a PSP tube.  The title is my stitched B and the font is Brush 455 BT; the narrative is Arial.  Lots of fun and I'm ready to continue on with the Alphabet Challenge.



  12. Finally finished Lab 6 - Mod 12.  Gaming!  Well, I couldn't think of anything to game; then I thought of shopping for the ingredients we'll use in Scrap Bootcamp (at least the first project).  Soooo - this is it.  I've now done my shopping.  Are you ready?? I'm looking forward to another round of Scrap Bootcamp.


    The clip art is from NicePng and the condiments are copyrighted by Homemade-Preschool.com - they originally were black and white and I colored them with the paint brush tool.  The font on the spinner is Bodini MT Black and the title font is Glam Lips.


    Carole - I hope it's OK that my gaming is in preparation for Scrap Bootcamp.


    Woops!  Again - need to look at the project before it's saved!  I didn't have the tablecloth text on it!  Here goes again.



  13. So nice to have you back, Lynda.


    This is Lab 6 Mod11.  All my own papers and elements (including the spider).  The font is AR HERMAN.  The white font in the arrows are Arial Black.   Making the spider web was with the pen tool - my nemisis; however, with the video on the second monitor (courtesy of my great grandson, David and his sister, Annabelle) I conquered it.  That pen tool has been very difficult for me to use.



  14. Oh, Ann - I love to read too.  Before last year I had physically 2000 books and was looking at buying more when my people told me I did not have enough room for any more books and maybe I might consider getting rid of some.  Well, I also have Kindle books too.  But - I did get rid of 1000 books (boo hoo) but some went to our library which resells some they are given, and to some of my friend groups which greatly appreciated them.


    I notice Rex Stout and Agatha Christie on your layout.  2 of my favorite authors!

  15. Carole - I have always liked a "real" wood floor.  It's so much fun with you in PSP 2022 Ultimate.  Looking forward to tomorrow's webinar; hopefully I won't get caught up in something before 4pm my time.


    I may still be in kindergarten, but I am enjoying it and will take it one Lab and Module at a time.  As to wood, I did follow the instructions for this wood floor and it really turned out swell.  When I did the wood mitered frame in an earlier lab, I took a picture of the wood high boy in my bedroom as the fill for the wood.  That wood frame went fine and I created several different wood frames, putting them in the PSP folder for picture frames since they conform to the picture being framed.

  16. Finished the last element/paper in Lab 6 Mod 10 - the parquet floor.  Made it in several colors and reduced the opacity in this layout so it wouldn't overpower the picture.  Used all the elements created in this module: doily, parquet floor, chevron paper.  All the elements, papers, cluster are mine.  the ribbon and bow were created with one of Cassel's scripts.  Experimented with the "fun tool" - the mesh warp.  Also created several colors of the multi-colored chevron paper using different backgrounds.  Only created 1 doily, but may have to go back later on and do some more.
  17. This is my take on Lab 6 Mod 10 (also posted on Alphabet Challenge).  It has all of the elements taught except the parquet floor - I may do that in another LO.  All the papers and elements are mine in this LO.  I am thinking I will continue to use the stitched alpha Cassel taught us to make in one of the earliest labs for the balance of the Alphabet Challenge.
  18. Rene - loved your layout for Neil Armstrong.  I am a "space nut".


    Corrie - great layout and decision for your 26 layouts.


    Carole - Sebastian really got into the painting didn't he!


    I have started listing possibilities for my "alphabet soup".  Could really do about 5 or 6 groups once I started listing the possibilities.  That's the problem.  But I think I will go with either my daughter or my great granddaughter as the A.

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